Rabu, 31 Mei 2023

45 Indonesian Citizens Become Victims of Scammer Companies in Laos


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "This woman lost IDR 2.38 billion Because of Fraudulent SMS", "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia", you may read also "What's The Difference Between Police Report and Public Complaint?" and on this occasion we will discuss about '45 Indonesian Citizens Become Victims of Scammer Companies in Laos'.

As many as 45 Indonesian citizens (WNI) are reported to have become victims of online scamming companies in Laos. The Indonesian Embassy in Vientiane also urged local authorities to follow up on the case. The Director for the Protection of Indonesian Citizens and Legal Entities at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Judha Nugraha, said the Indonesian Embassy in Vientiane received a complaint from an Indonesian citizen with the initials MNH who claimed to have left a scamming company in Laos with dozens of other Indonesian citizens. They became victims of the company, where they were asked to work as online scammers with their passports being held by the company.[1]

"On Wednesday, 24 May 2023 afternoon, the Indonesian Embassy in Vientiane received a complaint from Brother MNH who stated that 45 Indonesian citizens including himself had left the company where they worked as online scammers in the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone. Their passports were being held by the company," said the company. Judha in his statement, Friday (26/5). Judha also said that the Indonesian Embassy in Vientiane immediately followed up on the complaint by sending a request for assistance with picking up passports to the Lao police who were in Bokeo the next day. "The Bokeo Police have met Mr MNH and 7 other Indonesian citizens to ask for their statements and take their photos. The Indonesian Embassy in Vientiene continues to monitor the progress of the investigation process and law enforcement steps taken by the Bokeo Police," he said.[2]

Judha said that until now there were at least 29 cases of Indonesian citizens being handled by the local Police. The Indonesian Embassy in Vientiane always "monitors and encourages local authorities to follow up on cases" that befell Indonesian citizens in accordance with applicable legal procedures. Previously, a viral video on social media showed a group of Indonesian citizens claiming to be stranded in Laos because their passports were being held by a company. The narrator of the video said he and the Indonesian citizens had been stranded for four days in the foreign country because their passports had not been returned.[3] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "45 WNI Jadi Korban Perusahaan Scammer, KBRI Laos Desak Tindak Lanjut", www.cnnindonesia.com., Diakses pada tanggal 28 Mei 2023, Link:  https://www.cnnindonesia.com/internasional/20230526204255-106-954603/45-wni-jadi-korban-perusahaan-scammer-kbri-laos-desak-tindak-lanjut
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.

Selasa, 30 Mei 2023

This woman lost IDR 2.38 billion Because of Fraudulent SMS


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Personal Data Must Be Safeguarded To Keep Bank Accounts Safe", "Chronology of Indosurya Fraud Cases, The Largest Losses in Indonesia!", "How to Open a Police Report in Indonesia?" you may read also "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'This woman lost IDR 2.38 billion Because of Fraudulent SMS'.

A woman becomes the victim of a bank account 'burglary'. This was experienced by Deborah Moss, a catering entrepreneur in California, who lost up to US$ 160 thousand or the equivalent to IDR. 2.38 billion (assuming an exchange rate of IDR. 14,900/1 US $). Deborah became a victim of account breaches when she received an SMS from a number claiming to be the bank informing her about a monthly debit card fee of US$ 35 per month.[1]

At first he ignored the short message. Until finally he got a call from someone who claimed to be an employee of Chase Bank, the place where he kept the money. Deborah said the employee claimed to be Barbara. Then Barbara said there was an allegation of fraud committed by Deborah. Therefore Barbara asked for Deborah's personal data for verification. Then Deborah was asked to read out the number that came in through a short message. "I obeyed and mentioned the numbers. He said thank you," he said.[2]

Every day of the week, Barbara kept calling Deborah and saying there was a problem with the delivery of the card. Deborah is always asked to mention the numbers that come through her SMS. Until then Deborah went to the nearest branch office. Then the bank employee at the office said that his account had been drained of up to US$ 160,000. "All my money is gone, the 12 years of savings that I collected are gone," he said.[3]

The incident experienced by Deborah is also experienced by many Americans. The government even noted that the loss from this account breach reached US$ 8.8 billion in 2022, up 30% compared to the previous year. Deborah has reported the matter to the Police and is hoping to get her money back. But his hopes were dashed when the bank rejected his claim. Chase Bank said that during its investigation, the bank did not find Deborah's protection efforts for her own account. The bank said that there would be no refund, because the bank considered that it was pure Deborah's negligence. Deborah was devastated to hear the news. "My world feels shattered," he said.[4]

JPMorgan Chase provided a response to this case, they said that Deborah's bank account was compromised by scammers and the fraudster managed to get other confidential information. Chase Bank said they had contacted Deborah via phone and email regarding the transfer. However, Deborah admitted that she never received any message from the bank.[5] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Ngeri! Gara-gara SMS, Wanita Ini Kehilangan Duitnya Rp 2,38 M", finance.detik.com., Sylke Febrina Laucereno - detikFinance, Sabtu, 27 Mei 2023, Diakses pada tanggal 28 Mei 2023, Link: https://finance.detik.com/moneter/d-6742264/ngeri-gara-gara-sms-wanita-ini-kehilangan-duitnya-rp-238-m.
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.

