Selasa, 28 Februari 2023

What is a Justice Collaborator, Terms and Rights?


Team of Hukumindo

The term 'justice collaborator' has been widely discussed in the murder case of Brigadier J or Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat. In this case, Bharada Richard Eliezer or Bharada E submitted his application as a 'justice collaborator' to the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK). Elizer's request for justice collaborator status was granted by the judge at the sentencing hearing of the case. This affected Eliezer's sentence to be lighter, namely 1 year and 6 months. He was initially charged to 12 years in prison.[1]

Legal Terminology of Justice Collaborator

What is a justice collaborator? Based on the book 'Whistleblower Legal Protection & Justice Collaboration Organized Crime' by Lilik Mulyadi, justice collaborators are also known as witnesses to perpetrators who work together. A justice collaborator is one of the perpetrators of a certain crime who admits to the crime he committed, is not the main actor in the crime, and provides information as a witness in the judicial process. Justice collaborator status is given to one of the perpetrators who wants to testify in court for the crime he has committed. However, he is not the main actor.[2]

Terms of Justice Collaborators

Quoting from the Supreme Court Circular Letter (SEMA) No. 4 of 2011, a criminal who wishes to submit himself as a 'justice collaborator' must meet the following requirements:[3]
  • The criminal acts uncovered by the justice collaborator are serious crimes, such as corruption, terrorism, narcotics, money laundering, trafficking in persons, and other organized crimes that pose a threat to the stability and security of society. 
  • The person is one of the perpetrators of a certain crime who admits to the crime he committed but is not the main actor in the crime. 
  • The person is willing to testify as a witness in the judicial process. 
  • The public prosecutor (JPU) stated that the person provided very significant information and evidence so that investigators and/or public prosecutors could reveal the crime in question effectively, reveal other actors who had a bigger role in the crime, and return assets/proceeds a crime.

Rights of a Justice Collaborator

As a witness to a perpetrator who knows and reports a crime, a justice collaborator has rights in court. These rights will both protect and benefit him when testifying before a trial judge. The following rights will be received by a justice collaborator:[4]
  1. Witnesses can obtain relief from the judge in the form of being sentenced to special conditional probation and/or the lightest prison sentence among the other defendants who have been proven guilty. 
  2. The judge is obliged to consider the sense of justice of the community in granting relief to the witnesses of the perpetrators. 
  3. The head of the court gives the cases revealed by the witness to the perpetrator to the same assembly if possible and the trial takes precedence. 
  4. Witnesses cannot be prosecuted legally, either criminally or civilly, for the testimony that they will present, are currently or have given. 
  5. Witnesses who have been proven legally guilty cannot be released from criminal charges even though they will receive relief.
  6. Reports from justice collaborators will take precedence even if they are reported back by the reported party. 
  7. Justice collaborators are entitled to a form of personal, family and property security protection for the cases they report. 
  8. The treatment witness has the right to receive special treatment in the form of prison separation from other perpetrators, filing cases separately, delaying prosecution and legal proceedings against him, and giving witnesses at trial without showing their identity. 
  9. Prisoners who become justice collaborators are entitled to additional remissions and the rights of other convicts in accordance with applicable regulations.

And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.


1. "Apa Itu Justice Collaborator, Syarat, dan Hak-haknya?",, Diakses pada tanggal 28 Februari 2023, Link:
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.

Senin, 27 Februari 2023

Contoh Surat Permohonan Perwalian Secara Mandiri


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform telah membahas mengenai "Dozens of Men Charged with Filming Women Bathing in Onsen", "Contoh Surat Permohonan Pengangkatan Anak Pada Pengadilan Agama", "Contoh Surat Permohonan Perwalian Dan Ijin Jual" dan "Contoh Surat Permohonan Perubahan Dalam Akta Kelahiran Secara Mandiri", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Contoh Surat Permohonan Perwalian Secara Mandiri'. Sebagai catatan, sebelumnya juga telah dibahas perihal "Perwalian Menurut KUHPerdata (BW)" dan "Contoh Permohonan Perwalian Anak", sehingga artikel ini merupakan contoh yang kedua. Perhatikan contoh berikut:[1]

Palopo, 23 Januari 2022

Perihal: Permohonan Perwalian

Yth.: Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Palopo

Dengan hormat,

Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Ayub Sassan : Usia 45 tahun, lahir 6 Agustus 1977 di Palopo, Agama: Kristen Protestan, Pekerjaan Pegawai negeri Sipil, Alamat: Langkiddi, Kelurahan: Langkiddi, Kecamatan: Bajo, Kabupaten: Luwu, Provinsi: Sulawesi Selatan.

Selanjutanya disebut sebagai "Pemohon".

Dengan ini mengajukan Permohonan Perubahan Nama kepada Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Palopo dengan alasan-alasan sebagai berikut:
  1. Bahwa, Pemohon adalah ayah kandung dari Juwita Londong (Almarhumah);
  2. Bahwa, semasa hidupnya Anak kandung Pemohon, Juwita Londong adalah Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang bekerja pada Kantor Kelurahan Lion Tondok Iring, Kecamatan: Makale Utara, Kabupaten: Tana Toraja;
  3. Bahwa, pada tanggal 3 April 2008, anak Pemohon Juwita Londong melangsungkan perkawinan dengan laki-laki Jhon Lemik yang dicatat oleh Pegawai pencatat nikah Kantor Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kota Palopo sebagaimana tercatat dalam kutipan Akta Nikah nomor: 123/CS/DKKB/KP/208;
  4. Bahwa, dalam perkawinan anak pemohon Juwita Londong dengan laki-laki Jhon Lemik melahirkan seorang anak perempuan bernama Agustina Lemik yang sekarang berusia lima (5) tahun;
  5. Bahwa, anak pemohon Juwita Londong meninggal dunia di RSU Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar pada tanggal 3 April 2013 karena Sakit;
  6. Bahwa, laki-laki Jhon Lemik suami dari anak pemohon, Juwita Londong telah melangsungkan perkawinan kedua dengan perempuan Ester Manuk pada tanggal 3 Maret 2014;
  7. Bahwa, laki-laki Jhon Lemik adalah juga Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang bekerja pada Kantor Camat dan ditugaskan oleh Negara di Kabupaten Nduga Provinsi Papua;
  8. Bahwa, sejak lahir sampai sekarang Pemohonlah yang memelihara dan tinggal bersama dengan Agustina Lemik, dikarenakan ibu kandungnya Juwita Londong berada dalam kondisi sakit sementara ayah kandungnya Jhon Lemik bekerja sebagai Pegawai Negeri di Kecamatan di Kabupaten Nduga Provinsi Papua;
  9. Bahwa, laki-laki Jhon Lemik ayah kandung dari Agustina Lemik telah menyatakan menyerahkan anak perempuannya berada dibawah perwalian Kakek kandungnya Ayub Sassan (Pemohon) berdasarkan perwalian (hak asuh) atas anak-anak tersebut;
  10. Bahwa, oleh karena anak-anak tersebut masih di bawah umur (belum cakap melakukan perbuatan hukum), maka Pemohon memandang perlu mengajukan permohonan perwalian (hak asuh) atas anak-anak tersebut;
  11. Bahwa, maksud dan tujuan Pemohon mengajukan permohonan perwalian ini adalah untuk mengurus dan menerima gaji pensiunan ibu kandung Juwita Londong;
  12. Bahwa, para Pemohon sanggup membayar seluruh biaya yang timbul dalam permohonan ini;

