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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Praktik Hukum. Tampilkan semua postingan

Selasa, 08 Agustus 2023

Contoh Surat Pernyataan Kebenaran Dokumen


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform www.hukumindo.com telah membahas mengenai "A Man In Surabaya Jailed For Stealing His Own Car", "Contoh Surat Penyataan Untuk Permohonan Izin Reklame" dan "Stages of Obtaining Indonesian Citizenship", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Contoh Surat Pernyataan Kebenaran Dokumen'.


Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :
    Nama/Gelar : .......................
    Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : .......................
    Nomor KTP/Identitas : 3276062211860001 (contoh)
    Pendidikan Terakhir : S-1 (Sistem Informasi)/D-III (Akuntansi)  
    Universitas ………. (contoh)
    Jabatan yang dilamar : ......................... 
    Jenis Kelamin : .........................
    Agama : .........................
    Alamat : ..........................

Bersama ini saya menyatakan bahwa dokumen yang saya unggah dalam rangka seleksi CPNS Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan melalui portal resmi https://sscasn.bkn.go.id adalah benar. Apabila dikemudian hari ditemukan dokumen yang tidak benar, maka saya menerima keputusan panitia membatalkan keikutsertaan/ kelulusan saya pada seleksi CPNS Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan Tahun Anggaran 2019. Atas perhatiannya diucapkan terima kasih.

Jakarta, ….. November 2019

Yang membuat pernyataan

Meterai Rp. 10.000,-


1. "SURAT PERNYATAAN KEBENARAN DOKUMEN CPNS KEMENKO POLHUKAM TA 2019", polkam.go.id., Diakses pada tanggal 6 Agustus 2023, Link: https://polkam.go.id/konten/unggahan/2019/11/SURAT-PERNYATAAN-KEBENARAN-DOKUMEN-CPNS-KEMENKO-POLHUKAM-TA-2019.doc

Senin, 07 Agustus 2023

A Man In Surabaya Jailed For Stealing His Own Car


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Contoh Surat Penyataan Untuk Permohonan Izin Reklame", "Prices of Houses that Foreigners Can Buy and Own in Indonesia", you may read also "Be Careful Using AI, You Will be in Trouble for Citing Non-existent Jurisprudence" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'A Man In Surabaya Jailed For Stealing His Own Car'.

The man with the initials UK (31) was arrested by Police in Surabaya for stealing his own car. Previously he mortgaged the car to someone else.[1]

Head of the Surabaya Polrestabes Criminal Investigation Unit AKBP Mirzal Maulana said the Toyota Agya car owned by the perpetrator had been mortgaged to the victim in the amount of IDR 30 million. "Before being handed over to the victim, the car was installed with a GPS by the perpetrator to find out where the car was," said Mirzal during his release at the Surabaya Polrestabes, Thursday (3/8/2023).[2]

The perpetrator always monitors the whereabouts of the car from the GPS tracking application. On Sunday (16/7), the victim used the car with his family to a mall in the South Surabaya area. "When the car was parked, the perpetrator used a spare key that was not handed over to the victim, then came to the car and took it," said Mirzal. The perpetrators easily took away the car armed with the spare key. To trick the parking attendants, the perpetrator admitted that his parking ticket was lost.[3] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be glad to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Kisah Pria di Surabaya Curi Mobil Sendiri Berujung Masuk Bui", news.detik.com., Deny Prasetyo Utomo, Diakses pada tanggal 5 Agustus 2023, Link: https://news.detik.com/berita/d-6858286/kisah-pria-di-surabaya-curi-mobil-sendiri-berujung-masuk-bui
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.

Sabtu, 05 Agustus 2023

Contoh Surat Penyataan Untuk Permohonan Izin Reklame


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform www.hukumindo.com telah membahas mengenai "Prices of Houses that Foreigners Can Buy and Own in Indonesia", "Contoh Surat Kuasa Pendaftaran Merek, Bilingual" dan "Contoh Surat Pencabutan Kuasa", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Contoh Surat Penyataan Permohonan Izin Reklame'.


Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :

Nama : ..............................
NIK : ..............................
Jabatan : ..............................
Bertindak untuk dan atas nama : ..............................
Alamat : ..............................
Telp/HP : ..............................

Menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa :

1. Saya secara hukum bertindak untuk dan atas nama CV/PT…………………………….
2. Badan usaha yang saya wakili tidak masuk pengawasan pengadilan, tidak pailit atau kegiatan usahanya tidak sedang dihentikan;
3. Apabila permohonan izin reklame yang saya mohon disetujui, diterbitkan, saya dan/atau badan usaha yang saya wakili bertanggung jawab secara penuh atas segala risiko yang dapat ditimbulkan oleh penyelenggaraan reklame sebagai berikut:
  • Jenis Reklame : Mini Billboard/Billboard
  • Ukuran : ..............................
  • Lokasi : ..............................
  • Kelurahan : ..............................
  • Kecamatan : ..............................

Pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya dan penuh rasa tanggung jawab, jika di kemudian hari ditemui bahwa data/dokumen yang saya sampaikan tidak benar dan ada pemalsuan maka saya dan badan usaha yang saya wakili bersedia dikenakan sanksi berupa sanksi administratif, gugatan secara perdata, dan/atau pelaporan secara pidana kepada pihak berwenang sesuai ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Jakarta, .............../................./202....
Yang membuat pernyataan,


Meterai Rp. 10.000,-


Jika memerlukan advokat terkait dengan masalah hukum anda, silahkan hubungi alamat di bawah ini, kami akan senantiasa mendampingi.

*) Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan hubungi:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com

1. "Contoh-contoh Surat Pernyataan Untuk Berbagai Keperluan", www.bola.com., Diakses pada tanggal 5 Agustus 2023, Link: https://www.bola.com/ragam/read/5010672/contoh-contoh-surat-pernyataan-untuk-berbagai-keperluan

Jumat, 04 Agustus 2023

Prices of Houses that Foreigners Can Buy and Own in Indonesia


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "7 Points That You Can Find Out Before You Set The Price for Renting Land in Indonesia", "Principles of Buying Land in Indonesia", you may read also "How To Buy Land In Indonesia?" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Prices of Houses that Foreigners Can Buy and Own in Indonesia'.

Foreign Citizens (WNA) can now easily own a residence in Indonesia only with a passport basis. However, there is a minimum price for housing that can be purchased by foreigners. "Now (minimum price) for landed houses, the average is IDR 5 billion, for flats (flats) it's at least IDR 3 billion. A minimum of IDR 1 billion in some areas, in Jakarta it's 3 billion. In other places, it's at least IDR 5 billion for landed, in other (regions) there is IDR. 1 billion for landed," said Secretary General of the Ministry of ATR/BPN Suyus Windayana at the Socialization of Residential Ownership Regulations for Foreigners, at the Sheraton Hotel, South Jakarta, Thursday (3/8/2023).[1]

Based on the Decree of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency Number 1241/SK-HK.02/IX/2022 concerning Acquisition of Residential/Residential House Prices for Foreigners the minimum price of housing that can be purchased by foreigners varies, depending on the area. The following is the minimum price for landed houses that foreigners can buy:[2]
  1. Special Region of Jakarta: IDR 5 billion
  2. Banten: IDR 5 billion
  3. West Java: IDR 5 billion
  4. Central Java: IDR 5 billion
  5. East Java: 5 billion
  6. Special Region of Yogyakarta: IDR 5 billion
  7. Bali: IDR 5 billion
  8. West Nusa Tenggara: IDR 3 billion
  9. North Sumatra: IDR 2 billion
  10. East Kalimantan: IDR 2 billion
  11. South Sulawesi: IDR 2 billion
  12. Riau Archipelago: IDR 2 billion
  13. Other Regions/Provinces: IDR 1 billion

The following is the minimum price for flats that can be purchased by foreign nationals in Indonesia: [3]
  1. Special Region of Jakarta: IDR 3 billion
  2. Banten: IDR 2 billion
  3. West Java: IDR 2 billion
  4. Central Java: IDR 2 billion
  5. East Java: IDR 2 billion
  6. Bali: IDR 2 billion
  7. Yogyakarta Special Region: IDR 2 billion
  8. Other Regions/Provinces: IDR 1 billion

On the other hand, residential ownership for foreigners is limited to a maximum of 2,000 m2. However, if the foreigners can have a positive impact on Indonesia's economy and society, it is possible that the area of ​​settlements owned can be wider. "Foreigners are only allowed, temporarily, to own a plot of land per family that has a land area of ​​not more than 2,000 (square meters) but what if it has a positive impact on the economy and social, then it can be given according to the minister's permission, so foreigners for landing while we limit it below 2,000 (square meters), unless there is permission from the ATR/BPN Minister," he said. "This is already one from Bali for land ownership over 2,000 (square) meters. We are currently studying it. We are checking the field, what is the land for, whether it has an impact on the surrounding economy or not, we are studying it," he said.[4]

For information, now, the government is making it easy for Foreign Citizens (WNA) to own a residence in Indonesia. Foreigners can own property in Indonesia even if they only have a passport. "So this is a bit different from the previous one. Previously we asked for KITAS and KITAP as well, now in the possession of foreigners the KITAS and KITAP will be given after the foreigner gets or buys property in Indonesia, so the positions are reversed," he said.[5] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be glad to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Harga Rumah yang Boleh Dibeli dan Dimiliki Orang Asing di Indonesia", www.detik.com., Almadinah Putri Brilian, Diakses pada tanggal 4 Agustus 2023, Link: https://www.detik.com/properti/berita/d-6857342/harga-rumah-yang-boleh-dibeli-dan-dimiliki-orang-asing-di-indonesia
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.

Kamis, 03 Agustus 2023

7 Points That You Can Find Out Before You Set The Price for Renting Land in Indonesia


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Police Killed, Shot by Police, in Bogor Region", "How To Buy Land In Indonesia?", you may read also "Principles of Buying Land in Indonesia" and on this occasion we will discuss about '7 Points That You Can Find Out Before You Set The Price for Renting Land in Indonesia'.

Land is an investment advantage with a selling price that always goes up every year. Apart from being sold, land assets can also be leased with an agreement system between the two parties concerned, namely the tenant and the owner within a certain period of time. If you plan to invest in land by renting it out, you need to pay attention to several ways that need to be understood in determining the right price.[1]

