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Senin, 23 Januari 2023

Contoh Sederhana Surat Kuasa Khusus Perdata Tergugat


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform www.hukumindo.com telah membahas mengenai "Mohammad Yamin dan Kiprahnya dalam Dunia Politik", "Contoh Surat Pencabutan Kuasa", "Contoh Surat Kuasa Kasasi Kasus Pidana" dan "Contoh Surat Kuasa Peninjauan Kembali (PK) Kasus Pidana", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Contoh Sederhana Surat Kuasa Khusus Perdata Tergugat'.


Yang bertandatangan/cap jempol di bawah ini :

Nama          : B
Lahir          : Bondowoso, 20 Oktober 1993
Gender       : Perempuan
Umur          : 26 Tahun
Agama        : Islam
Pekerjaan   : Wirawasta
Kewargaan : Warganegara Negara Indonesia (WNI)
Alamat        : Jalan RT 001 RW 012, Kelurahan Sumbersari, Kecamatan Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember;

Untuk selanjutnya selaku Pemberi Kuasa;

Dengan ini telah memberikan kuasa sepenuhnya kepada para Penerima Kuasa:

DRH, S.H., M.H.

Advokat berkantor di Firma Hukum DRH DAN REKAN Alamat Jalan  Pelita 24  Bondowoso. Dalam hal ini pemberi kuasa telah memilih kedudukan hukum di alamat kuasanya tersebut di atas. Selanjutnya penerima kuasa dapat bertindak untuk dan atas nama pemberi kuasa baik sendiri maupun bersama selaku Kuasa Hukum;


Perihal    :
Untuk dan atas nama pemberi kuasa menghadapi dan menangani gugatan perdata tentang wanprestasi selaku Tergugat pada Perkara Nomor XX /Pdt.G/ 2019/ PN.Bdw; di Pengadilan Negeri Bondowoso;   

Melawan :
C, Tempat tanggal lahir di Bondowoso, 4 Desember 1990, Jenis Kelamin Laki-laki, Agama Islam, Pekerjaan Swasta, bertempat tinggal di Jalan A Yani Nomor 3 RT 011, RW 001, Kelurahan Badean, Kecamatan Bondowoso, Kabupaten Bondowoso, selaku Penggugat;

Berkenaan dengan pemberian kuasa di atas, Penerima Kuasa berhak dan berwenang untuk melakukan teguran, menjawab teguran, melakukan pelaporan, mengajukan/ menangani  gugatan, menghadiri serta berbicara baik di dalam maupun di luar persidangan, menghadap Pejabat Peradilan, Kepolisian, Instansi Pemerintah, maupun swasta; Melakukan pemeriksaan dokumen/ berkas/ berita acara dan meminta salinannya, menandatangani surat-surat yang diperlukan, menyampaikan/ mengajukan alat bukti, memberikan keterangan baik lisan maupun tertulis, menyampaikan keberatan baik lisan maupun tertulis, mengadakan permufakatan (dading), mengajukan/meghadapi upaya hukum banding, mengajukan memori /kontra memori banding, mengajukan upaya hukum kasasi, mengajukan memori kasasi/ kontra memori kasasi, mengajukan eksekusi, dan singkatnya Penerima kuasa dapat bertindak untuk melakukan segala tindakan hukum yang dipandang penting dan diperlukan bagi perlindungan hak dan kepentingan Pemberi Kuasa berkenaan dengan adanya pemberian kuasa ini ;

Kuasa ini diberikan dengan hak retensi dan subtitusi kepada pihak lain.

Pencabutan atas kuasa ini hanya dapat dilakukan dengan persetujuan penerima kuasa.

Bondowoso,  27 April 2019
Penerima Kuasa,                                        Pemberi Kuasa,

                                                                   Meterai Rp. 10.000,-
Ttd.                                                             Ttd.

DRH, S.H., M.H.                                       B


1. "Contoh Surat Kuasa Khusus Perdata Sebagai Tergugat", www.pengacaranusantara.com., Diakses pada tanggal 14 Januari 2023, Link: https://www.pengacaranusantara.com/2019/09/contoh-surat-kuasa-khusus-perdata.html

Jumat, 20 Januari 2023

Contoh Sederhana Surat Kuasa Khusus Perdata Penggugat


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform www.hukumindo.com telah membahas mengenai "Bismar Siregar, Mantan Hakim Agung yang Dinilai Progresif", "Contoh Surat Pencabutan Kuasa", "Contoh Surat Kuasa Peninjauan Kembali (PK) Kasus Pidana" dan "Contoh Surat Kuasa Kasasi Kasus Pidana", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Contoh Sederhana Surat Kuasa Khusus Perdata Penggugat '.


Yang bertandatangan/cap jempol di bawah ini :

Nama          : DINDA
Lahir          : Bondowoso, 03-12-1986
Gender       : Perempuan
Umur          : 33 Tahun
Agama        : Islam
Pekerjaan   : PNS
Kewargaan : Warganegara Negara Indonesia (WNI)
Alamat        : Dsn. Krajan RT 03 RW 05 Kec. Tenggarang Kab. Bondowoso;
                     Untuk selanjutnya selaku Pemberi Kuasa;

Dengan ini telah memberikan kuasa sepenuhnya kepada para Penerima Kuasa:
DRH, S.H., M.H.

Para Advokat berkantor di Firma Hukum DRH DAN REKAN Alamat: Jalan Pelita Nomor 24 Tamansari Bondowoso. Dalam hal ini pemberi kuasa telah memilih kedudukan hukum di alamat kuasanya tersebut di atas. Selanjutnya penerima kuasa dapat bertindak untuk dan atas nama pemberi kuasa baik sendiri maupun bersama selaku Penasihat Hukum;


Perihal : Untuk dan atas nama pemberi kuasa mengajukan dan menangani gugatan perdata tentang Perbuatan Melawan Hukum selaku Penggugat di Pengadilan Negeri Bondowoso;   

Melawan :

  1.   SITI HANUN, perempuan, umur ± 55 tahun, Warga Negara Indonesia, agama Islam, pekerjaan ibu rumah tangga, bertempat tinggal di Dusun Krajan, RT/RW : 03/08, Desa Bataan, Kecamatan Tenggarang, Kabupaten Bondowoso;

2.   EKO BAMBANG, Laki-laki, Umur 38 Tahun, Warga Negara Indonesia, Agama Islam, Pekerjaan PNS, bertempat tinggal di Desa Bataan, RT 22 RW 5, Kecamatan Tenggarang, Kabupaten Bondowoso;

Berkenaan dengan pemberian kuasa di atas, Penerima Kuasa berhak dan berwenang untuk melakukan teguran, menjawab teguran, melakukan pelaporan, mengajukan/ menangani  gugatan, menghadiri serta berbicara baik di dalam maupun di luar persidangan, menghadap Pejabat Peradilan, Kepolisian, Instansi Pemerintah, maupun swasta; Melakukan pemeriksaan dokumen/ berkas/ berita acara dan meminta salinannya, menandatangani surat-surat yang diperlukan, menyampaikan/ mengajukan alat bukti, memberikan keterangan baik lisan maupun tertulis, menyampaikan keberatan baik lisan maupun tertulis, mengadakan permufakatan (dading), mengajukan/meghadapi upaya hukum banding, mengajukan memori /kontra memori banding, mengajukan upaya hukum kasasi, mengajukan memori kasasi/ kontra memori kasasi, mengajukan eksekusi, dan singkatnya Penerima kuasa dapat bertindak untuk melakukan segala tindakan hukum yang dipandang penting dan diperlukan bagi perlindungan hak dan kepentingan Pemberi Kuasa berkenaan dengan adanya pemberian kuasa ini;

Kuasa ini diberikan dengan hak retensi dan subtitusi kepada pihak lain.