Berdasarkan alasan-alasan dan bahan kelengkapan tersebut di atas, maka pemohon memohon agar kiranya Bapak Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Palopo/Hakim yang memeriksa permohonan ini dapat memberikan penetapan sebagai berikut:
  1. Mengabulkan permohonan Pemohon untuk seluruhnya;
  2. Menetapkan Pemohon sebagai wali dari anak bernama: Agustina Lemik (5 Tahun);
  3. Biaya permohonan ini menjadi beban Pemohon;
  4. Ex aequo et bono.
Demikian permohonan ini diajukan dengan harapan kiranya dapat diberikan Penetapan Perwalian. Terima kasih.

Hormat Pemohon,

Meterai Rp. 10.000,-

(Ayub Sassan)

1. "Contoh Permohonan Perwalian",, Diakses pada tanggal 26 Februari 2023, Link:

Sabtu, 25 Februari 2023

Dozens of Men Charged with Filming Women Bathing in Onsen


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the platform has talk about "Contoh Surat Permohonan Perubahan Dalam Akta Kelahiran Secara Mandiri", "Another Unique Case, Judge Marrying Divorce Plaintiff Becomes Second Wife", "Umrah Pilgrim Fraud with Low Cost Mode in Bogor Happens Again" you may read also "These are 4 Legal Cases that Have Befallen the Elderly in Indonesia" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Dozens of Men Charged with Filming Women Bathing in Onsen'.

Public hot springs or onsen in Japan are the target of crime. Japanese Police have arrested 17 men who allegedly photographed and filmed more than 10,000 women bathing in onsens. Quoted from Insider, Friday (17/2/2023), which quoted the Yomiuri Shimbun, the 17 names were obtained from the leader of the crime group at the onsen, Karin Saito, 50 years old. He was arrested in December 2021. Saito was arrested in Hyogo Prefecture, west of Kyoto. He was charged with violating the law on prohibited photography and the child pornography law.[1]

Between December 2021 and February 2023, another 16 men were arrested. The men came from different profession, including a doctor from Tokyo, senior company executives and local government officials. The people were detained by Police in 11 different prefectures. Saito told the Police that the syndicate he leads carried out peeping and photographing women in at least 100 onsens from 46 different prefectures. This action was carried out since he was 20 years old. That is, he committed the crime for 30 years.[2]

After being arrested, Saito told Police about at least a dozen other people in his group. Saito and his crew used expensive camera equipment and long telephoto. Police say they took these photos while hiding in a mountainous area a few hundred meters from a spring. The group will also receive 'special training' from Saito, for example on the best way to photograph women. They also had a meeting to see the recording together.[3]

Yutaka Seki, executive director of the Japan Hot Springs Association, said onsen had banned photography and filming in hot spring baths, but recent camera technology, with smaller camera sizes and better telephoto lenses, made it difficult to completely prevent such cases. "I'm very much in favor of open-air onsen bathing, but incidents like this reflect badly (for onsens) and make people worry," said Seki. "And people's wish to bathe in an onsen, as it used to be done in the past, has become more difficult," he added.[4]

In 2018, people convicted of taking photos without permission were given a year in prison and a fine of one million yen or equal to IDR 113 million. Hot springs or onsen are popular throughout the country among locals and tourists alike. Known for their mineral-rich hot springs, onsen are believed to have a relaxing effect on the body and mind. Those who bathe in the onsen are asked to be naked.[5] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.


1. "Gawat! Belasan Pria Didakwa Merekam Wanita yang Mandi-Mandi di Onsen",, Diakses pada tanggal 17 Februari 2023, Link:
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.

Jumat, 24 Februari 2023

Contoh Surat Permohonan Perubahan Dalam Akta Kelahiran Secara Mandiri


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform telah membahas mengenai "Having Too Many Wives, This Man is Threatened with Imprisonment", "Contoh Surat Permohonan Perwalian Dan Ijin Jual" dan "Contoh Surat Permohonan Pengangkatan Anak Pada Pengadilan Agama", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Contoh Surat Permohonan Perubahan Dalam Akta Kelahiran Secara Mandiri'. Arti secara mandiri disini adalah diajukan tanpa menggunakan jasa advokat. Contoh surat permohonan dimaksud adalah sebagaimana berikut:[1]

Perihal: Permohonan Perubahan Tanggal, Bulan, dan Tahun Lahir dalam Akta Kelahiran

Palopo, 23 Januari 2022

Yth.: Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Palopo
         Di tempat.

Dengan hormat,

Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:
Novelin Singkali : Usia 45 tahun, lahir 6 Agustus 1977 di Palopo, Agama: Kristen Protestan, Pekerjaan Pegawai negeri Sipil, Alamat: Jalan P. Matindo Tallang, Desa Sampeang, Kec. Bajo Barat, Kab. Luwu. Selanjutanya disebut sebagai Pemohon.

Dengan ini mengajukan Permohonan Perubahan Tanggal, Bulan, dan Tahun Lahir dalam Akta Kelahiran kepada Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Palopo dengan alasan-alasan sebagai berikut:
  1. Bahwa Pemohon adalah seorang Warga Negara Indonesia yang berdomisili di Jalan P. Matindo Tallang, Desa Sampeang, Kec. Bajo Barat, Kab. Luwu;
  2. Bahwa Pemohon telah menikah pada tanggal 09 Januari 2001 dengan seorang laki-laki yang bernama Wibi Ardiansyah;
  3. Bahwa suami Pemohon bernama Wibi Ardiansyah meninggal dunia pada hari Sabtu tanggal 27 Mei 2011 karena sakit;
  4. Bahwa pemohon bermaksud untuk merubah tanggal, bulan, dan tahun kelahiran anak Pemohon yang masih dibawah umur yang bernama Yeyen, lahir di Palopo pada tanggal 01 Juli 2006 dengan alasan bahwa Pemohon agar ingin mempermuda tanggal, bulan dan tahun kelahiran anak Pemohon;
  5. Bahwa selama ini Pemohon sudah pernah melaporkan peristiwa Akta Kelahiran Pemohon tersebut kepada Kantor Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil, sehingga mengenai peristiwa Akta Kelahiran Pemohon tersebut sudah pernah dicatat dalam Register Akta Kelahiran dan juga sudah pernah diterbitkan Akta Kelahiran atas nama anak Pemohon tersebut, akan tetapi terdapat kekeliruan dalam Akta Kelahiran yaitu tanggal, bulan, dan tahun yang tertulis adalah tanggal 01 Juli 2006 sedangkan yang benar adalah tanggal 01 Maret 2004;
  6. Bahwa oleh karena terdapat kekeliruan tersebut maka Pemohon bermaksud untuk mengajukan perubahan Akta Kelahiran sekaligus mencatatkan/mendaftarkan data yang benar tentang Akta Kelahiran anak Pemohon kepada Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kabupaten Luwu, untuk dapat dikeluarkan Akta Kelahiran yang baru atas nama anak Pemohon;
  7. Bahwa dengan adanya perubahan tanggal, bulan dan tahun kelahiran dalam  Akta Kelahiran tersebut, Pemohon menghendaki agar tanggal, bulan, dan tahun kelahiran dalam Akta Kelahiran anak Pemohon dirubah menjadi tanggal 01 Maret 2004 semula yang tertulis tanggal 01 Juli 2006 dalam Akta Kelahiran anak Pemohon dan untuk itu diperlukan Penetepan Pengadilan Negeri;
  8. Bahwa Pemohon bermaksud untuk mengurus beberapa surat-surat dan dokumen lain yang ada hubungannya dengan data anak Pemohon;