The rental price cannot be decided by the wishes of the owner at random. There are several aspects that need to be looked at, such as location, land area, market, needs and others to assess the quality of the specifications of the land you have. In addition, determining the rental price cannot be too expensive or cheap. Determining the rental price can be seen from 7 points that you can find out before you set the price for renting land as follows:[2]
  1. Regional Research, region is one of the aspects that influence rental price decisions because each region has different potential. Land rental prices will be expensive when the rental area is close to urban areas or roadsides. Unlike in rural areas, rental prices tend to be lower.
  2. Demand Research, the demand referred to here are personal for those of you who want to passively generate additional income. Therefore, it is not wrong to determine the price of land based on your needs such as daily needs, saving, investing, and so on. Provided the rental price is reasonable for potential tenants.
  3. Location Value Research, the location of the land is also a point of consideration for the rental price in terms of its environmental value. For example, land located in industrial areas, offices, or in crowded areas is a factor in land prices that have the potential to be higher because this is a plus point for tenants.
  4. Market Price Research, the latest market price research so you can determine prices by discussing with real estate agents who are located close to the land area. Real estate agents usually understand property values ​​as your consideration in determining the level of your land rental price.
  5. 'Cap Rate', this method of determining the price of land by taking into account the cap rate of the level of property capitalization. Apartments have a capitalization rate of 7-12%, while houses are around 3-5%. In addition, the vacant land capitalization rate is below the value of the house. Here is a formula that you can use to determine the price of land seen from the cap rate as follows. Property Price x Cap Rate (%) = Rent Price (Rp)/Year.
  6. Selling Value of Tax Objects (NJOP), the method for determining the price of land is based on the NJOP, namely the estimated price of the house is based on the condition and size of the property owned. Pricing is determined by multiplying the NJOP by the percentage of the capitalization rate. NJOP is very useful for determining a fair price to sell or rent, so if you offer a rental price that exceeds the NJOP, then the benchmark price is considered too high. However, because the property being rented out is vacant land, there is nothing wrong if you rent it out at a price below the NJOP as well.
  7. Calculation of Yield, calculation of yield is a calculation in a year on the profit from leasing property with the following formula. Profit for a year's rent: property rental price: property price x 100. For example, suppose you have a property price of IDR 500 million and in a year you want to make a profit of 4%. So the rental price that you can offer is IDR 20 million per year.

And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be glad to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "7 Cara Tentukan Harga Sewa Tanah Kalau Kamu Kebingungan", www.detik.com., Cri Tanjoeng, Diakses pada tanggal 3 Agustus 2023, Link: https://www.detik.com/properti/tips-dan-panduan/d-6852892/7-cara-tentukan-harga-sewa-tanah-kalau-kamu-kebingungan
2. Ibid.

Rabu, 02 Agustus 2023

Police Killed, Shot by Police, in Bogor Region


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "This is a Penalty and a Ticket Fine If You Don't Have a Driving License in Indonesia", "How to Open a Police Report in Indonesia?", you may read also "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Police Killed, Shot by Police, in Bogor Region'.

A Policeman, Bripda IDF, was shot to death. The victim died after being shot by the perpetrator who was also a Police officer. Karo Penmas, the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, confirmed the incident. The incident occurred at the Cikeas Police Flat, Gunung Putri, Bogor Regency, on Sunday (23/7/2023), at 01.40 WIB. "On Sunday morning, July 23, 2023 at 01.40, at the Cikeas Gunung Putri Bogor Police Flat, a criminal act occurred due to negligence resulting in the death of a person, namely on behalf of Bripda IDF," said Ahmad Ramadhan in his statement to journalists, Wednesday (26/7/2023).[1]

In this case, two Police officers have been named as suspects. Both are currently in custody for further investigation. "The suspects, namely Bripda IMS and Bripka IG, have been secured for investigation regarding the incident," he said. This case is being investigated by a joint team of Propam and Criminal Investigation Unit. The two suspects are currently being processed criminally and ethically.[2]

Ahmad Ramadhan stressed that the National Police would not tolerate Police officers who violated the rule. "What is certain is that the National Police will not tolerate individuals who violate applicable laws or regulations," he concluded.[3] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be glad to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Polisi-Tewas-Ditembak-Polisi-Di-Bogor", news.detik.com, Dwi Rahmawati, Diakses pada tanggal 1 Agustus 2023, Link: https://news.detik.com/berita/d-6843213/polisi-tewas-ditembak-polisi-di-bogor
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.

Selasa, 01 Agustus 2023

This is a Penalty and a Ticket Fine If You Don't Have a Driving License in Indonesia


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Florida Judge Grants Civil Lawsuit Over Hot Spilled Chicken McNugget", "45 Indonesian Citizens Become Victims of Scammer Companies in Laos", you may read also "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'This is a penalty and a ticket fine if you don't have a driving license in Indonesia'.

Motorized vehicle drivers are required to have and carry a driving license (SIM or Surat Ijin Mengemudi) when driving on the highway. This rule is stated in Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation (LLAJ). Therefore, every driver must have a driving license and always carry it when using a vehicle.[1]

The obligation to own and carry a driver's license is not only to anticipate if there is a Police official inspection/operation at any time, but is proof that the driver has been declared to have met the driving requirements. So that when there is an inspection from the Police, the officer can ensure that the driver has passed the various tests tested and is fit to drive a car or motorbike on the road. On the other hand, if the driver cannot show his driver's license to the Police, the officer will issue a fine.[2]

For drivers who have a driver's license but forget not to take it with them, and cannot show it to the Police during a inspection, they can be fined. Quoted from Article 106 Paragraph (5) letter b of Law No. 22/2009 concerning LLAJ (Traffic and Road Transport), if a driver cannot show a driver's license or is left behind, a fine of IDR. 250,000 or imprisonment for a maximum of one month will be imposed. Further regarding related matters, it is also stated in article 288 Paragraph (2) of Law No. 22/2009 concerning LLAJ (Traffic and Road Transport).[3]

However, more severe sanctions will be imposed for drivers who do not have a driving license. Based on Article 281 of the LLAJ (Traffic and Road Transport) Law, the penalty is a fine of IDR. 1 million or imprisonment for a maximum of four months.[4] This should be of concern to you foreign tourists who are traveling in the jurisdiction of Indonesia. And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be glad to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Tidak Punya SIM Saat Kena Tilang, Ini Hukuman dan Dendanya", www.kompas.com., Penulis : Aditya Priyatna Darmawan, Editor : Rizal Setyo Nugroho, Diakses pada tanggal 1 Agustus 2023, Link: https://www.kompas.com/tren/read/2023/07/29/210000165/tidak-punya-sim-saat-kena-tilang-ini-hukuman-dan-dendanya
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.