Pencabutan atas kuasa ini hanya dapat dilakukan dengan persetujuan penerima kuasa.

Bondowoso,  14 April 2019
Penerima Kuasa,                                              Pemberi Kuasa,

                                                                            Meterai Rp. 10.000,-
Ttd.                                                                     Ttd.

DRH, S.H., M.H.                                                DINDA


1. "Contoh Surat Kuasa Khusus Perdata Sebagai Penggugat", www.pengacaranusantara.com., Diakses pada tanggal 14 Januari 2023, Link: https://www.pengacaranusantara.com/2019/09/surat-kuasa-yang-bertandatangancap.html

Rabu, 18 Januari 2023

Contoh Sederhana Perjanjian Jasa Hukum Penanganan Kasus Perceraian


Tim Hukumindo

Di dalam dunia praktik, salah satu kasus yang paling banyak dijumpai adalah kasus-kasus persoalan rumah tangga, khususnya perceraian. Di antara kasus-kasus dimaksud banyak yang mengajukan secara mandiri dan ada juga yang memakai jasa advokat. Bagi anda yang memakai jasa advokat, artikel ini sangat berguna untuk mengatur hak dan kewajiban dalam hubungan kerja (mengurus kasus anda di pengadilan) antara anda dengan advokat yang akan anda tunjuk atau yang telah anda tunjuk. Harapan kami, semoga artikel ini bisa memberikan anda informasi yang bermanfaat. Berikut contoh sebagaimana dimaksud.[1]


Perjanjian Jasa Hukum ini selanjutnya disebut “Perjanjian”, dibuat dan ditandatangani pada hari Rabu, tanggal  XX November 2021,  oleh dan antara:

I. S, S.H.

Advokat pada Kantor Hukum “S & REKAN” beralamat di Jalan Galaksi 1 No. 8 Lobuntaland, Banjarwangunan, Kecamatan Mundu, Kabupaten Cirebon, Jawa Barat.

Selanjutnya disebut ………………………….. “PIHAK KESATU”, dan

II. Murthi Binti Muthu, umur 41 tahun, agama Islam, pendidikan S3, pekerjaan Dosen, bertempat tinggal di Jalan Raya Klayan No. 12 Desa Jadimulya, Kecamatan Gunung Jati, Kabupaten Cirebon, Propinsi Jawa Barat.

Selanjutnya disebut ……………………………“PIHAK KEDUA”.

Para Pihak menerangkan terlebih dahulu hal-hal sebagai berikut:

Bahwa PIHAK KEDUA sepakat untuk menunjuk PIHAK KESATU dan PIHAK KESATU sepakat untuk menerima penunjukan tersebut sebagai Kuasa Hukum PIHAK KEDUA dalam menangani perkara CERAI GUGAT di Pengadilan Agama Sumber.

Adapun Perjanjian Jasa Hukum ini disepakati  hal-hal sebagai berikut :


Ruang lingkup pekerjaan dan kewajiban PIHAK KESATU meliputi;
  1. Mempelajari dan menganalisa perkara;
  2. Membuat dan menyusun surat gugatan, replik dan kesimpulan;
  3. Menghadiri setiap persidangan di Pengadilan;
  4. Membuat dan menyusun Perjanjian Perdamaian jika tercapainya perdamaian;
  5. Melakukan semua dan setiap upaya-upaya penting dan tindakan hukum guna kepentingan hukum Klien sebagai Kuasa Hukumnya;
  6. Mengurus keluarnya salinan putusan dan menyerahkan salinan putusan kepada Pihak Kedua

Para Pihak setuju dan  sepakat  untuk  menetapkan Biaya/Fee Jasa Advokat  sebesar 50.000.000,- (lima puluh juta rupiah) dan pajak ditanggung Pihak Kedua.
Fee Jasa Advokat tersebut sudah termasuk: Biaya Pendaftaran ke Pengadilan, biaya sidang, operasional, pengurusan sampai terbitnya putusan, biaya-biaya lainnya dalam proses perceraian tersebut.


PIHAK KEDUA wajib melunasi pembayaran Fee Jasa Advokat dalam 2 (dua) tahap;
Pembayaran Tahap 1 sebesar: 25.000.000,- (Dua puluh lima juta rupiah) dilakukan pada saat tandatangan surat kuasa/perjanjian ini;
Pembayaran Tahap 2 Sebesar: 25.000.000,- (Dua puluh lima juta rupiah) dilakukan paling lambat 1 (satu) bulan dari pembayaran tahap 1;

1. PIHAK KESATU dalam melaksanakan tugas profesinya sebagai Advokat untuk mengurus perkara sebagaimana dimaksud diatas, wajib dilakukan dengan sebaik-baiknya sesuai dengan standar dan etika profesi yang berlaku.
2. PIHAK KESATU dalam melaksanakan pekerjaannya wajib untuk menjaga nama baik PIHAK KEDUA, merahasiakan seluruh data-data dan informasi milik Klien (PIHAK KEDUA) terhadap pihak manapun, kecuali dengan izin PIHAK KEDUA.
3. PIHAK KESATU wajib memberikan laporan atas perkembangan tugas-tugasnya kepada PIHAK KEDUA setiap saat baik tidak diminta maupun diminta secara tertulis atau lisan.
Kewajiban PIHAK KEDUA terhadap PIHAK KESATU meliputi :
4. Memberikan keterangan yang sejelas-jelasnya dan sejujurnya tentang pokok perkara
5. Menyerahkan seluruh dokumen Perkawinan dan alat bukti lainnya yang menjadi syarat untuk memperkuat dalil-dalil gugatan di Pengadilan.
6. Wajib menyiapkan dan mendatangkan saksi-saksi minimal 2 orang untuk dihadirkan ke pengadilan.
Membayar dan melunasi Fee Jasa Advokat yang telah disepakati dalam perjanjian ini.

Jangka waktu pelaksanaan pekerjaan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Perjanjian ini adalah 12 (dua belas) bulan atau terbatas pada lingkup pekerjaan sebagaimana diuraikan pada perjanjian ini dan dapat dilakukan perpanjangan.

Pemutusan Perjanjian ;
Dalam hal PIHAK KEDUA memutuskan Perjanjian ini secara  sepihak sebelum perjanjian ini berakhir, maka pihak Kedua wajib memberitahukan secara tertulis kepada PIHAK KESATU dalam jangka waktu  selambat-lambatnya 14 (empat belas) hari.
Dengan berakhirnya Perjanjian ini maka segala dokumen yang telah diserahkan oleh PIHAK KEDUA kepada PIHAK KESATU, yang asli harus diserahkan kembali kepada PIHAK KEDUA selambat-lambatnya 14 (empat belas) hari setelah diakhirinya perjanjian ini.
Dengan diputusnya Perjanjian ini, maka tidak ada kewajiban PIHAK KESATU untuk   mengembalikan Fee Jasa  Advokat yang telah dibayarkan oleh  PIHAK KEDUA.

Apabila ada perselisihan sebagai akibat dari Perjanjian ini, maka Para Pihak akan menyelesaikan secara musyawarah dan kekeluargaan.


Hal-hal yang belum di atur atau belum cukup diatur dalam kesepakatan ini akan dibicarakan oleh para pihak secara musyawarah untuk kemudian diatur dalam Perjanjian tambahan atau addendum yang merupakan bagian mutlak dan tidak terpisahkan dengan Perjanjian ini.