Berdasarkan alasan-alasan dan bahan kelengkapan tersebut di atas, maka Pemohon memohon agar kiranya Bapak Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Palopo/Hakim yang memeriksa dan mengadili permohonan ini dapat memberikan penetapan sebagai berikut:
  1. Mengabulkan permohonan Pemohon untuk seluruhnya;
  2. Memberikan ijin untuk memperbaiki tanggal, bulan, dan tahun kelahiran anak Pemohon sebagaimana yang tertulis dalam Akta Kelahiran yakni tanggal 01 Juli 2006 dirubah menjadi tanggal 01 Maret 2004;
  3. Memerintahkan kepada Pejabat Pencatatan Sipil pada Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kabupaten Luwu setelah diperlihatkan turunan resmi penetapan ini untuk segera mencatat tentang perbaikan tanggal, bulan, dan tahun kelahiran anak Pemohon dalam daftar diperuntukkan untuk itu yang berlaku dan sedang berjalan pada pinggir kutipan Akta Kelahiran anak Pemohon tersebut;
  4. Biaya permohonan ini menjadi beban Pemohon;
  5. Ex Aequo et Bono.
Demikian permohonan ini diajukan dengan harapan kiranya dapat diberikan Penetapan Perubahan Tanggal, Bulan, dan Tahun Lahir dalam Akta Kelahiran. Terima kasih.

Hormat saya,

Meterai Rp. 10.000,-

(Novelin Singkali)

1.  "Permohonan Perubahan Dalam Akta Kelahiran",, Diakses pada tanggal 17 Februari 2023, Link:

Kamis, 23 Februari 2023

Having Too Many Wives, This Man is Threatened with Imprisonment


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the platform has talk about "Contoh Surat Permohonan Pengesahan Perkawinan Secara Mandiri", "Another Unique Case, Judge Marrying Divorce Plaintiff Becomes Second Wife", you may read also "Umrah Pilgrim Fraud with Low Cost Mode in Bogor Happens Again" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Having too many wives, this man is threatened with imprisonment'.

A man from Perth, the capital of Western Australia, has been charged with unusual circumstances. He has too many wives. The case is the rarest case of bigamy ever prosecuted by the Australian Federal Police. Bigamy is considered a crime in Australia, for marrying someone while still married. The defendant is a 48 year old male. He was charged with the crime of bigamy and making false statements, after allegedly marrying his second wife in July 2029, when he was still married to his first wife.[1]

Here are a number of facts alleged by police in Western Australia:[2]
  1. As of July 2020, the man allegedly separated from his first wife but was not divorced while married to the second woman;
  2. In September 2021 he finalized the divorce from his first wife;
  3. In September 2022 he allegedly separated from his second wife, however there was no divorce;
  4. In November 2022, he allegedly married a third woman. There is no suspicion of bigamy in connection with the third marriage. The reason was because at that time the man was already divorced from his first wife and technically not yet married to his second wife due to allegations of bigamy so that his second marriage was deemed invalid. But Police said prior to the wedding, the man admitted to the Justice Department that he had "never been legally married" and signed a formal statement saying there was "no legal impediment to marriage".
An investigation was sparked on social media. In a statement, Kevin Loermans of the Australian Federal Police said allegations of fraud and bigamy were taken seriously. "This type of fraud and abuse has a real negative impact on lives and will leave lasting marks on victims and the families involved," he said.[3]

"AFP will ensure allegations like these are fully investigated," he said. Police said at least the second wife was never informed about the man's marriage beforehand. They say an investigation was opened after the first wife, who lives on Australia's east coast, contacted her second wife in Western Australia through social networks late last year.[4]

In addition to one charge of bigamy, the man was also charged with making false statements on legal documents and application forms. The maximum sentence for bigamy in Australia is five years in prison. The man was arrested last Thursday and his bail application was denied, before appearing in Perth District Court the following day.[5] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.


1. "Punya Istri Terlalu Banyak, Pria Ini Terancam Hukuman Penjara",, Diakses pada tanggal 17 Februari 2023, Link:
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.

Rabu, 22 Februari 2023

Contoh Surat Permohonan Pengesahan Perkawinan Secara Mandiri


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform telah membahas mengenai "Halimun Mountain Management Admits Illegal Mining Has Been Exist for a Long Time", "Contoh Surat Permohonan Penetapan Grosse Akta Pendaftaran Kapal Hilang" dan "Contoh Surat Permohonan Perwalian Dan Ijin Jual", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Contoh Surat Permohonan Pengesahan Perkawinan Secara Mandiri'. Secara mandiri disini berarti diajukan tanpa menggunakan jasa advokat. Berikut contoh sebagaimana dimaksud:[1]

Perihal: Permohonan Pengesahan Perkawinan

Palopo, 23 Januari 2022

Yth.: Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Palopo
         Di tempat.

Dengan hormat,

Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:
Marten Mambela : Usia 45 tahun, lahir 6 Agustus 1977 di Palopo, Agama: Kristen Protestan, Pekerjaan Pegawai Negeri Sipil, Alamat: Langkiddi, Kelurahan Langkiddi, Kecamatan Bajo, Kabupaten Luwu. Selanjutanya disebut sebagai Pemohon.