Senin, 31 Juli 2023

Florida Judge Grants Civil Lawsuit Over Hot Spilled Chicken McNugget


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Contoh Surat Kuasa Untuk Membawa Dokumen Perusahaan", "Be Careful Using AI, You Will be in Trouble for Citing Non-existent Jurisprudence", you may read also "45 Indonesian Citizens Become Victims of Scammer Companies in Laos" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Florida Judge Grants Civil Lawsuit Over Hot Spilled Chicken McNugget'.

A Florida jury awarded $800,000 in damages to a 7-year-old girl on Wednesday for the suffering and mental anguish caused when a Chicken McNugget fell on her thigh, causing a second-degree burn. The burn happened in 2019 when she was visiting a McDonald’s at age 4, and the case drew comparisons to a famous, and successful, lawsuit against the fast-food chain by a woman who was scalded by hot coffee more than 30 years ago. The jury in Broward County awarded the girl, Olivia Caraballo, the damages for pain, suffering and other forms of mental anguish — $400,000 for the pain she endured and an additional $400,000 for any future suffering resulting from the injury, according to court documents. Lawyers for the family had asked for $15 million.[1]

The suit was brought in state court by Olivia’s parents, Philana Holmes and Humberto Caraballo Estevez, against McDonald’s and Upchurch Foods, the franchise operator in Tamarac, Fla. In May, a separate jury determined that the two companies were liable for failing to provide reasonable instructions or warnings — on the packaging, for example — about the risks of injuries that could result from a Chicken McNuggets meal, which comes with pieces of white chicken meat. As of Thursday, it was not clear whether lawyers for McDonald’s and Upchurch Foods were going to appeal the decision. McDonald’s lawyers declined to comment. The lawyers for Upchurch Foods did not immediately respond to multiple requests for comment. Under Florida law, they have 15 days to seek a new trial or 30 days to appeal.[2]

Jordan Redavid, the lead counsel for the family, said that the jury’s decision amounted to “full justice” for Olivia. “For years, the defendants said we didn’t have a case and that they had no liability,” Mr. Redavid said. The awarded damages were much more than the $156,000 that lawyers for McDonald’s had proposed to the jury in their closing remarks, he added. In August 2019, Ms. Holmes ordered a six-piece Chicken McNuggets Happy Meal for Olivia at a McDonald’s drive-through in Tamarac, a city northwest of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. After she handed the nuggets to her daughter in the back seat, one piece fell on Olivia’s lap, leaving her thigh “disfigured and scarred,” according to the initial lawsuit. On Thursday, Ms. Holmes said in a telephone interview that she was “satisfied with the decision” and was glad that the jury considered her daughter’s pain.[3] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be glad to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Jury Awards $800,000 to a Girl Burned by a Chicken McNugget", www.nytimes.com., Diakses pada tanggal 29 Juli 2023, Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/20/us/mcdonalds-nugget-lawsuit-florida.html
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.

Sabtu, 29 Juli 2023

Contoh Surat Kuasa Untuk Membawa Dokumen Perusahaan


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform www.hukumindo.com telah membahas mengenai "Contoh Surat Kuasa Menghadiri RUPS Tahunan", "Contoh Surat Kuasa Pengambilan Toga Untuk Wisuda" dan "Contoh Surat Kuasa Untuk Menjual Kendaraan Bermotor", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Contoh Surat Kuasa Untuk Membawa Dokumen Perusahaan'.



Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :

Nama: ...................
Jabatan: ...................
Alamat: ...................

Dalam hal ini bertindak untuk dan atas nama_____[Nama Perusahaan]_____, memberi kuasa kepada :

Nama: ................... 
Jabatan: ...................
Alamat: ...................
No. KTP: ...................

Untuk membawa dokumen perusahaan berupa:
  1. KTP direktur (fotokopi);
  2. NPWP (asli dan fotokopi);
  3. Surat Ijin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP) / Surat Ijin Jasa Konstruksi (SIUJK) / Ijin untuk menjalankan kegiatan / usaha sesuai ketentuan peraturan perundang‐undangan yang berlaku (asli dan fotokopi);
  4. Tanda Daftar Perusahaan (TDP) / Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB) (asli dan fotokopi);
  5. Akta Pendirian dan/atau akta perubahan perusahaan (jika ada), beserta Pengesahannya dengan Keputusan Menteri Hukum dan HAM (Asli dan Copy);
  6. Surat Permohonan (Form Permohonan Perubahan Data Penyedia) (asli).

Demikian surat kuasa ini dibuat dengan sebenarnya untuk digunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

[tempat]_,     [tanggal]

Pemberi Kuasa,                                                                   Penerima Kuasa,

Dicap dan bermaterai

[nama]                                                                             [nama] 
[Jabatan]                                                                             [Jabatan]


1. "CONTOH SURAT KUASA (PENYEDIA)", lpse.depok.go.id., Diakses pada tanggal 18 Juli 2023, Link: https://lpse.depok.go.id/eproc4/publik/detil_special?beritaId=9012034

Jumat, 28 Juli 2023

Contoh Surat Kuasa Menghadiri RUPS Tahunan


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform www.hukumindo.com telah membahas mengenai "Contoh Surat Kuasa Pengambilan Toga Untuk Wisuda", "Contoh Surat Kuasa Menghadiri Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS)" dan "Contoh Surat Kuasa Untuk Menjual Kendaraan Bermotor", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Contoh Surat Kuasa Menghadiri RUPS Tahunan'.


Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :

Nama : _______________________
Alamat : __________________________
No. KTP : _________________________
Jabatan : __________________________
Pemilik/Pemegang : _______________________ saham dalam PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk.