Demikianlah Perjanjian ini dibuat dan ditandatangani diatas materai yang cukup, pada hari dan tanggal sebagaimana disebutkan pada bagian awal Perjanjian ini. Perjanjian ini dibuat dalam 2 (dua) rangkap yang kedua-duanya mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang sama dan mulai mengikat sejak Para Pihak menandatangani Perjanjian.

“PIHAK KESATU”                                              “PIHAK KEDUA”

Ttd.                                                                           Ttd.
S, SH,                                                                   Murti Binti Muthu

1. "Contoh Perjanjian Jasa Hukum Cerai Gugat Pengacara", sugalilawyer.com., Diakses pada tanggal 15 Januari 2023, Link: https://sugalilawyer.com/contoh-perjanjian-jasa-hukum-cerai-gugat-menggunakan-pengacara/

Senin, 16 Januari 2023

Overview of Special Economic Zones and Integrated Industrial Zones in Indonesia


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Iwa Kusumasumantri, Mantan Menteri dan Rektor yang Pernah Mendirikan Kantor Hukum", "Sharia Investment: Definition, Characteristics, Types, and Benefits", "Understanding 5 Steps Foreign Direct Investment In Indonesia" you may read also "Is the Property Sector in Indonesia Open to Foreign Investment?" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Overview of Special Economic Zones and Integrated Industrial Zones in Indonesia'.

What is Investment?

Investment-or in other terms it is also known as investment-has a broad meaning, which is an activity to obtain profit in the future. According to Article 1 paragraph (1) of Law No. 25 of 2007 concerning Investment ("UU 25/2007") defines investment as all forms of investment activities, both by domestic investors and foreign investors to do business in the territory of Indonesia. Republic of Indonesia. From Law 25/2007 it is known that investment or investment is divided into two types, namely Domestic Investment (PMDN) and Foreign Investment (PMA). Domestic Investment is an investment activity in Indonesia by fully using domestic capital and carried out by domestic investors. Meanwhile, foreign investment is an activity to invest in Indonesia carried out by foreign investors, either using foreign capital wholly or jointly with domestic capital.[1]

Foreign investment in Indonesia is generally divided into several sectors. Broadly speaking, foreign investment in Indonesia focuses a lot on the development, tourism, mining, transportation and product sectors. The sector is determined according to the potential of each region in Indonesia. For example, islands such as Bali and Lombok can attract foreign investors in the tourism sector because their infrastructure is sufficient. Foreign investors can invest by building hotels and tourist attractions.[2]

There is also investment in the refined palm oil product sector. On islands such as Sumatra and Kalimantan, oil palm can thrive. Foreign investors can build palm oil processing factories to advance the local economy. Apart from that, the areas that attract the attention of many foreign investors are mining and natural resources such as minerals, liquefied natural gas, coal and petroleum. The large amount of potential makes foreign investors compete to invest by establishing companies and factories in Indonesia. Even so, foreign investment in Indonesia must be carried out in an orderly manner and in accordance with investment laws. Don't let foreign investment harm the land and the Indonesian nation in the future.[3]

One of the main reasons why Indonesia needs foreign investors is people's consumption power and the export trend which is still low. Industrial area infrastructure and economic support sectors can of course consume a large budget. Meanwhile, Indonesia does not yet have enough savings to fund the development from its own pocket. That way, development cannot rely on domestic investment alone.[4]

Foreign investors who invest by building companies or factories in Indonesia are expected to be able to absorb the local workforce maximally. By employing local human resources, foreign companies operating in Indonesia can educate workers about product quality, production technology, and a good work ethic. So, investment is not only made for economic interests, but also builds intellectual investment for the workforce. Foreign investment will automatically increase the number of exports, especially in the product sector. In the tourism sector, the rapid development of tourist destinations will attract foreign tourists to come so that it will increase the country's foreign exchange earnings.[5]

Indonesia's Efforts to Attract Foreign Investors

In business, a strategic and profitable company location is a top priority. Adequate infrastructure is also a supporting factor. With a good location and infrastructure, the company's business activities become more effective. To attract foreign investors, the Indonesian government has started preparing locations with appropriate infrastructure. In addition, the government is also willing to provide several fiscal facilities and ease of licensing related to company activities.[6]

The placement locations for foreign investors are divided into two types, namely Special Economic Zones and Integrated Industrial Zones. With different functions and purposes, these two types of locations are spread all over Indonesia.

Special Economic Zones (KEK)

Currently, Indonesia has prepared 9 Special Economic Zones (KEK) and around 13 Integrated Industrial Zones. This figure is expected to continue to increase along with the hectic investment in Indonesia. The following are SEZs that are ready to operate in Indonesia:[7]
  1. KEK Tanjung Kelayang;
  2. KEK Tanjung Lesung;
  3. KEK Maloy Batuta Trans Kalimantan;
  4. KEK Sei Mangkei;
  5. KEK Mandalika;
  6. KEK Morotai;
  7. KEK Bitung;
  8. KEK Tanjung Api-Api;
  9. KEK Palu.
The definition of SEZ or KEK (Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus) itself is an area that has special advantages in terms of geostrategy and geoeconomics. This advantage is enabled to support industrial, export and trade activities in the region. Careful SEZ preparations are also aimed at attracting domestic and foreign investors.[8]

With the influx of foreign investment and the development of business turnover, SEZ is also expected to be able to absorb the workforce around the area. So, all potential resources in the area can be put to good use and in accordance with state regulations. Each SEZ has a focus on a different sector. For example, Tanjung Lesung SEZ which is better prepared as a special tourism area. Foreign investors can develop businesses related to tourism such as hotels, inns or tourist attractions.[9]

Another example is SEZ Sei Mangkei in North Sumatra which focuses on plantations. With fertile land, Sei Mangkei could provide a large supply of palm oil and rubber. Foreign investors can set up a palm oil processing factory in this area. Even though currently the government is only preparing 9 SEZs in Indonesia, other regions can submit proposals to become part of the Special Economic Zones. Submissions must be made by local governments, provincial governments, or private business entities. One of the advantages that can be obtained by companies investing in SEZs is the ease of licensing, tax convenience, and guaranteed availability of workers. Often times, bureaucratic licensing and taxation prevent investors from investing in Indonesia.[10]

Integrated Industrial Area (KIT)

Apart from Special Economic Zones, Indonesia has also prepared dozens of Integrated Industrial Zones which also aim to attract foreign investors. Some of these areas are already operating in various regions in Indonesia. Currently, the island that has the most integrated industrial areas is Java Island. In contrast to SEZs, industrial estates place more emphasis on the convenience of doing business through well-organized facilities and infrastructure.[11]