Dengan ini mengajukan Permohonan Pengesahan Perkawinan kepada Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Palopo dengan alasan-alasan sebagai berikut:
  1. Bahwa, Pemohon dan Gracella Tuta telah melangsungkan pernikahan di Gereja Tomoni klasis Haembo, dan diberkati oleh Pendeta M.I. Paladjukan pada tanggal 6 Februari 1967;
  2. Bahwa, dalam perkawinan Pemohon dan Gracella Tuta tersebut telah dikaruniai 4 (empat) orang anak yaitu: (a). Yeni Mambela, anak perempuan lahir di Palopo 05 September 1969; (b). Nina Mambela, A.Md, anak perempuan lahir di Bua Ponrang tanggal 11 Agustus 1970; (c). Randi Mambela, laki-laki lahir di Bua tanggal 05 Agustus 1972; (d). Leo Mambela, Laki-Laki, lahir di Palopo tanggal 27 Oktober 1973;
  3. Bahwa Gracella Tuta telah meninggal dunia pada hari Minggu tanggal 18 Agustus 2019 karena sakit;
  4. Bahwa suami Pemohon semasa hidupnya bekerja sebagai Wiraswasta;
  5. Bahwa, setelah Pemohon menikah sejak tahun 1967 sampai Gracella Tuta  meninggal dunia pada tanggal 18 Agustus 2019, Pemohon dan Gracella Tuta tinggal bersama-sama sebagai pasangan suami istri, menjalankan tanggung jawab selaku ayah dan ibu memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangganya serta membiayai seluruh biaya bagi kehidupan anak-anak yang meliputi biaya pendidikan, biaya kesehatan dan segala kebutuhan lain yang dibutuhkan;
  6. Bahwa Istri Pemohon Gracella Tuta setelah menikah dengan Pemohon sampai meninggal dunia tidak pernah bercerai dengan Pemohon dan tidak pernah menikah lagi dengan laki-laki lain;
  7. Bahwa, pernikahan Pemohon dan Gracella Tuta hingga saat ini belum didaftarkan pada Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil sehingga Pemohon belum memiliki kutipan akta nikah;
  8. Bahwa, karena Istri Pemohon pada saat ini sudah meninggal dunia dan Pemohon sekarang ini sangat membutuhkan sekali kutipan akta nikah tersebut sebagai bukti perkawinan antara Pemohon dan Gracella Tuta serta untuk keperluan administrasi pengurusan hak-hak Pemohon;
  9. Bahwa Pemohon sanggup membayar seluruh biaya yang timbul dalam penyelesaian perkara ini;
Berdasarkan alasan-alasan tersebut di atas, maka Pemohon memohon agar kiranya Bapak Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Palopo/Hakim yang memeriksa dan mengadili permohonan ini dapat memberikan penetapan sebagai berikut:
  1. Mengabulkan permohonan Pemohon untuk seluruhnya;
  2. Menetapkan sah perkawinan antara Marten Mambela dengan Gracella Tuta (Almarhum) yang telah dilaksanakan di Gereja Tomoni klasis Haembo, dan diberkati oleh Pendeta M.l Paladjukan pada tanggal 6 Februari 1967;
  3. Biaya permohonan ini menjadi beban Pemohon;
  4. Ex Aequo et Bono;
Demikian permohonan ini diajukan dengan harapan kiranya dapat diberikan Penetapan Pengesahan Perkawinan. Terima kasih.

Hormat kami,

Meterai Rp. 10.000,-

(Marten Mambela)


1. "Permohonan Pengesahan Perkawinan Contoh",, Diakses pada tanggal 17 Februari 2023, Link:

Selasa, 21 Februari 2023

Halimun Mountain Management Admits Illegal Mining Has Been Exist for a Long Time


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the platform has talk about "Contoh Surat Permohonan Pengangkatan Anak Secara Mandiri", "Another Unique Case, Judge Marrying Divorce Plaintiff Becomes Second Wife", you may read also "These are 4 Legal Cases that Have Befallen the Elderly in Indonesia" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Halimun Mountain Management Admits Illegal Mining Has Been Exist for a Long Time'.

Acting Head of the Gunung Halimun Salak National Park (TNGHS) Lebak area, Pitra Panderi, confirmed that illegal mining activities are still rampant in his area. The mining pits are said to have been operating for a long time even though they have been frequently closed. "Yes, Gurandil's activities have been going on for a long time," said Pitra when contacted, Thursday (16/2/2023).[1]

Pitra explained that there are illegal mining locations throughout the GHSNP area. In Lebak itself, this activity was identified in Cibeber, Lebak Gedong and other areas. He could not yet detail the number of illegal gold mining pits in GHSNP. But the number is estimated there are many. "(Illegal mining pits) the exact number must look at the data, it's roughly a lot," he said. Miners, said Pitra, are local residents. They are looking for gold illegally to meet the necessities of life.[2]

"In the villages there, local people who have been mining gold for years," he explained. Pitra said, there have often been actions to close mining pits. Miners will return to opening holes because there is no other guarantee to work. "It has been coordinated with the law enforcement division of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, so the authority is there and they already understand that too. We have stepped there," he explained. "Besides that, the Regent has also closed in 2020. Due to the needs of the villager, it's been closed and opened again. So in my opinion there can't be a single solution. You have to convince the public that it's not good, it's not just a solution for the single person who is 'naughty' is arrested, imprisoned, prosecuted but indeed needs to educated also," he concluded.[3] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.


1. "Pengelola Gunung Halimun Akui Pertambangan Ilegal Sudah Ada Sejak Lama",, Diakses pada tanggal 17 Februari 2023, Link:
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.

Senin, 20 Februari 2023

Contoh Surat Permohonan Pengangkatan Anak Secara Mandiri


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform telah membahas mengenai "Children in Situbondo Sue Biological Father for Fear of Inheritance Going to Stepmother", "Contoh Surat Permohonan Aanmaning (Teguran)", "Contoh Permohonan Perwalian Anak" dan "Contoh Permohonan Asal Usul Anak", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Contoh Surat Permohonan Pengangkatan Anak Secara Mandiri'. Secara mandiri di sini berarti tidak menggunakan jasa advokat. Berikut contoh sebagaimana dimaksud:[1]

Perihal: Permohonan Pengangkatan Anak

Palopo, 20 Januari 2022

Yth.: Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Palopo
         Di tempat.

Dengan hormat,

Kami yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:
1. Ambo Nai : Usia 45 tahun, lahir 6 Agustus 1977 di Palopo, Agama: Islam, Pekerjaan Pegawai negeri Sipil, Alamat Jl. Mungkasa, No. 470 Kel. Salekoe Kec. Wara Timur Kota Palopo.
2. Tenri : Usia 45 tahun, lahir 8 September 1977 di Palopo, Agama: Islam, Pekerjaan Pegawai Negeri Sipil, Alamat Jl. Mungkasa, No. 470 Kel. Salekoe Kec. Wara Timur Kota Palopo.
Selanjutnya disebut sebagai Para Pemohon.