Dengan ini menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa saya berhak dan berwenang berdasarkan ketentuan Pasal ______________ Anggaran Dasar, mewakili ____________________________ (nama Badan Hukum/Institusi) sebagaimana dimuat dalam Akta No. ______ tanggal ______________________ dan bertanggungjawab penuh atas hal tersebut di atas.*)

*) Untuk Pemegang Saham PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk yang berbentuk Badan Hukum/ Institusi, disesuaikan dengan kewenangan Direksi/Pengurus Badan Hukum/ Institusi yang bersangkutan.

(Selanjutnya disebut “Pemberi Kuasa”)

Dengan ini menyatakan memberi kuasa kepada :

Nama : ______________________
Alamat : ________________________
No. KTP : _______________________
Jabatan : ________________________
(Selanjutnya disebut “Penerima Kuasa”)`

------------------------------------ KHUSUS ------------------------------------

Untuk dan atas nama Pemberi Kuasa menghadiri Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan (“Rapat”) PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (“Perseroan”), berkedudukan di Jakarta Pusat, yang diselenggarakan pada :

Hari/ Tanggal : Kamis/ 6 Mei 2021
Waktu : 13.00 WIB - selesai
Tempat : Wisma Mandiri 1 Lantai 11, Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 5, Jakarta Pusat, 10350.

atau pada waktu dan tempat lainnya sebagaimana ditetapkan Perseroan kemudian, untuk kepentingan hal tersebut Penerima Kuasa berhak untuk mengajukan pertanyaan maupun tanggapan, dan mengeluarkan suara dalam pengambilan keputusan, selanjutnya menandatangani akta, surat dan dokumen lainnya, serta melakukan tindakan lain yang dianggap baik dan perlu serta bermanfaat bagi Pemberi Kuasa, sehingga kepentingan Pemberi Kuasa dalam Rapat dapat terpenuhi dengan tidak ada yang dikecualikan, dengan memperhatikan ketentuan tata tertib yang ditetapkan dalam penyelenggaraan Rapat dimaksud serta ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Surat Kuasa ini berlaku sejak tanggal ditandatangani sampai Rapat selesai.

Demikian surat kuasa ini dibuat untuk dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

Dibuat di __________, pada tanggal _________

Penerima Kuasa                                         Pemberi Kuasa

                                                                   (meterai Rp 10.000,-)
_______________________                     __________________________________
Nama:                                                         Nama : ……….………………..………...
                                                                    Jabatan : …………………..………


1. "SURAT KUASA - Bank Syariah Indonesia", ir.bankbsi.co.id., Diakses pada tanggal 18 Juli 2023, Link: https://ir.bankbsi.co.id/misc/GMS/2021/Surat-Kuasa-RUPST.pdf

Kamis, 27 Juli 2023

Contoh Surat Kuasa Pengambilan Toga Untuk Wisuda


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform www.hukumindo.com telah membahas mengenai "Contoh Surat Kuasa Menunjukkan Batas Tanah", "Contoh Sederhana Surat Kuasa Khusus Perdata Tergugat" dan "Contoh Surat Kuasa Kasasi Kasus Pidana", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Contoh Surat Kuasa Pengambilan Toga Untuk Wisuda'.


Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :

Nama : .......................................................................................
NIM : .......................................................................................
Prodi : .......................................................................................
Alamat : .......................................................................................
No HP : .......................................................................................

Memberikan kuasa kepada :

Nama : .......................................................................................
NIM : .......................................................................................
Prodi : .......................................................................................
Alamat : .......................................................................................
No HP : .......................................................................................

Untuk pengurusan pengambilan toga Wisuda Sarjana XLIV dan Pascasarjana XIX Tahun 2022 atas nama pemberi kuasa.

Demikianlah Surat Kuasa ini saya buat sebenar-benarnya untuk dipergunakan sebagaimana semestinya.

..........., ..................

Yang Diberi Kuasa                                                             Yang Memberi Kuasa


.........................                                                                   ..............................
(Tanda tangan basah)


1. "Contoh Surat Kuasa Pengambilan Toga", baa.mercubuana-yogya.ac.id., Diakses pada tanggal 18 Juli 2023, Link: https://baa.mercubuana-yogya.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Contoh-Surat-Kuasa-Pengambilan-Toga-2022.pdf

Rabu, 26 Juli 2023

Contoh Surat Kuasa Menunjukkan Batas Tanah


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform www.hukumindo.com telah membahas mengenai "Contoh Surat Kuasa Pengurusan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan", "Contoh Surat Pencabutan Kuasa" dan "Contoh Surat Kuasa Untuk Mengurus Balik Nama Sertifikat", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Contoh Surat Kuasa Menunjukkan Batas Tanah '.


Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :

Nama : ……....……………
Pekerjaan : ……....……………
Alamat : ……....……………

Dengan ini memberi kuasa kepada :

Nama : ……....……………
Pekerjaan : ……....……………
Alamat : ……....……………

Untuk menunjukkan batas tanah sehubungan dengan permohonan Keterangan Rencana Kota atas tanah yang terletak di………....…………………………...………….sebagaiman disebutkandalam SHM / Hak Sewa / HGB / Petok D / ………………………….. Pemegang hak atas nama……………………………………………….. 

Demikian surat kuasa ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya untuk dapat dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

Surabaya, ……………………

Penerima Kuasa                                 Pemberi Kuasa

Materai Rp. 10.000,-
Ttd.                                                    Ttd.

……………………                           ……………………


1. "SURAT KUASA", ssw.surabaya.go.id., Diakses pada tanggal 18 Juli 2023, Link: https://ssw.surabaya.go.id/syarat_dan_contoh_sp/surat_kuasa.pdf

Selasa, 25 Juli 2023

Contoh Surat Kuasa Pengurusan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform www.hukumindo.com telah membahas mengenai "Contoh Surat Kuasa Pemohon Perselisihan Hasil Pemilu Kepala Daerah Di Mahkamah Konstitusi", "Contoh Surat Pencabutan Kuasa" dan "Contoh Surat Kuasa Untuk Mengurus Balik Nama Sertifikat", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Contoh Surat Kuasa Pengurusan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan'.