Oftentimes, Integrated Industrial Estates not only have large areas of land for factories and manufacturing, but also have commercial areas such as shopping centers and housing. The following are 13 integrated industrial estates that are already operating:[12]
  1. Kendal Industrial Area. With a location of 700 hectares, this area in Central Java is an investment area for automotive parts and furniture manufacturing companies.
  2. New Semarang Hill Industrial Area. Located in Central Java, this industrial location still has 40 hectares of land that can be utilized by foreign investors. In this area, the government wants to focus on industrial activities that are free from waste. So, only companies that can meet environmental friendly requirements can open a business in this area.
  3. Wijayakusuma Industrial Area. Located in Central Java, this 100 hectare plot of land has become a home for a garment company, housing and warehousing center.
  4. Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE). With an area of ​​1,761 hectares, JIIPE already operates heavy equipment, automotive and fertilizer manufacturing companies.
  5. Bantaeng Industrial Area. One of the industrial areas in South Sulawesi has an area of ​​3,000 hectares which is ready to be used for a mineral processing company.
  6. Cikande Modern Industrial Area. With an area of ​​1,800 hectares, this area in West Java is home to electronics and electrical component factories.
  7. Wilmar Integrated Industrial Estate. This area has ready-to-use land of 800 hectares. Companies that are already operating in this area are food processing factories.
  8. Cilegon Industrial Area. Located in the western part of Java Island, this industrial area has a land area of ​​570 hectares which is ready for use. Several companies already operating in this area are involved in the steel, mineral and chemical sectors.
  9. Bekasi Fajar Industrial Area. With a land area of ​​300 hectares, Bekasi Fajar provides land and infrastructure for companies wishing to invest and build factories in the area.
  10. Delta Silicon Industrial Area. Located in West Java, this 158 hectare area is now home to manufacturers of automotive parts, vehicles, electronics and food.
  11. Karawang International Industrial Area. Karawang is already well-known as an integrated industrial area in West Java. With 293 hectares of ready-to-use land, there are now companies manufacturing food, vehicles, automotive parts and sanitation products in Karawang.
  12. Suryacipta City of Industry. In this area in West Java, you can find companies engaged in the production of tires, car batteries and plastics.
  13. GT Tech Park Industrial Area. Still in West Java, in this industrial area there are companies producing tires and automotive parts.

In addition to location and infrastructure, the Integrated Industrial Estate also has almost the same administrative facilities as KEK. The government provides licensing, taxation and employment facilities for companies operating in the area. Here are some of the conveniences that investors can enjoy:[13]
  1. Ease of licensing. To build a factory, of course, investors need to have an investment permit, principle permit, safety and environmentally friendly permit, building permit, due diligence, and complete company documents.
  2. With the Ease of Direct Construction Investment Services (KLIK), investors only need to take care of investment permits before starting construction. It must be admitted that issuing environmental permits such as the AMDAL and permits such as the Building Construction Permit (IMB) takes a long time.
  3. If in the past development could be hampered due to permit issues, now investors do not have to wait long for these permits to be issued to start construction. The condition is that these permits are still being processed in parallel and must be completed before construction is completed. Without these permit documents, the company's commercial activities cannot begin even though the building construction is ready.
  4. Tax convenience. Some machines, materials and raw materials for production may not be available in Indonesia. If the machine, materials and raw materials in question can only be obtained abroad, BKPM provides tax convenience by waiving fees and import taxes on these goods.
  5. Of course, this will ease the process of entering goods and make it easier for the company to continue operating. Even so, to get this tax facility, companies must meet several conditions and obtain a recommendation from the Directorate General of Taxation.
  6. Ease of employment. The government guarantees that companies can get ready-to-work human resources from around the company's location. This is of course a good solution because companies can create jobs and Indonesian workers can be put to good use.

Although each region has its own advantages, the types of businesses in the Integrated Industrial Estate are not limited. For example, the Karawang international industrial area is home to a wide variety of manufacturers ranging from food, tires, automotive parts, vehicles, to sanitation products. Both the SEZ and the Integrated Industrial Zone must be developed so that they can provide comfort for companies and investors operating in the area. Infrastructure such as road access, transportation, housing, and commercial areas need to be developed to create an integrated industrial area. Some areas also have facilities such as seaports and airports to facilitate company activities and mobility. With an adequate transportation system, export activities, goods delivery, and trade can run smoothly.[14] And if you have any legal issue with this topic, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Panduan Investasi Asing di Indonesia", smartlegal.id, Diakses pada tanggal 14 Januari 2023, Link: https://smartlegal.id/badan-usaha/2019/03/05/investasi-asing-indonesia/
2. "Perkembangan Serta Manfaat Investasi Asing di Indonesia", bplawyers.co.id., Diakses pada tanggal 14 Januari 2023, Link: https://bplawyers.co.id/2017/09/08/perkembangan-manfaat-investasi-asing-di-indonesia/
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid.
9. Ibid.
10. Ibid.
11. Ibid.
12. Ibid.
13. Ibid.
14. Ibid.

Jumat, 13 Januari 2023

6 Property Investment Tips in Bali for Foreigners


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "John Howard, Sarjana Hukum Yang Juga Mantan Perdana Menteri Australia", "Sharia Investment: Definition, Characteristics, Types, and Benefits", "Understanding 5 Steps Foreign Direct Investment In Indonesia" you may read also "Is the Property Sector in Indonesia Open to Foreign Investment?" and on this occasion we will discuss about '6 Property Investment Tips in Bali for Foreigners'.

Investing in real estate is a profitable business and you can get the most out of it by doing it the right way. Property investment in Bali is still a profitable venture despite the pandemic if you realize the high demand is being held back by the border closures. Quite the contrary, the pandemic presents a golden opportunity to buy property in Bali because you will be ready to meet that demand when international flights are no longer restricted. Whether you're a first-time buyer or expanding your portfolio, these tips can help maximize the return on your investment:[1]
  1. Long term property rental. Purchasing freehold property using a nominee agreement provides no legal protection and is not a recommended practice. The duration of the lease for long term rental properties in Bali is usually between 25 to 35 years and is sufficient for long term capital growth especially if you invest in a good location. While setting up a foreign investment company (referred to as PT. PMA in Indonesia) is the safest method for foreign property ownership, buying a villa or freehold land with a PT. PMA is recommended for medium to large scale investments as there is a minimum amount of capital investment that needs to be met.
  2. Invest in a growing area. Buy property in an up-and-coming area like Canggu while there are still opportunities, especially in the Berawa neighborhood where all the hustle and bustle is going on right now and property values ​​are on the rise. Developed areas such as Seminyak and Kuta have little room for new development while property prices there are much higher. The growth in rental demand in developing areas is also stronger than in developed areas as it has been in the last 3 years, very profitable if you are planning to invest in short term property rentals. Don't ignore undeveloped areas around developing areas, instead invest in these areas early on. Rent, for example, is not yet as developed as Canggu but is a promising location for both long term investment and short term rentals.
  3. Get to know the rental property market. This is especially important if you are looking to re-lease your property either on a yearly or daily basis, as market conditions vary by region from time to time. Knowing the latest trends, such as any price changes and average rental demand will allow you to recognize the current state and potential of the market, will allow you to invest in the right place and property. Even if you are just looking for a home to live in, it is very useful to understand the rental potential of the property as you might consider renting it out for cash flow when you vacation overseas or return to your home country. The income of a villa is determined by several factors such as the number of bedrooms, design and location. Income from different properties with similar specifications can vary easily, and you can make double your profit if you meet the right demand in the right area. The supply and demand for a given number of bedrooms also varies depending on the market for the region. For daily rentals, good management is essential as this will affect guest satisfaction and reviews. For long term rentals, proximity to international schools or co-working spaces will make your property more attractive to tenants with specific needs. This is one of the main reasons it is important to work with licensed real estate agents and local property management firms, and we will talk more about this later.
  4. Consider buying an off-plan property. Off-plan properties generally sell for less than market value, and you don't have to worry about maintenance costs during low occupancy at times like this. Buying a property off-plan can be a cheaper option than fix-and-flip because renovation costs can easily increase if the property has hidden costs, and is something you should be aware of when browsing for cheap properties. Also, you can find off-plan properties offered with guaranteed ROI. It is wise to invest in large-scale off-plan projects as early as possible, because you will have the best units available before they reach their highest competitive prices. Most off-plan properties increase their prices as construction progresses, and buying an off-plan villa before groundbreaking will be 30% cheaper than when it is already built.
  5. Appoint a reliable property manager. Look for a well-networked property manager who can help with the upkeep of your property, so you don't have a hard time finding housekeepers, gardeners, plumbers, etc. Hiring a manager is essential for rental properties even if you don't live far from your investments because the workload can be fully divided or delegated to keep you from the hassle, and is sure to be a lifesaver if you are renting out multiple properties at once. Guest satisfaction plays an important role in attracting customers, because online reviews greatly influence a potential customer's decision to rent your property or not. Thus, working with a good management company not only helps in maintaining your property but can also generate high numbers and reviews.
  6. Consult a local real estate agent. Whether you want to buy property through an agent or need information, always seek help from a licensed agent. Local agents are the best source as they can provide accurate and up-to-date information including important information related to the property market, such as the prospect of renting an area and even the estimated rent of a particular property. In addition, the agent may have a property that perfectly suits your budget and preferences, saving you the hassle of navigating Bali's congested streets. Do not work with unlicensed freelance agents as they do not have the legal authority to handle real estate transactions. Even worse, you can be tricked into fraud, such as paying the property or the agent's commission more expensive than it should be.