Dengan ini mengajukan Permohonan Pengangkatan Anak kepada Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Palopo dengan alasan-alasan sebagai berikut:
  1. Bahwa Para Pemohon adalah suami istri yang sah sesuai dengan Kutipan AktaPerkawinan Nomor: 8765.PK.2007.000886 tanggal 10 November 2007;
  2. Bahwa dari perkawinan Para Pemohon belum mendapatkan keturunan;
  3. Bahwa sejak anak tersebut masih dalam kandungan, kedua orang tuanya sudah menyampaikan kepada Para Pemohon supaya anak tersebut diserahkan kepada Para Pemohon ketika lahir untuk dijadikan sebagai anak angkat demi kebaikan masa depan anak tersebut;
  4. Bahwa anak tersebut lahir di Palopo pada tanggal 27 Februari 2015 sesuai  dengan Akta Kelahiran Nomor: 7678-LU-87632015-8926, tanggal 03 Maret 2015 dari orang tua kandung Dana dan Yeni;
  5. Bahwa pada tanggal 27 Februari 2015 Para Pemohon telah menerima penyerahan anak yang bernama Siti Ampa untuk diambil sebagai anak angkat;
  6. Bahwa antara Para Pemohon dengan anak tersebut masih ada hubungan keluarga yaitu ibu kandung anak tersebut adalah keponakan Pemohon II;
  7. Bahwa kedua orang tua kandung anak tersebut menyerahkan anak tersebut kepada Para Pemohon karena tidak mampu membiayai hidup dan pendidikan anak tersebut karena tidak mempunyai penghasilan tetap;
  8. Bahwa kedua orang tua kandung anak menyerahkan anak tersebut kepada Para Pemohon karena kedua orang tuanya menjadi TKI di Negara Thailand sampai saat ini;
  9. Bahwa pada tanggal 27 Januari 2015 kedua orang tua kandung anak tersebut datang dari Negara Thailand untuk melahirkan di Palopo;
  10. Bahwa pada tanggal 03 Maret 2015 kedua orang tua kandung dari anak tersebut kembali ke Negara Thailand karena keduanya masih berstatus sebagai TKI di Negara Thailand sampai saat ini;
  11. Bahwa Para Pemohon sanggup memelihara dan menghidupi anak tersebut karena Para Pemohon mempunyai penghasilan tetap, yakni Pegawai Negeri Sipil;
  12. Bahwa maksud dari pengangkatan anak tersebut adalah untuk kepentingan anak itu sendiri di kemudian hari;

Berdasarkan alasan-alasan dan bahan kelengkapan tersebut di atas, maka pemohon memohon agar kiranya Bapak Ketua Pengadilan Negeri Palopo/Hakim yang memeriksa dan mengadili permohonan ini dapat memberikan penetapan sebagai berikut:
  1. Mengabulkan permohonan Para Pemohon untuk seluruhnya;
  2. Menyatakan bahwa anak yang bernama Siti Ampa adalah anak angkat sah Para Pemohon;
  3. Biaya permohonan ini menjadi beban Para Pemohon.
  4. Ex aequo et bono.
Demikian permohonan ini diajukan dengan harapan kiranya dapat diberikan Penetapan Pengangkatan Anak. Terima kasih.

Hormat kami,
Para Pemohon,

Meterai Rp. 10.000,-

(Ambo Nai)



1. "Permohonan Pengangkatan Anak Contoh",, Diakses pada tanggal 17 Februari 2023, Link:

Sabtu, 18 Februari 2023

Children in Situbondo Sue Biological Father for Fear of Inheritance Going to Stepmother


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the platform has talk about "Legal Vacuum, Courts in Spain in Favor of Nudists", "Indonesian Immigration Launches Pre-Investment Visit Visa, These are the Requirements", you may read also "Woman in Lampung Arrested for Remarrying Without Husband's Permit" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Children in Situbondo sue biological father for fear of inheritance going to stepmother'.

A child named Nofiandari Safira (26) in Situbondo, East Java, is suing his biological father, Bambang Purwadi (53). Nofiandari sued because she was afraid that her inheritance would go to her stepmother.. The inheritance is in the form of two plots of land and buildings in the Paowan Indah Housing Complex, Block C Number 7 and Block C Number 8 which have now been merged. As well as two savings with a total of IDR 160 million. The inheritance being sued for by an only child was actually the property of the marriage between Bambang Purwadi and Aida Nurmala (the plaintiff's mother). Aida herself died in July 2021.[1]

Currently, Bambang has remarried in a series with Anik Indrawati in November 2022. Bambang Purwadi's attorney, Ide Prima, said Nofiandari was worried that his mother's inheritance would fall to other parties. The estate inherited from his late mother has never been divided among the heirs, namely his own father, himself and his grandmother. He said the treasure was a relic from when his mother was still alive. "Basically, the child and grandmother are worried that the property left by their mother will fall into the hands of another party. Namely, his father's new wife," explained Ide.[2] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.


1. "Anak di Situbondo Gugat Ayah Gegara Takut Warisan Jatuh ke Ibu Tiri",, Diakses pada tanggal 3 Februari 2023, Link:
2. Ibid.

Jumat, 17 Februari 2023

Legal Vacuum, Courts in Spain in Favor of Nudists


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the platform has talk about "Indonesian Immigration Launches Pre-Investment Visit Visa, These are the Requirements", "Unique Case, Accounts of Bird Sellers in Madura Blocked by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)", "Woman in Lampung Arrested for Remarrying Without Husband's Permit", "The Case of Fake Doctors in Indonesian Soccer" you may read also "The 4 Weirdest Judges' Verdicts" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Legal Vacuum, Courts in Spain in Favor of Nudists'. One more unique case, this time it happened in Spain. Check out the story as reported by Reuters as follows.

A Spanish high court has ruled in favour of a man who was fined for walking naked through the streets of a town in the region of Valencia and later tried to attend a court hearing in the nude. In a statement, the region's high court said it had struck down an appeal against a lower court decision to annul fines handed out to the man for being naked in the streets of Aldaia, a town on the outskirts of the regional capital.[1]

The court, however, acknowledged a "legal vacuum" in Spanish law regarding public nudity. Alejandro Colomar, 29, was filmed arriving at court wearing just a pair of hiking boots before being ordered to put more clothes on to enter the building. At his trial, he argued that the fines infringed on his right to ideological freedom.[2]

He told Reuters he began stripping off in public in 2020 and has received more support than insults when walking about naked, although he was once threatened with a knife. "The fine doesn't make any sense," he said. "They accused me of obscene exhibitionism. According to the dictionary that implies sexual intent and (that) has nothing to do with what I was doing." Public nudity has been legal in Spain since 1988. Anyone can walk naked down a street without being arrested, but some regions such as Valladolid and Barcelona have introduced their own laws to regulate nudism, especially away from the beach. The court noted that Aldaia has no law prohibiting nudism.[3]

The Valencia court ruled Colomar had "limited himself to remaining or circulating naked at different times in two different streets of Aldaia," and his behaviour did not imply an "alteration of citizen security, tranquility or public order".[4] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.


1. "Spanish high court backs man's right to walk naked in the street",, Diakses pada tanggal 7 Februari 2023, Link:
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.

Kamis, 16 Februari 2023

Indonesian Immigration Launches Pre-Investment Visit Visa, These are the Requirements


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the platform has talk about "Woman in Lampung Arrested for Remarrying Without Husband's Permit", "Knowing the Terms of Visiting Visa in Indonesia", "Does Indonesia Implementing Citizenship By Investment?" you may read also "Indonesia Launches Second Home Visa" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Indonesian Immigration Launches Pre-Investment Visit Visa, These are the Requirements'.