Yang bertanda tangan diawah ini :
Nama Wajib Pajak : ..........................................................................................................................
Alamat : ..........................................................................................................................
Nomor Identitas : .............................................................. .KTP/SIM/Lainnya .........................*)

Dengan ini memberi kuasa kepada :

Nama (Lengkap) : ..........................................................................................................................
Alamat : ..........................................................................................................................
Nomor Identitas : ............................................................... KTP/SIM/Lainnya .........................*)

Untuk melakukan hak dan / atau memenuhi kewajiban Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan Perdesaan & Perkotaan

Berupa pengurusan : ..........................................................................................................................

Pada Kantor Badan Pengelolaan Pendapatan Daerah Kabupaten Bogor Demikian surat kuasa ini dibuat dengan sesungguhnya untuk dipergunakan dengan penuh tanggung jawab.

Penerima Kuasa,                                             Pemberi Kuasa,

                                                                        Meterai Rp. 10.000,-

..............................................                         ..............................................

1. "SURAT KUASA", bappenda.bogorkab.go.id., Diakses pada tanggal 18 Juli 2023, Link: https://bappenda.bogorkab.go.id/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/SURAT-KUASA.pdf

Senin, 24 Juli 2023

Contoh Surat Kuasa Pemohon Perselisihan Hasil Pemilu Kepala Daerah Di Mahkamah Konstitusi


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform www.hukumindo.com telah membahas mengenai "Supreme Court of Indonesia Prohibits Judges to Grant Application for Registration of Interfaith Marriages", "Contoh Blangko Surat Permohonan Perselisihan Hasil Pilkada" dan "Pilihan Upaya Hukum atas Polemik Pengangkatan Pjs Gubernur Jawa Barat", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Contoh Surat Kuasa Pemohon Perselisihan Hasil Pemilu Kepala Daerah Di Mahkamah Konstitusi '. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini:[1]


Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :

1. Nama: Drs. DEDI JUNAEDI, S.H.
Tempat/tanggal lahir: Subang, 04 September 1959
Pekerjaan: Wiraswasta
Alamat: Jln. Otista, Gg. Cendrawasih, RT/RW: 008/002, Kelurahan: Soklat, Kecamatan: Subang,  Kabupaten: Subang, Jawa Barat.

2. Nama: DR. Drs. H, BUDI SETIADI
Tempat/tanggal lahir: Tasikmalaya, 02 Oktober 1965
Pekerjaan: Pensiunan
Alamat: RSS. Sidodadi Blok B, No. 222, Kel/Desa: Pasirkareumbi, Kecamatan: Subang, Kabupaten: Subang, Jawa Barat.

Untuk selanjutnya direbut Pemberi Kuasa.

Dengan ini menerangkan memberikan kuasa kepada :


Advokat, konsultan hukum dari "Kantor Hukum HENDY NOVIANDY, S.H., DAN REKAN" beralamat di Jalan Raya Ciwastra No: 119 (lantai. 2), Margasari, Buah Batu, Kota Bandung, untuk selanjutrnya disebut "Penerima Kuasa".


Baik bersama-sama maupun sendiri-sendiri Penerima Kuasa diberi kuasa bertindak untuk dan atas nama Pemberi Kuasa, mewakili, mendampingi Pemberi Kuasa sebagai Pemohon dalam perkara Permohonan Perselisihan Hasil Pemilihan Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Kabupaten Subang di Mahkamah Konstitusi yang terdaftar dalam Akta Pengajuan Permohonan Pemohon Nomor : 57/1/PAN.MK/2018, tanggal 08 Juli 2018.

Untuk maksud tersebut Penerima Kuasa diberi kuasa untuk mewakili, mendampingi Pemberi Kuasa Untuk menghadap dan berhubungan dengan Hakim-hakim, para pejabat - pejabat, para staf-staf dan para karyawan yang berada di lingkungan Mahkamah Konstitusi R.I., sepanjang ada kaitannya dengan kepentingan perkaranya pemberi Kuasa; serta meminta dan/atau memberikan keterangan yang diperlukan, membuat dan menandatangani serta mengajukan Permohonan, Replik, mencabut Permohonan, meminta, menerima dan / atau menolak alat-alat bukti, mengajukan saksi-saksi, menolak saksi saksi, membuat dan mengajukan tanggapan-tanggapan terhadap bukti, membuat kesimpulan, membuat surat-surat permohonan, membalas surat-surat, meminta, menerima putusan-putusan dan pelaksanaan putusan, Singkatnya yang diberi kuasa dapat menjalankan segala sesuatu pekerjaan yang umumnya dapat dikerjakan oleh seorang kuasa atau wakil, dalam arti yang seluas-luasnya dan tidak ada yang dikecualikan;

Kuasa ini diberikan dengan hak substitusi baik sebagian maupun seluruhnya.

Subang, 11 Juli 2018

Penerima Kuasa                                                             Pemberi Kuasa

                                                                                       Meterai Rp. 6.000,-
Ttd.                                                                                 Ttd.

HENDY NOVIANDY, S.H.                                         Drs. DEDI JUNAEDI, S.H.

Ttd.                                                                                 Ttd.





1. "Surat Kuasa", www.mkri.id., Diakses pada tanggal 18 Juli 2023, Link: https://www.mkri.id/public/berkas/27840_SURAT%20KUASA.pdf

Sabtu, 22 Juli 2023

Supreme Court of Indonesia Prohibits Judges to Grant Application for Registration of Interfaith Marriages


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "The Case of the Money Multiplier Shaman in Indonesia: Yohanes Suryono", "Central Jakarta District Court Permits Marriage for Muslim-Christian Couples, Here Are the Legal Considerations", you may read also "Contoh Permohonan Penetapan Perkawinan Beda Agama" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Supreme Court of Indonesia Prohibits Judges to Grant Application for Registration of Interfaith Marriages'.

The Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia finally issued a circular letter prohibiting judges from granting requests for the registration of interfaith marriages. This letter is to respond to the polemic on the determination of judges in breaking up interfaith marriages in various regions. Supreme Court Circular Letter (SEMA) Number 2 of 2023 concerning Guidelines for Judges in Trialing Cases for Requests for Registration of Inter-Religious Marriages of Different Religions and Beliefs. The SEMA (Supreme Court Circular Letter) was signed by Chief of Supreme Court, Muhammad Syarifuddin.[1]

The following is the contents of the SEMA (Supreme Court Circular Letter) as referred to:[2]
"In order to provide certainty and legal unity in adjudicating applications for the registration of marriages between people of different religions and beliefs, judges must be guided by the following provisions: 

1. A valid marriage is one that is carried out according to the laws of each religion and belief, in accordance with Article 2 paragraph 1 and Article 8 letter f of Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage.

2. The court did not grant the application for the registration of marriages between people of different religions and beliefs."


And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be glad to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "MA Larang Hakim Kabulkan Permohonan Nikah Beda Agama", www.detik.com., Diakses pada tanggal 21 Juli 2023, Link: https://www.detik.com/sulsel/berita/d-6829810/ma-larang-hakim-kabulkan-permohonan-nikah-beda-agama
2. Ibid.

Jumat, 21 Juli 2023

The Case of the Money Multiplier Shaman in Indonesia: Yohanes Suryono


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "The Case of the Money Multiplier Shaman in Indonesia: Dimas Kanjeng", "How to Open a Police Report in Indonesia?", you may read also "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'The Case of the Money Multiplier Shaman in Indonesia: Yohanes Suryono'. This is the last article on the theme of Money Multiplier Shaman in Indonesia.

Our platform has also discussed cases of other money multiplier shamans, namely: Dukun AS, Dukun Usep and Wowon Cs. The following links can be accessed: "7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Wowon Cs.", "7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Dukun Usep", and "7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Dukun AS".

Yohanes Suryono (51), a shaman who multiplied money and killed two victims, was arrested by Satreskrim Polres Garut. Yohanes was arrested by the Police for carrying out a money-making ritual at Santolo Beach, Cikelet District, Garut Regency, West Java. Garut Police Chief AKBP Wirdhanto Hadicaksono said the perpetrator claimed to be a shaman who had the expertise to bring supernatural money to his victims. "This perpetrator carried out a ritual practice of doubling money, the suspect YS alias Abah U is a resident of Banjar," he said when exposing the case at the Garut Police Headquarters, Friday (24/12/2021).[1]

Wirdhanto said that in carrying out this action, the suspect was unable to bring what he promised to his victim. The victim was then disappointed and then went to the suspect's house and cursed the suspect's child with words that hurt him. "The three victims came to the house of the suspect's family and scolded their children and said the suspect was just pretending or a liar," he said.[2]

The suspect then felt hurt when he heard that his son was being scolded by the victim and then invited the victim to carry out the ritual on the south coast of Garut Regency. "Then finally on December 15 in Santolo South Garut, the suspect performed a ritual with three of his victims," ​​said Wirdhanto. In this ritual, the suspect ordered the victim to eat 1.5 kg of goat meat that had been provided. It turned out that the goat meat had been poisoned by the suspect using rat poison, causing two patients to die and one critical.[3]

"It happened at 9.30 pm, the three victims consumed the meat which apparently had previously been mixed with tenik rat poison,". "So that in the end the three of them reacted which resulted in two victims dying and one critical," said Wirdhanto.[4] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be glad to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Seorang Dukun Pengganda Uang Habisi Nyawa Pasiennya Gunakan Racun, Alasannya Ternyata Karena Ini", jabar.tribunnews.com., Sidqi Al Ghifari, Diakses pada tanggal 20 Juli 2023, Link: https://jabar.tribunnews.com/2021/12/24/seorang-dukun-pengganda-uang-habisi-nyawa-pasiennya-gunakan-racun-alasannya-ternyata-karena-ini
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.

Kamis, 20 Juli 2023

The Case of the Money Multiplier Shaman in Indonesia: Dimas Kanjeng


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "The Case of the Money Multiplier Shaman in Indonesia: Abah Yanto", "How to Open a Police Report in Indonesia?", you may read also "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'The Case of the Money Multiplier Shaman in Indonesia: Dimas Kanjeng'.

Our platform has also discussed cases of other money multiplier shamans, namely: Dukun AS, Dukun Usep and Wowon Cs. The following links can be accessed: "7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Wowon Cs.", "7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Dukun Usep", and "7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Dukun AS".