And if you have any legal issue with this topic and interested in investing your fund in the property sector in Indonesia, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "6 TIPS INVESTASI PROPERTI DI BALI UNTUK WNA", //bali-home-immo.com., Diakses pada tanggal 12 Januari 2023, Link: https://bali-home-immo.com/id/blog/6-tips-investasi-properti-di-bali-untuk-wna

Rabu, 11 Januari 2023

How to Start a Business in Indonesia?


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Sutan Sjahrir, Sosok Perdana Menteri Pertama Indonesia", "Sharia Investment: Definition, Characteristics, Types, and Benefits", "What Are The Competences of The Religious Courts To Adjudicates In Sharia Economic Cases?", "The Role of Law in Sharia Economic Development" you may read also "Does Indonesia Implementing Citizenship By Investment?" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'How to Start a Business in Indonesia?'. At first glance, this article appears to be discussing business matters, but if you pay close attention, it turns out that it also contains the legal rules that apply when you start doing business in Indonesia.

The Indonesian government is facilitating investment with the latest regulations and policies. With reading this article, you can learn how to start a business in Indonesia for foreigners. With the current political and economic climate that is highly supportive of foreign investment, Indonesia has become a lucrative target for many foreign investors. So, the question that often crosses our minds is how to start a business in Indonesia? Through this article, we would like to discuss more about the things that every foreign investor should consider before entering the Indonesian business sector.[1]

Starting a Business in Indonesia: Things to Consider

For you investors, the Indonesian market is very promising. But, before you decide to start your investment in Indonesia, you need to consider the following:[2]
  1. Type of business. Please note that there are some sectors or industries that are prohibited or restricted to foreign ownership. This is written in the Negative Investment List. In the list, there are several restrictions on foreign ownership from zero (0) to ninety five (95) percent. This will lead you to a further question: Should you look for a local partner or not. However, there are some businesses that are allowed to be wholly owned (100%) by foreigners.
  2. The type of company. Because the Indonesian government wants to protect micro, small and medium entrepreneurs, there is a policy stating that to open a business in Indonesia, a company must be registered as a limited foreign liability or PMA. In order to establish a foreign company, it is mandatory to meet certain requirements regarding minimum investment and the amount of paid-up capital.
  3. Human Resources. Even though Indonesia is listed as the fourth most populous country in the world with more than 60% of the total population in their productive age (aged 15-60 years), not all of them have sufficient skills to participate in the industrial and commercial world. This is because the education sector is not spread evenly over large areas. This condition causes companies to face difficulties in finding talent pools, especially in areas outside Java Island. On the other hand, hiring foreigners also requires complicated requirements. This will be a challenge that must be completed for every PMA (limited foreign liability). Several successful FDIs in Indonesia have overcome this problem by providing sufficient training to meet the skills requirements required. Therefore you have to be really selective in selecting human resources based on your needs to avoid extra costs by hiring unskilled or unsuitable people.
  4. Diverse Market. Indonesia is not only a country with the largest archipelago in the world, but also has a very complicated market segmentation. Given that there are many races, languages, religions, customs and values, you cannot assume Indonesia is a single market. Each target group has different needs according to the approach taken.
  5. Bureaucracy and Law in Indonesia. You have to underline that the bureaucracy in Indonesia is not easy, it can be overwhelming for any foreigner who is new to these regulations. Even though the government has started implementing several online systems and "One-Stop-Service" services to ease the bureaucracy, there are still some fairly complex processes to go through. On the other hand, policies or laws have changed over time. So you need to realize that updating legal knowledge regarding the latest regulations is very important.
  6. Uneven Infrastructure Development. Development in Indonesia has long been focused on the Java Island region (6 Provinces: Capital City Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Central Java, Special Region of Jogjakarta, and East Java). All infrastructure and facilities are very focused on this Island. Therefore, doing business in these 6 provinces in the center of the Java archipelago has been a trend for a long time. However, there are also several other large cities on other islands that are being targeted by foreign investors. Of all the things you need to consider, the main thing is to find a place that fits your business so that it has the greatest potential to support your company.
  7. Abundant of Natural Resources and Raw Materials. Indonesia has many types of natural resources which are abundant and of various types. If you need natural resources and raw materials to run your business, make sure you know where to get the right natural resources and raw materials. Consider carefully, and know that Indonesia consists of many islands spread over a large area, the distribution of goods can be very expensive if you choose the wrong place. Regardless of the business sector, many foreign companies hope to run a profitable business in a rapidly developing economy.

And if you have any legal issue with this topic, or you may have interst in investing your fund in Indonesia, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Bagaimana Memulai Sebuah Bisnis di Indonesia", www.cekindo.com., Diakses pada tanggal 10 Januari 2023, Link: https://www.cekindo.com/id/blog/bagaimana-untuk-memulai-sebuah-bisnis-di-indonesia
2. Ibid.

Senin, 09 Januari 2023

Contoh Surat Somasi Sederhana


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform www.hukumindo.com telah membahas mengenai "Bagir Manan, Ketua Mahkamah Agung RI Periode 2001-2008", "Contoh Gugatan Wanprestasi Sektor Konstruksi" dan "Contoh Surat Kuasa Pelaporan Pidana (LP) Di Institusi Kepolisian", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Contoh Surat Somasi Sederhana'.


Bondowoso, 04 Oktober 2018

Nomor : 11/OM/DRH-ALC/IX/2018
Perihal : Somasi (teguran) I
Lampiran : Photo Copy Surat Kuasa Khusus

Kepada Yth.:


Kampung XYZ, Desa/Dusun: CM, RT: 5 / RW: 1
Kecamatan Tenggarang, Kabupaten Bondowoso,
Provinsi: Jawa Timur.