The Directorate General of Immigration officially launched the Pre-Investment Visit Visa service on Wednesday (8/2/2023). "Through the Pre-investment Visit Visa, Immigration makes it easy for world-class investors to come to Indonesia in order to study and review business potential in the sectors they are targeting," said Public Relations Sub-coordinator of the Directorate General of Immigration Achmad Nur Saleh, in a written statement, Wednesday (8/2 /2023).[1]

The Pre-Investment Visa is considered as a solution to create an increasingly conducive investment climate for middle to upper class Foreign Citizens (WNA). In addition, added Achmad, foreigners can also take care of investor administration with the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), lawyers and notaries. "So, foreigners can prepare everything optimally," he said.[2]

Terms and how to make a Pre-Investment Visit Visa

For your information, the validity period of the Pre-Investment Visit Visa is 180 days with a Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) fee of IDR 6 million. Pre-investment Visit Visa can be submitted online through the website "The applicant does not need a guarantor or sponsor in Indonesia," said Achmad. Here's how to apply for a Pre-Investment Visit Visa:[3]
  1. Before filling an application, foreigners need to register an account first;
  2. Foreigners can 'log-in' and 'fill out' the available forms;
  3. If all data is confirmed is correct, the process continues to the payment page;
  4. Payment can be made with a credit or debit card bearing the Visa, Mastercard or JCB logo. The card used does not have to be in the name of the foreigner concerned;
  5. If the application and payment have been completed, the foreigner will receive a visa document in electronic form sent via e-mail.
And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.


1. "Imigrasi Luncurkan Visa Kunjungan Pra-Investasi, Ini Syaratnya",, Diakses pada tanggal 11 Februari 2023, Link:
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.

Rabu, 15 Februari 2023

Woman in Lampung Arrested for Remarrying Without Husband's Permit


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the platform has talk about "Trapped in Debt, Asking for a Solution to the Shaman, Tasikmalaya Residents Even Lose IDR 10 Million", "The Case of Fake Doctors in Indonesian Soccer", "These 5 Types of Online Fraud You Should Avoid" you may read also "The Murder Case of Anjani Bee, which is Still a Mystery" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Woman in Lampung Arrested for Remarrying Without Husband's Permit'.

A woman in Tulang Bawang district, Lampung province, initials: YL, was reported to the police for remarrying without her husband's permit. YL has also been arrested and made a suspect. YL was reported by her husband, AD, to the Tulang Bawang Police because she remarried to another man. AD is YL's second husband, after divorcing her first husband.[1]

"Yes, it's true, AD's husband from YL came to the office with evidence and a marriage certificate. In the report, the victim was hurt and felt betrayed because his wife remarried. Even the marriage was carried out without his knowledge and consent, aka secretly," said Kasatreskrim (Head of the criminal investigation unit) Tulang Bawang District Police, AKP (Assistant Commissioner of Police) Dailami. Dailami revealed, when carrying out her third marriage, YL attached evidence of a divorce certificate from her first husband. In fact, after divorcing her first husband, YL has been married to AD since 2020.[2]

"The suspect YL entered into her third marriage by showing a divorce certificate with her first husband and making a statement on a stamp duty that she was ready to take responsibility for her marriage so that the prince and witnesses were sure that YL's status was a widow. Even though she had been legally married to the victim AD since 2020," he explained. YL was then summoned by the police and named a suspect. For this act, YL was named a suspect by violating Article 279 subsidiary 280 more subsidiary 284 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 7 years in prison.[3]

"This suspect came to the Tulang Bawang Barat Police Headquarters after being summoned as a witness. There he admitted that he had married without the consent of a legal husband or committed adultery. After the case was held, we then named YL as a suspect," said Dailami.[4] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.


1. "Wanita di Lampung Ditangkap gegara Nikah Lagi Tanpa Sepengetahuan Suami",, Tommy Saputra, Diakses pada tanggal 2 Februari 2023, Link:
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.

Selasa, 14 Februari 2023

Trapped in Debt, Asking for a Solution to the Shaman, Tasikmalaya Residents Even Lose IDR 10 Million


Team of Hukumindo

Dizzy due to being in debt to the bank, a resident asked for the help of a shaman. Instead of paying off the debt, the resident with the initials SW (32), a resident of Purbaratu Sub-District, Tasikmalaya City, instead lost IDR. 10 million due to being deceived by the shaman. Public Relations of the Tasikmalaya Police officer, Jajang Kurniawan, said the shaman with the initials AR (65) alias 'Abah', a resident of Pagerageung Sub-District, Tasikmalaya Regency, was arrested at his home, Thursday (9/2/2023). "The perpetrator or the shaman has been arrested by the Resmob Satreskrim team," said Jajang, Friday (10/2/2023).[1]

Jajang said the fraud case started when the victim had debt problems with the bank. In the midst of the confusion, the victim finally met 'Abah', someone who claimed to be a shaman. "The victim talked about his problem, the perpetrator was immediately tricked. He claimed he could provide a solution by undergoing a money doubling ritual," said Jajang.[2]

However, the ritual of multiplying money requires capital. In addition to the nominal amount of money to be doubled, the perpetrators also said they needed to buy the requirements for the ritual. "The modus operandi was for offerings and other things, the total victim was asked for IDR. 10 million and had to be put in a black backpack," said Jajang. Like a buffalo being picked on the nose, the victim then handed over the conditional money of IDR. 10 million in a black backpack. After that the perpetrator then pretended to carry out the ritual. "The bag was then returned to the victim. The perpetrator said that tomorrow morning there would be IDR. 500 million in the bag," said Jajang.[3]

The next day, the victim hopefully opened the backpack. But it turns out that the bag only contains empty boxes. Realizing that he had been tricked, the victim finally reported it to the Police. "After receiving the report and carrying out an investigation, this fake shaman was arrested," said Jajang. In addition, the Police also secured several pieces of evidence, including jenglot, pig chains and other shamanic objects.[4]

The perpetrators were immediately arrested and charged under Article 378 and/or 372 of the Criminal Code (KUHP), with the threat of imprisonment for a maximum of four years. "We never get tired of reminding people to be careful, don't believe easily. There have been many examples of shamanic practices but it turned out to be fraud. Even like in Cianjur, fraud with the mode of this shaman turned into serial killings," said Jajang.[5] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.


1. "Terlilit Utang Minta Solusi ke Dukun, Warga Tasik Malah Rugi Rp 10 Juta",, Faizal Amiruddin, Diakses pada tanggal 11 Februari 2023, Link:
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.

Senin, 13 Februari 2023

Legally Declared Dead, Residents Sue the Bandung Population and Civil Registry Service!


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the platform has talk about "Another Unique Case, Judge Marrying Divorce Plaintiff Becomes Second Wife", "These are 4 Legal Cases that Have Befallen the Elderly in Indonesia", "5 Interesting Cases that Become the Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court in Indonesia" you may read also "Examples of Fraudulent Spam Emails" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Legally Declared Dead, Residents Sue the Bandung Population and Civil Registry Service!'.