This case of money multiplier shaman which leading to murder is not the first time has happened in Indonesia. One of the money multiplier shaman cases that has shocked the public is 'Taat Pribadi' alias Dimas Kanjeng. Dimas Kanjeng was arrested on September 22, 2016. Dimas Kanjeng's cover was exposed after he ordered people to kill two of his followers, Ismail Hidayah and Abdul Gani. The reason was because Ismail was considered to have harmed the Dimas Kanjeng Taat Pribadi Padepokan (a place for learning and training, as well as a residence for warriors in the world of martial arts), namely exposing the hermitage's disgrace.[1]

On 2 February 2015, Ismail was finally killed on Paiton Street, Probolinggo. After that, Ismail's body was buried in Tegalsono Village, Probolinggo, in a burial pit that had been prepared beforehand. As it turned out, on February 5, 2015, residents found Ismail's body. Slowly, the murder case was revealed. This gang of murders ordered by Dimas Kanjeng caused a commotion and exposed the cover of Padepokan Dimas Kanjeng. Apart from Ismail, Dimas Kanjeng also killed Abdul Gani. He is the Chairman of the Padepokan Dimas Kanjeng Foundation. Abdul Gani's body was found on April 14 2016 in the Gajah Mungkur Reservoir, Wonogiri, Central Java. The day before, he was killed in Probolinggo.[2]

It took about 5 months for the Police to uncover. The perpetrators admitted that they dumped Abdul Gani's body in Wonogiri because the victim Ismal Hidayat, who was killed and buried in Probolinggo, was found out. Abdul Gani was killed for tarnishing the good name of the Dimas Kanjeng hermitage. "The victim often bad-mouthed the leader of Dimas Kanjeng outside the hermitage by saying that there were many people who obeyed the person, but they were not given it to the person who lent the money to double it. If the money was there, why not just give it? That's what the victim said to other people," explained the Head of Sub-Directorate for Jatanras Diteskrimum Polda Jatim at that time, AKBP Taufik Herdiansyah. The nine perpetrators of the murder were ordered by Dimas Kanjeng. They are members of the Protection Team who become Dimas Kanjeng's trusted people. They got paid IDR 320 million. Each perpetrator received IDR 30-40 million.[3]

The arrest of Dimas Kanjeng was recorded to have occurred during the era of the East Java Regional Police Chief Inspector General Anton Setiadji. In his confession, Anton admitted that it was indeed difficult to catch Dimas Kanjeng. This is because the risk of clashing with his followers and causing casualties is very likely to occur. To catch Dimas Kanjeng, Anton said he had launched a 'silent operation'. This operation has even been prepared in detail for two months before the execution. The goal is to avoid casualties from both sides.[4] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Kedok Keji Dimas Kanjeng Dukun Pengganda Uang Sekaligus Otak Pembunuhan", www.detik.com., Diakses pada tanggal 20 Juli 2023, Link: https://www.detik.com/jatim/berita/d-6662252/kedok-keji-dimas-kanjeng-dukun-pengganda-uang-sekaligus-otak-pembunuhan
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.

Selasa, 18 Juli 2023

The Case of the Money Multiplier Shaman in Indonesia: Abah Yanto


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "The Case of the Money Multiplier Shaman in Indonesia: Slamet Tohari", "How to Open a Police Report in Indonesia?", you may read also "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'The Case of the Money Multiplier Shaman in Indonesia: Abah Yanto'.

Our platform has also discussed cases of other money multiplier shamans, namely: Dukun AS, Dukun Usep and Wowon Cs. The following links can be accessed: "7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Wowon Cs.", "7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Dukun Usep", and "7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Dukun AS".

The Figure of Abah Yanto

Abah Yanto (initial MY) apparently performed a money doubling ritual in Ngabetan Village, Cerme, Gresik. Meanwhile, the house of the Police visited was where he lived. There, he lived with Aimatul Choiriyah (31), who is known to be his young wife. Mentioned that the back room of Abah Yanto's house, was used as a place to receive his patients. He is also known to have a new car and a driver. This was revealed by the Chairman of the Perum Grand Verona Association, Edo Prasetya Saputra.[1]

Edo added that every day, Abah Yanto used a wheelchair because he had a stroke. Every morning, he said, the shaman was basking in the hot sun. Its existence is said to have made residents uneasy. This is because patients who come and go do not know the time, including early in the morning. Even though he had been warned, Abah Yanto remained silent. He was also, called by Edo, did not submit population data and was not active in citizen activities.[2]

Abah Yanto Known as a Money Multiplier Shaman

Abah Yanto is known as a shaman who can multiply money with 'blood rituals'. He claimed to have followers in several cities in East Java. Instead of multiple the money, he actually deceived his victims who hoped that their money would be multiplied. So, what kind of blood ritual was performed by Abah Yanto to double the money?[3]

When arresting Abah Yanto at his rented house, on Tuesday (10/1/2023) early morning, the Police found dozens of bags of blood. It is known, there were around 34 bags of human blood measuring 200 cc and 250 cc which were confiscated. Not only that, the Police also found fake toy money that was used by Abah Yanto to return the victim's money. Later, a number of daggers were also found that were used by the shaman in performing rituals. Based on the interim investigation, Abah Yanto admitted to the Police that the blood was used as an offering for 'jenglot' (miniature humans as amulets in shamanic rituals). This statement was conveyed by Head of the Gresik Police, Lutfi Hadi, at the Gresik Police Headquarters, Wednesday (11/1/2023).[4]

Abah Yanto Involved in Fraud and Embezzlement of Funds. In fact, MY was arrested on suspicion of fraud and embezzlement. This action was only revealed after one of the victims reported it to the Police. The victim had handed over IDR 565 million in two months. Abah Yanto promised to double the money to IDR. 3.9 billion in September 2022. However, he refused and only returned the victim's money of IDR. 170 million. In refunded money, the top and bottom are real money. While the rest is fake toy money.[5] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Fakta-fakta Ritual Darah Abah Yanto, Dukun Pengganda Uang di Gresik Seret Nama PMI", www.suara.com., Farah Nabila, Sabtu, 14 Januari 2023, Diakses pada tanggal 18 Juli 2023, Link: https://www.suara.com/news/2023/01/14/133830/fakta-fakta-ritual-darah-abah-yanto-dukun-pengganda-uang-di-gresik-seret-nama-pmi?page=all
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.

Amazing, Public Road Transformed Into Garage

( Detik.com ) By: Team of Hukumindo Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about " A Wife in India Asked For a Divorce Bec...