Dengan hormat,

Kami Advokat dan Konsultan Hukum pada Firma Hukum DRH dan Rekan, beralamat di Jalan X,  Nomor 24-25 Tamansari Bondowoso, dalam hal ini bertindak untuk dan atas nama Sdr. B, beralamat di Dusun Bataan, RT/RW: 6/2, Desa: Bataan, Kecamatan: Tenggarang, Kabupaten: Bondowoso, Provinsi: Jawa Timur, berdasarkan Surat kuasa khusus tertanggal 17 Juli 2018, dengan ini hendak menyampaikan hal-hal sebagai berikut:
  1. Bahwa dalam hubungan kerjasama rental mobil antara klien kami dengan saudari dan Alm. AG (suami saudari), saudari dan suami memiliki tanggungan hutang sebesar Rp. 105.000.000,- (seratus lima juta rupiah);
  2. Bahwa dengan maksud menyelesaikan hutang tersebut sebagaimana pada poin (1) di atas, saudari dan Alm. AG  (suami saudari) telah menjual rumah yang terletak di Kampung Haji Desa/Dusun Bataan RT 5 / RW 1, Kecamatan Tenggarang Kabupaten Bondowoso, kepada klien kami;
  3. Bahwa untuk menindak lanjuti perihal hubungan hukum tersebut, klien kami telah berupaya melakukan pelunasan pembayaran jual beli sebagaimana telah disepakati dalam perjanjian, namun ternyata saudari menolaknya;

Berdasarkan hal-hal tersebut diatas, maka kami memperingatkan dengan tegas kepada Saudari agar dalam jangka waktu 3 (tiga) hari kerja terhitung sejak tanggal surat ini, untuk:
  1. Menerima sisa pembayaran/pelunasan atas transaksi jual/beli rumah yaitu sejumlah Rp. 20.000.000,- (dua puluh juta rupiah) dan kemudian bersama-sama menghadap Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (PPAT/PPATS) untuk pengurusan serta pernandatanganan akta jual beli;
  2. Menyerahkan dan mengkosongkan obyek rumah yang terletak di Kampung Haji Desa/Dusun:  B RT 4 / RW 1, Kecamatan: Tenggarang, Kabupaten: Bondowoso, Provinsi: Jawa Timur, sebagaimana dimaksud dalam transaksi jual/beli antara saudari dan alm. Suami saudari dengan klien kami, dengan iktikad baik dan secara suka-rela;

Apabila sampai dengan jangka waktu tersebut di atas Saudari tidak juga menyelesaikan kewajiban hukum saudari kepada Klien kami, maka dengan sangat menyesal kami akan menempuh jalur hukum sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-undang;

Demikian surat somasi ini kami sampaikan, atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terimakasih.

Hormat Kami,
Kuasa Hukum,


DRH, S.H., M.H.


1. "Contoh Somasi Yang Baik Dan Benar", www.pengacaranusantara.com., Diakses pada tanggal 9 Januari 2023, Link: https://www.pengacaranusantara.com/2019/09/contoh-somasi-yang-baik-dan-benar.html

Jumat, 06 Januari 2023

Sharia Investment: Definition, Characteristics, Types, and Benefits


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Mengenal R. Soebekti, Ketua Mahkamah Agung RI Periode 1968-1974", "The Role of Law in Sharia Economic Development", "What Are The Competences of The Religious Courts To Adjudicates In Sharia Economic Cases?" you may read also "Contoh Gugatan Ekonomi Syariah" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Sharia Investment: Definition, Characteristics, Types, and Benefits'.

For some Muslim brothers, avoiding something that might bring usury is a very important thing. Therefore, many use various sharia products which are of course halal and in accordance with Islamic law. Currently, investment also has many sharia-based products. Investment is basically a commitment that is owned by someone towards a number of assets in the present, which are expected to be able to provide benefits in the future. Sharia investment is an investment activity with the basic principles of using sharia in its business processes. Actually what is sharia investment? Does sharia investment bring profit like conventional investment? The following is a discussion related to sharia investment starting from the understanding, characteristics, types, benefits of this particular investment product.

What is Sharia Investment?

Sharia investment is a commitment to assets with the aim of obtaining future profits with principles that are in line with Islamic law. Islamic sharia principles that apply to sharia investments are regulated by the Indonesian Ulema Council through the fatwa of the National Sharia Council (DSN).[1]

Sharia investment is currently implemented by approximately 29 DSN MUI fatwas. The fatwa from the DSN MUI is actually not binding, but the fatwa will still be a reference in sharia investment practices in Indonesia. The thing that makes sharia investment different from other conventional investments is that sharia investment is guided by Islamic law in its implementation.[2]

Characteristics of Sharia Investment

In addition to applying Islamic principles and sharia, the following are some of the characteristics of sharia investment:[3]
  1. Business Activities That Are Not Contrary to Islamic Principles. Investment products come in a variety of forms, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and so on. Sharia investment has provisions in which business activities carried out by Islamic investment issuers must not conflict with Islamic law. For example, sharia investment is not suitable for companies engaged in the production of alcohol.
  2. Avoid Riba. In accordance with Islamic principles which prohibit usury, sharia investment also does not use usury (for example interest) as investment returns from investors. The system implemented by Islamic investment is usually in the form of profit sharing. Profit sharing is where the investor will get some of the profits from the company, but it is possible that the investor will suffer a loss if the company also suffers a loss.
  3. Profit and Loss Conference. In sharia investment, deliberations or agreements or contracts need to be carried out. Both investors and issuers must hold deliberations to reach consensus. With this agreement, investors can at least avoid misleading information (ghahar) and excess risk (masyir).

Types or Sharia Investment Products

It turns out that sharia investment has quite unique characteristics compared to conventional investments in general. Furthermore, what investment products can become sharia investments? The following is a discussion of several types of sharia investment products:[4]
  1. Sharia Shares. Sharia shares are proof of ownership of a company which of course will be in accordance with Islamic principles. Stock investment in general itself can be categorized as a musyarakah or syirkah activity, in which investors invest in capital and obtain income in the form of business profit sharing rights (dividends). Because of this form of stock investment, stock investment actually does not conflict with sharia principles. Even so, not all shares can be categorized as Islamic shares. The thing that must be remembered is that the business activities of companies that issue investment assets must not conflict with sharia principles. Stock investors in Indonesia can invest in Islamic stocks by looking at the Sharia Securities List (DES). DES is a list of stocks that are not against Islamic law in the capital market. Only the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and parties that obtain approval from OJK can determine the DES. Parties that can become DES Issuing Parties are: (a). Parties that obtain approval from OJK; (b). Sharia Investment Manager; (c). Investment manager who has a Sharia Investment Management Unit.
  2. Sharia Bonds or Sukuk. The next sharia investment product is sharia bonds or what is often referred to as sukuk. Sharia bonds or sukuk are securities in the form of certificates or proof of ownership where investors will receive income in the form of rent (ujrah) or other yields with a certain percentage. The thing that most distinguishes between Islamic bonds and conventional bonds is the yield which is not a form of interest. In addition, there are still some more differences between sukuk and conventional bonds, including the existence of underlying assets and forms of securities which are proof of ownership. Sukuk or Islamic bonds will be guided by Islamic laws which tend to avoid usury. Even so, Islamic bonds still have the characteristics of conventional bonds where the return on this investment will be paid regularly and the principal amount of the loan will be paid when the sukuk matures. Just like conventional bonds, Islamic bonds can also be issued by the government or companies.
  3. Sharia Mutual Funds. Islamic mutual funds are an investment platform organized by investment managers where investments are made by depositing funds into Islamic securities, for example Islamic stocks, tribes and other Islamic securities. The main difference between Islamic mutual funds and conventional mutual funds is the management of Islamic mutual funds that takes into account Islamic laws. In addition, asset instruments invested in Islamic mutual funds must be securities instruments of companies whose business activities do not conflict with Islamic principles. Mutual funds also have a cleaning system for non-halal wealth (cleansing), whereas conventional mutual funds do not have such a mechanism. The final difference is that Islamic mutual funds are supervised by the Sharia Supervisory Board (DPS), while conventional mutual funds are not.