A resident of Bandung City, Sulaeman, sued the Bandung City Population and Civil Registry Service (Disdukcapil) to the Bandung State Administrative Court (PTUN). Sulaeman was declared administratively dead, even though he was still alive. The resident from RT (Neighborhood Association): 02, RW (Citizens Association): 07, Cisurupan Village, Cibiru Sub-district, Bandung City, West Java Province, registered his lawsuit at the Bandung State Administrative Court (PTUN) on November 18, 2022.[1]

Sulaeman's lawsuit has gone through two trial processes. First on December 22 2022 and January 5 2023. This case is still being processed at the Bandung Administrative Court. Quoting from the SIPP PTUN Bandung website, one of the requests was to cancel the genitals of the defendant in death statement number: 3273-KM-06102020-0021, in Bandung, 03-10-2001 in the name of Sulaeman who was born in Bandung, 07-06-1989.[2]

"States that the Petitioner named Sulaeman is still alive. Orders the Petitioner to record corrections to the applicant's population data and subsequent recording in the population database. Punishes the respondent to pay the costs of the case," wrote the SIPP (Case Tracing Information System) PTUN Bandung statement, Wednesday (8/2/2023). Sulaeman admitted that he was surprised when he got a call from the bank. Sulaeman at that time planned to take a mortgage (KPR/House Ownership Credit) in the Ciparay area. "The bank said that in the name of Mr. Sulaeman had died. My wife told me again. At that time I was riding an online motorcycle taxi. At first I didn't believe I was laughing. Then the next day I went to Disdukcapil, only found out that he was declared dead," said Sulaeman, Wednesday (8/2/2023). After coordinating with the Bandung City Disdukcapil, Sulaeman was then directed to file a lawsuit at the Bandung Administrative Court. This is because Sulaeman's death certificate has been issued.[3]

"It can be taken a lawsuit by the person who arranged for the death certificate. Because the death certificate has appeared, you have to go to the PTUN first. Because the data has been recorded at the Ministry of Home Affairs," said Sulaeman. Sulaeman admitted that he had attended the first trial with the agenda of proving documents and others. The rest, he was assisted by his attorney. "Yes, it can be as before (determined still alive), there must be a court decision," he said.[4] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.


1. "Tak Terima Dinyatakan Meninggal, Warga Gugat Disdukcapil Bandung!",, Sudirman Wamad, Diakses pada tanggal 9 Februari 2023, Link:
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.

Sabtu, 11 Februari 2023

Another Unique Case, Judge Marrying Divorce Plaintiff Becomes Second Wife


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the platform has talk about "Umrah Pilgrim Fraud with Low Cost Mode in Bogor Happens Again", "5 Interesting Cases that Become the Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court in Indonesia", "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia", "5 Most Bizarre Court Cases in US History" you may read also "These are 4 Legal Cases that Have Befallen the Elderly in Indonesia" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Another Unique Case, Judge Marrying Divorce Plaintiff Becomes Second Wife'.

A Tulungagung Religious Court (PA) judge married a divorce plaintiff in a case she handled as a second wife ended bitterly. The judge with the initials MY who married the litigant in the trial handled was dishonorably dismissed alias dismissed for violating the code of ethics. The dismissal was carried out at the Honorary Council of Judges (MKH) session on Friday (3/2/2023). The panel of judges at the MKH Session was the deputy chairman of KY M Taufiq HZ as the chairman of the panel of judges, along with KY members Siti Nudjanah, Binziad Kadafi and Amzulian Rifai. Also representatives of the Supreme Court namely Supreme Court Justices Syamsul Maarif, Purwosusilo, and Yasardin.[1]

Apart from being proven to have violated the judge's code of ethics, MY has also committed polygamy without a permit in accordance with existing regulations. More than that, the judge also did not recognize the child from his second wife and did not provide for the child. "And not setting an example as a senior judge," said Taufik. The case began when MY was still serving at the Tulungagung Religious Court. At that time, the reporting woman, who later became the judge's second wife, was in the process of divorcing her previous husband and accidentally met MY.[2]

The judge MY asked for the contact number of the complainant and stated that he would take care of the divorce case. MY allegedly arranged so that he could become a member of the assembly in the reporting case, then during the trial process MY invited the reporter to marry. Because she wanted the divorce process to end quickly, the reporting woman agreed to MY marriage proposal. After the reporter's divorce decision was approved, it didn't take long for MY and the reporter to marry in a series. After being married serially, MY promised several things until they were officially married.[3]

However, according to the reporter's confession, after a day of being officially married MY disappeared without news and did not fulfill his promise before being officially married until finally the woman reported MY actions to the Judicial Commission in 2021. on purpose. However, said MY, he had actually refused to become a member of the panel of judges in the reporting case. MY argued that he finally agreed to become a member of the panel of judges in the reported divorce case at the request of the head of the PA. During the trial MY also admitted that he had asked the complainant to marry in a series and to have a child from this relationship.[4]

Furthermore, still in MY defense note, he informed his first wife at the same time to ask permission for polygamy. After receiving permission from his first wife, MY then took care of the licensing for polygamy at the official office on the grounds that his first wife was sick so he could legally marry his second wife. Among the ethical codes that have been violated, namely number 5 point 5.1.(3) reads that "judges must avoid contact, either directly or indirectly, with advocates, prosecutors and parties in a case (which is) being examined by the judge concerned".[5]

The MKH trial which took place on Friday (3/2/2023) with the decision of the Panel of Judges dismissing MY was the third trial that has been held. The previous two trials were postponed because MY was unable to attend due to illness. For the first time in the history of the MKH trial, the reported MY had to be presented virtually via Zoom because he was still sick and under the supervision of a doctor. Also attending the trial were MY first wife and MY nephew who lived with MY and MY first wife as witnesses.[6] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.


1. "Akhir Pahit Hakim Pengadilan Agama Nikahi Penggugat Cerai Jadi Istri Kedua",, Denza Perdana, Diakses pada tanggal 7 Februari 2023, Link:
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.

Jumat, 10 Februari 2023

Umrah Pilgrim Fraud with Low Cost Mode in Bogor Happens Again


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the platform has talk about "Pig Butchering Fraud Targets Android and iPhone Users", "WhatsApp Fraud Mode 'Like' on YouTube Videos to Obtain Money", you may read also "Examples of Fraudulent Spam Emails" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Umrah Pilgrim Fraud with Low Cost Mode in Bogor Happens Again'.