Sharia Investment Benefits

Sharia investment apart from providing income for investors, it turns out that it also has several other benefits, you know. The following are the benefits of investing in sharia investments:[5]
  1. Halal Investment. Sharia investment is a lawful investment in which all investment activities must be guided by Islamic principles and sharia. Sharia investment products will avoid usury as well as company business activities that conflict with sharia. For this reason, it can be ascertained that sharia investment is a halal activity.
  2. Minimal Risk of Fraud. The sharia investment process will always avoid bad things such as fraud, extortion, and other bad actions. In addition, sharia investments will usually uphold the principle of transparency where sharia investments – such as sukuk – will usually carry out detailed reporting on the company's business processes. This transparency activity is certainly carried out so that the company's business activities can be ensured in accordance with Islamic principles and Shari'a and finally investors can avoid the risk of fraud. Even so, always make sure that you invest in instruments that are registered with the OJK to avoid fraudulent investments!
  3. Avoid Riba. Riba is something that is forbidden in Islamic principles. Sharia investment is here to provide a halal investment alternative. So, the income that exists in Islamic investments will usually be in the form of profit sharing, margin fees, and other returns.
  4. Small Loss Risk. Islamic investment has a risk of loss which tends to be less than conventional investment. This happens because sharia investment is based on the element of kinship. Sharia investment also has a contract or agreement before the investment is ratified, so investors and securities issuers can negotiate with each other to get a mutual agreement and ultimately the investment risk is minimized.
  5. Small Loss Risk. Islamic investment has a risk of loss which tends to be less than conventional investment. This happens because sharia investment is based on the element of kinship. Sharia investment also has a contract or agreement before the investment is ratified, so investors and securities issuers can negotiate with each other to get a mutual agreement and ultimately the investment risk is minimized.

The above is an explanation related to sharia investment. In fact, sharia investment has various characteristics and various types of products. Are there sharia investment products that you would like to make your future investment choice? There are several ways you can start investing in both conventional and sharia stocks. Hopefully this article can help you to find out about sharia investment.[6] And if you have any legal issue with this topic, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Investasi Syariah: Pengertian, Karakteristik, Jenis, dan, Manfaat", //dailysocial.id., Diakses pada tanggal 6 Januari 2023, Link: https://dailysocial.id/post/investasi-syariah
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.

Rabu, 04 Januari 2023

What is the difference between Cultivation Rights (HGU), Building Use Rights (HGB) and Property Rights (SHM)?


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Mengenal Nehru, Perdana Menteri Pertama India", "How To Buy Land In Indonesia?", "How to Avoid Fraud in Investment by Using Legal Tools" you may read also "Principles of Buying Land in Indonesia", "What Types of Land Ownership May Company Obtain In Indonesia?" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'What is the difference between Cultivation Rights (HGU), Building Use Rights (HGB) and Property Rights (SHM)?'.

Cultivation Rights and Building Use Rights, as well as Ownership Rights, are three types of land ownership status. HGU stands for Cultivation Use Rights, while HGB stands for Building Use Rights. In addition, there is a Freehold Certificate (Property Rights) which is an extension of SHM and proof of ownership of a person or legal entity over a plot of land. In terms of land or land ownership in Indonesia, this is regulated in Article 16 of Law No. 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Agrarian Regulations or the Agrarian Law. To find out more about the differences between HGU, HGB and SHM, this article will discuss: What is HGU? What is HGB? What is SHM? The difference between HGU and HGB, as well as SHM.[1]

What is Cultivation Right?

According to the Basic Agrarian Law Number 5 of 1960, Cultivation Rights (HGU) are rights to cultivate land directly controlled by the state, within a certain period of time. In other words, HGU can be interpreted as a right granted by the government to individuals or legal entities to use a plot of state-owned land, but only for a specified period of time. A person or business entity that has the right to use land with HGU status will later be given a Cultivation Rights Certificate (SHGU), through a Ministerial-level decision. While for the types of business that are allowed generally such as animal husbandry, fishery, ect.[2]

This is because state land that can be granted as HGU land is only that which is included in the category of production land or forest. Or it means that protected forests and land in conservation areas cannot be automatically converted into HGU land. HGU is regulated in a number of regulations, such as Government Regulation (PP) Number 40 of 1996 concerning Business Use Rights, Building Use Rights, and Land Use Rights. And also the revision of the latest regulation PP Number 18 of 2021 concerning Management Rights, Land Rights, Flats Units, and Land Registration.[3]

In article 19 of the PP (Government Regulation), a new rule is added that those who are entitled to obtain HGU permits are only Indonesian Citizens (WNI) and legal entities established according to Indonesian law and domiciled in Indonesia. So, if it turns out that the HGU holder does not fulfill these two conditions, then they are obliged to reinquish their rights to other people within 1 year. In article 22 of PP (Government Regulation) Number 18 of 2021, changes to the rules also occur for the period of time the HGU permits are granted. From what was previously a maximum of 25 years, now it has become a maximum period of 35 years.[4]

After the 35 year period expires, the HGU holder can also extend the permit, for a maximum of 25 years and renew it again for a maximum period of 35 years. Only after the period of granting, extending and renewing ends, will the HGU land return to being fully controlled by the state. Land that is Directly Controlled by the State, the re-arrangement of use, utilization and ownership becomes the authority of the Minister and priority can be given to former right-holders by taking into account matters as stipulated in Article 22 paragraph (3) PP (Government Regulation) No. 18 Year 2021.[5]

HGU land rights can also be taken back by the state even though the grant period has not expired, if one of the criteria is met, including non-fulfillment of the obligations of the HGU holder, voluntary release, abandoned land, or legally deleted in a court decision. Therefore, HGU land holders are required to make full use of the land provided, are required to build and maintain environmental infrastructure and land facilities in the area, maintain soil fertility, prevent damage to natural resources and maintain environmental preservation in accordance with regulations. Apart from of course paying money to use the HGU to the state.[6]

What is a Building Use Right?

Still sourced from the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA) No: 5 of 1960. Precisely in Article 35 Paragraph 1, Building Use Rights (HGB) are defined as the right to construct and own buildings on land that belongs to another person within a certain period of time. This means that the holder of a Building Use Right (SHGB) certificate is only entitled to ownership of the building, not including the land on which the building stands. Just like HGU, besides being regulated by. UUPA, regulations related to HGB are also regulated in a number of derivative regulations such as Government Regulation (PP) Number 40 of 1996 concerning Cultivation Rights, Building Use Rights, and Land Use Rights. And revised by PP (Government Regulation) Number: 18 of 2021 concerning Management Rights, Land Rights, Flats Units, and Land Registration.[7]

The revision of the regulation makes that HGB can only be given to Indonesian Citizens and legal entities established according to Indonesian law and domiciled in Indonesia. The land that can be granted with Building Use Rights includes State Land, Management Right Land, and Property Right Land. Meanwhile, for the HGB period, as stipulated in Article 37 PP (Government Regulation) Number: 18 of 2021, on State Land and Management Right Land, it can be granted for a maximum period of 30 years, and extended for a maximum period of 20 years, and renewed for a period of at most 30 years.[8]

Whereas HGB on Freehold (Property Right) Land (private) can be given for a maximum period of 30 years and can be renewed with a deed of granting Building Utilization Rights over Property Rights. In contrast to HGU land, where the type of business is determined, holders of HGB certificates are relatively free to construct and own buildings for various personal or business purposes, although they still have to be in accordance with the HGB grant agreement at the outset. In addition, the owner can also transfer these rights to other parties, as long as they are within the HGB usage period.[9]

Generally, land with HGB is used by developers to build apartments or housing. This is because there will be several advantages that make HGB attractive for people who want to own a house or apartment, especially because the price is definitely much cheaper than buying a building with a Property Right  Certificate (SHM). Even though they do not have complete freedom over the land where their buildings are located, HGB certificate holders can actually increase their ownership to become SHM. The condition is that the land area must be less than 600 square meters, and must be owned by an Indonesian citizen (WNI). If these two conditions are met, the owner of the HGB certificate can submit an application to the Land Office in the relevant municipality or district. Next, just follow the established procedure.[10]

What Are Property Right?

Certificate of Property Rights (SHM) is a sign of full ownership of a person over land, based on the recognition from the National Land Agency (BPN). In contrast to HGU and HGU, ownership of land with SHM is not limited by time and certain conditions. As stated in Article 20 of the UUPA, land ownership rights are hereditary, strongest and fullest rights that a person can own over land. So that land with SHM can be fully transferred by the owner. Such as for sale, gifted or passed down from generation to generation, so that it can be used as collateral for credit applications.[11]

In addition, the owner of the SHM also has the right to use or take advantage of the land, for example using it as a place to live or even to leave it for a long time as a long-term investment. The strength of SHM is not only in the status of ownership or the duration of land ownership. but also on its advantages in property investment. Because buildings or properties that are sold with SHM, the selling value will be far above the property that is sold only with a Building Use Right Certificate (HGB).[12]

The Difference Between Cultivation Right, Building Use Right and Property Right

Based on the explanation above, it can be seen clearly that the basic difference between Cultivation Rights (HGU), Building Use Rights (HGB), and Property Rights (SHM) lies in the ownership status of the person holding them.[13]

Property Right or SHM can be said to have a stronger and higher value and position in land ownership. Because people who have SHM means they have full power over the land and also the buildings on it. Meanwhile, HGB (Building Use Rights) certificate holders only have power over the building or property, without having any power at all over the land where the building is located. And the lowest is HGU (Cultivation Rights), where the owner of the certificate is only able to use the land, without having any ownership rights to the land and buildings that may exist on the land.[14]

In addition, there are also differences in the term of ownership. When SHM (Property Right) has legal force and is valid forever. Meanwhile, based on PP (Government Regulation) No. 18 of 2021, HGU (Cultivation Rights) permits are only for a maximum of 35 years, can be extended up to 25 and renewed for another 35 years. While HGB (Building Rights) is a maximum of 30 years, and extended for a maximum period of 20 years, and renewed for a maximum period of 30 years for state land, and HGB (Building Rights) on Property Rights Land (private) can be given for a maximum period of 30 years and can be renewed with a deed of granting Building Use Rights over Property Rights.[15]

Due to its permanent ownership, SHM (Property Rights) can be used as a long-term investment and also a credit guarantee at the Bank. Meanwhile, practical HGB (Building Rights) can only be used as a short-term investment, and it actually risks becoming a liability in the future. While HGU (Cultivation Rights) can only be used as production land to be able to generate profit or material profit.[16] And if you have any land ownership issue in Indonesia, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Apa Beda HGU dan HGB, Juga SHM?", //id.berita.yahoo.com., Diakses pada tanggal 3 Januari 2023, Link: https://id.berita.yahoo.com/apa-beda-hgu-dan-hgb-203900746.html
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid.
9. Ibid.
10. Ibid.
11. Ibid.
12. Ibid.
13. Ibid.
14. Ibid.
15. Ibid.
16. Ibid.

Senin, 02 Januari 2023

Customs Foreclosure Fraud 2022 Sets Record, Losses Exceed IDR 8.3 Billion!


Team Hukumindo

Rising Crime Rate

The number of frauds that 'profiteered' the name of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (Ditjen Customs) of the Ministry of Finance was a record. As of November 2022, the number of frauds has reached nearly 7 thousand cases. In 2022 the number of fraud cases was 6,958, higher than in 2021 which was 2,491 cases, and in 2020 there were 3,284. For this fraud, the Directorate General of Customs and Excise said the total loss reached IDR 8.3 billion.[1] As the link above, this platform has discussed many topic about online fraud in Indonesia. It turns out that the number of crimes of this type in 2022 has increased. Of course it's very unfortunate, and it's good that we are more vigilant about this one crime.

"In 2021 there was a drop, and this year it was a record. We must convey, until November there were almost 7 thousand cases. Maybe now there are 7 thousand. This is a total loss of IDR 8.3 billion," said Head of the Sub-Directorate of Public Relations and Customs Counseling, Hatta Wardhana in a Media Briefing at the Customs and Excise Head Office, Jakarta, Thursday (22/12/2022). Hatta explained, the loss was calculated based on the money that had been transferred by the victim and reported to the Directorate General of Customs and Excise. He also said that the Directorate General of Customs and Excise managed to save IDR 12.6 billion from potential fraud. "Potentials that can be saved, they only told stories but didn't have time to transfer them. Just reported them to us. The potential is 12.6 billion," he said.[2]

Characteristics of Fraud By 'Profiting' from Customs

To prevent fraud, Hatta asked the public not to panic when contacted by fraudsters. According to him, fraudsters use the name of Customs so that the victim is more intimidated and complies with the wishes of the perpetrator. Hatta described the characteristics of fraud in carrying out the action. For example, asking for a levy with unreasonable reasons, such as a higher tax than the goods purchased. Fraudsters also often post uniformed profile photos and use business accounts, up to personal cell phone numbers.[3]

Fraud perpetrators also often threaten victims with threats of imprisonment and fines if the perpetrator does not comply. They also give a short time limit, for example to transfer money, so that the victim doesn't have time to think logically.Then ask for a number of payments to be directed to a personal account. Please note that payment of import duties and import taxes uses a billing code as a payment reference, not a personal account.[4]

People are asked to be more vigilant, especially on weekends and ahead of national holidays. The reason is that fraud is rife at this time because government and banking offices are closed, making it difficult for victims to confirm.[5]

Fraud Mode By 'Profiting' from Customs

Head of the Customs Public Relations and Counseling Sub-Directorate, Hatta Wardhana explained, the fraudulent use of the name of Customs and Excise was carried out through a certain mode. The romance mode is a fraud with an online introduction mode, then the perpetrator makes an intense approach. The perpetrator also promised to send goods or gifts to the victim.[6]

Another mode is the auction fraud mode. The perpetrators pretended to be auctioning goods confiscated by Customs. However, the auction price offered is quite skewed.[7]

Then there is the mode of fraud under the guise of an online shop that targets online consumers, both domestic and foreign buyers. There is also a diplomatic mode, by sending goods via diplomatic mail or passengers.[8]

Then there is the money laundering scam. This fraud mode is carried out by making acquaintances online, then enticing them to come and bring cash, or sending large cash gifts.[9] And if you have any legal issue with this topic, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Penipuan Catut Bea Cukai 2022 Cetak Rekor, Kerugian Tembus Rp 8,3 Miliar!", finance.detik.com., Oleh: Ilyas Fadilah, Diakses pada tanggal 1 Januari 2023, Link: https://finance.detik.com/berita-ekonomi-bisnis/d-6475740/penipuan-catut-bea-cukai-2022-cetak-rekor-kerugian-tembus-rp-83-miliar
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. "Awas! Penipuan Catut Bea Cukai, Modusnya Lelang Online sampai Kencan Virtual", //finance.detik.com., Oleh: Ilyas Fadilah, Diakses pada tanggal 1 Januari 2023, Link: https://finance.detik.com/berita-ekonomi-bisnis/d-6475576/awas-penipuan-catut-bea-cukai-modusnya-lelang-online-sampai-kencan-virtual
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid.
9. Ibid.

Indonesia Immigration Implements Bridging Visa

  ( gettyimages ) By: Team of Hukumindo Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about " Amount of Authorized Capital of For...