The case of alleged fraud by prospective Umrah pilgrims in Bogor, West Java, was uncovered by the police. A woman suspected of being the perpetrator was arrested. This case arose when a celebrity from Bogor, Elsya Sandria, admitted that she was deceived by a woman managing a Hajj and Umrah travel agency with the initials CV. He admitted that he failed to perform Umrah and suffered a loss of up to IDR 200 million. Elsya then reported the case to the Bogor City Police on Wednesday (18/1/23'). Elsya admitted that she and 10 of her family had been promised to leave for Umrah on December 22, 2022. However, promises remain promises. There is no clear return on the money Elsya paid. The Police conducted an investigation. Finally, the police uncovered this case and arrested the alleged perpetrator. Here are some facts:[1]
  1. Police Arrest Prospective Umrah Pilgrims Fraudsters. The police arrested the alleged perpetrator of an Umrah trip scam that cost a celebrity in Bogor, West Java, up to IDR 200 million. The perpetrator with the initials CVG (39) was arrested in the Sentul area, Bogor Regency.
  2. Involved Parties Investigated. The police said investigators were still exploring the possibility that other parties helped the suspect cheat. Bismo said the suspect should have sent the victim and his family to Saudi Arabia for Umrah in December 2022, but failed and did not return the victim's money. "We have secured the perpetrator with the initials CVG, we have secured him from his house in Sentul (Bogor, West Java). We are still investigating the involvement of other parties," said Bismo.
  3. Victims of 106 people, loss of IDR 1.8 billion. The results of the police investigation revealed that 106 people were victims of fraud. It is estimated that the total loss reached IDR 1.8 billion. "The perpetrators were arrested and interrogated by the perpetrators, it was revealed that there were 106 other people who had also not been able to depart. Even though the deadline was promised in 2022, they were not departed. The total loss was IDR 1,881,440,000 (1.8 billion)," said Bismo. Bismo explained that the number of other victims was known from the WhatsApp group which was revealed by one of the victims who reported the incident at the Bogor City Police Headquarters.
  4. Police Suspect There Are Other Victims. The police suspect that there were other victims who were deceived by CVG perpetrators. People who feel aggrieved by the perpetrators of CVG are encouraged to report to the Bogor City Police. "It is possible that there are other victims, people who feel aggrieved can report to the Bogor City Police Headquarters," said Bismo. From the CVG perpetrators, the Police also confiscated evidence in the form of passports allegedly belonging to prospective pilgrims who had not yet departed, print-out bank statements, evidence of conversations, meningitis vaccine certificates, and account books.
  5. Mode of Offering Cheap Umrah Fees. Allegedly, CVG deceived victims by offering Umrah fees that were cheaper than the standard costs in general. "The alleged perpetrator on behalf of CVG has been carrying out activities to send Umrah since 2020. The system (the mode), he makes promises or can send Umrah at a low cost, at a price of IDR 5-12.5 million, where the average normal Umrah fee is IDR 20 million," said Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bogor City Police, Kompol Rizka Padhila. The Bogor City Police opened a complaint post for people who also felt they were victims.
  6. Robbing Peter to Pay Paul (Gali Lobang, Tutup Lobang) Proverb. CVG has indeed succeeded in dispatching a number of people for Umrah. However, in the end CVG had to do 'proverb of Robbing Peter to Pay Paul' or in Indonesia proverb is 'Gali Lobang, Tutup Lobang' for the prospective congregation's deposit money. "So, the difference (lack of costs for each departure), he (CVG) uses other customers' money. So the system is in line with proverb of 'Robbing Peter to Pay Paul', said Rizka. The Police asked the public not to be easily tempted if an Umrah fee was offered that was cheaper than the standard fee set by the government. "Initially there were only 2-3 people behind waiting for their turn, every year there were more and more. Until finally December 2022, there were approximately 106 who still had not been able to depart, a total loss of around IDR 1.8 billion," he added.
  7. The Perpetrator Became a Suspect and was Detained. CVG (39) has been named a suspect. CVG is now being detained at the Bogor City Police Headquarters. "(CVG) has been named a suspect, we are detaining him at the Bogor City Police. The perpetrators have been detained and charged under Article 372 Jo. 378 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 4 years in prison," said Kombes Bismo.
  8. The Alibi of the Perpetrators of Defrauding the Umrah Congregation. At least 106 prospective Umrah pilgrims became victims of CVG fraud. CVG conveyed an alibi for the failure of 106 pilgrims to depart. "The reason I didn't go was because the money had already been used by pilgrims who had already departed for 137 pilgrims," ​​CVG said when presented at a press conference disclosing cases of fraud by prospective Umrah pilgrims at the Bogor City Police Headquarters, Thursday (2/2/2023). CVG said that the case started with a meeting with a donor who wanted to send Indonesian citizens for the Umrah pilgrimage. However, this assistance was canceled because CVG refused to be a foreign citizen (WNA) who wanted to be a donor. Prospective pilgrims, said CVG, were only asked for a certain amount of money and the remaining costs were covered by the donor. CVG said the donor was a Saudi Arabian citizen. "I was promised by a donor in Saudi Arabia, if he wanted to send a congregation, 100-200 congregations, by being asked for IDR 5 million and IDR 12.5 million, and at that time I gathered some of my closest friends, my Koran teacher, and everyone," said CVG.

And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.


1. "8 Fakta Siasat Biaya Murah Rugikan Ratusan Calon Jemaah Umrah",, Diakses pada tanggal 3 Februari 2023, Link:

Kamis, 09 Februari 2023

Pig Butchering Fraud Targets Android and iPhone Users


Team of Hukumindo

Pig butchering scams that promise huge profits from fake crypto investments have begun to infiltrate the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Android and iPhone users are asked to be more careful. The pig butchering scam has actually been going on for years. This form of fraud usually involves fake websites and advertisements to social engineering. By using fraudulent applications circulating on official app stores, fraudsters can gain the victim's trust more easily.[1]

A cybersecurity researcher from Sophos said 'pig butchering' scammers usually target male users on Facebook or Tinder. Sophos came across this scam campaign originating from the 'ShaZhuPan' group from China. Fraudsters usually use profile photos of beautiful women to trick victims, and display photos of lavish lifestyles. After gaining the victim's trust, the scammers then say that they have an 'uncle' who works for a financial analysis company.[2]

The victim was then invited to buy cryptocurrency through a fake application called 'BitScan' on the Play Store, as well as Ace Pro and MBM_BitScan on the App Store. The scammer then guides the victim to first open a deposit on the Binance crypto exchange platform, then gets transferred to the fake app. This fraudulent application initially allows victims to withdraw their crypto investments in small amounts to make victims more trusting. But after the nominal gets bigger, the victim's account will be locked.[3]

To be able to infiltrate the App Store, the ShaZhuPan group initially connects the application with a 'good' server until it gets approval from Apple. After passing the review, the fraudster then changes the domain and connects the application to the "malicious" server. After opening the application, the victim will see a crypto trading application-style interface sent from a malicious server. However, all the information displayed on the interface is a hoax, except for the victim's deposit. Since these fraudulent apps were only downloaded by a small number of users who were victims, not many reported these apps for fraudulent acts. Google and Apple also find it difficult to recognize and kick this fraudulent application from their application store.[4]

Sophos says the popularity of fintech services makes it easier for consumers to trust apps like these. Moreover, the fraudulent application made it into the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. For this reason, Android and iPhone users are asked to be careful before installing new applications. Always check reviews and comments from other users, view privacy policies, details about the developer, and information about the company.[5] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.


1. "Awas! Penipuan Pig Butchering Incar Pengguna Android dan iPhone",, Virginia M. Putri, Diakses pada tanggal 7 Februari 2023, Link:
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.

Amazing, Public Road Transformed Into Garage

( ) By: Team of Hukumindo Previously, the platform has talk about " A Wife in India Asked For a Divorce Bec...