Senin, 29 Mei 2023

Personal Data Must Be Safeguarded To Keep Bank Accounts Safe


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Contoh Surat Permohonan Pembatalan Nikah Muslim", "How to Open a Police Report in Indonesia?", you may read also "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Personal Data Must Be Safeguarded To Keep Bank Accounts Safe'.

A number of cases of personal data hacking are still occurring and affecting the banking sector in Indonesia. Therefore, customers must also be able to protect their data so that there are no gaps for irresponsible parties to break into it. This is because personal data is the responsibility of the customer. Although in principle all bank activities are overseen by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Bank Indonesia (BI). The bank must run the service carefully.[1]

However, customer data breaches still occur. Many factors become triggers, both from the banking system and from customers. However, so far the breach of customer data is generally caused more by the negligence of the customer himself. Executive Director of the Segara Research Institute Piter Abdullah admitted that customer data breaches have so far been generally caused by customer negligence, especially in maintaining the confidentiality of personal data in the form of identities, passbooks, PINs and other personal data. According to him, the low literacy of the Indonesian people is one of the main factors causing the high level of customer data leakage. Of course this should be of particular concern to regulators.[2]

He revealed that the public as customers must also be wiser and more careful in using social media, especially when it comes to banking because it can trigger public distrust of banks. Meanwhile, Banking Observer Paul Sutaryono added, the role of the OJK is very much needed in encouraging literacy, education and outreach to the Indonesian public regarding data confidentiality. Thus, the level of financial literacy of the community will be higher. These efforts will be able to reduce the potential risk of financial cases such as banks and other financial institutions that are vulnerable to data breaches.[3]

"OJK, as the highest regulator of the financial services sector, should continue to provide education and outreach about finance. This can contain both honey (benefits) and poison (risk potential) of banking products and services," added Paul. However, this returns to the customers themselves. Customers must fully understand the risks that occur if they are negligent in using banking services. "Don't forget that customers or consumers must also continue to study and maintain the security of personal data related to banking products and services that they have. This data can be in the form of ATMs, savings books, account numbers, KTP numbers, names of biological mothers. All of this is very useful for preventing fraud. potential risk of fraud that can be detrimental to banks and customers," he said.[4] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Data Pribadi Wajib Dijaga Supaya Rekening Tetap Aman", finance.detik.com., Minggu, 19 Mar 2023 22:45 WIB, Diakses pada tanggal 28 Mei 2023, Link: https://finance.detik.com/moneter/d-6627710/data-pribadi-wajib-dijaga-supaya-rekening-tetap-aman.
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.

Sabtu, 27 Mei 2023

Contoh Surat Permohonan Pembatalan Nikah Muslim


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform www.hukumindo.com telah membahas mengenai "Jeanne Mandagi, Jenderal Polisi Wanita Pertama", "Contoh Surat Permohonan Pengesahan Perkawinan Secara Mandiri" dan "Contoh Permohonan Penetapan Perkawinan Beda Agama", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Contoh Surat Permohonan Pembatalan Nikah Muslim'.

Ampana, ..........................

Perihal : Permohonan Pembatalan Nikah

Kepada Yth.
Ketua Pengadilan Agama Ampana

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini saya :

N a m a : ..................................
Umur : ..... tahun
Agama : Islam
Pekerjaan : ....................................
Pendidikan : ........................
Tempat kediaman di : Dukuh....... RT....RW...... Desa/kelurahan........Kecamatan.........Kabupaten.....,
sebagai "Pemohon";

Dengan hormat, dengan ini Pemohon mengajukan permohonan pembatalan perkawinan terhadap:

Nama Suami : ...........................................
Umur : .... tahun
Agama : Islam 
Pekerjaan : ......................
Pendidikan : ................................
Tempat kediaman di : Dukuh....... RT....RW...... Desa/kelurahan........Kecamatan.........Kabupaten.....,
sebagai "Termohon I";

Nama: .................................
Umur : .....tahun
Agama : Islam
Pekerjaan : ...........................
Pendidikan : ....................................
Tempat kediaman di : Dukuh....... RT....RW...... Desa/kelurahan........Kecamatan.........Kabupaten.....,
sebagai "Termohon II";

Adapun alasan/dalil-dalil permohonan Pemohon sebagai berikut :

1. Bahwa pada tanggal ...... Termohon I dan Termohon II telah melangsungkan pernikahan yang dicatat oleh Pegawai Pencatat Nikah Kantor Urusan Agama Kecamatan ....... Kabupatenagaimana ternyata dalam Kutipan Akta Nikah Nomor : ....... tanggal ...........;
2. Bahwa sebelum menikah Termohon I berstatus jejaka/duda/beristri dan Termohon II berstatus perawan/duda;
3. Bahwa setelah pernikahan tersebut, Termohon I dengan Termohon II bertempat tinggal di ......................................................................;
4. Bahwa pada tanggal ........ datang menghadap ke Kantor Urusan Agama Kecamatan .........., seorang perempuan/laki-laki yang mengaku bernama ........, umur ...... tahun, pekerjaan ........, bertempat tinggal di ....... adalah isteri/suami dari Termohon I yang sah dan telah menikah pada tanggal ...... hingga sekarang belum pernah bercerai;
5. Bahwa ketika menikah tersebut Termohon I/Termohon II mengaku berstatus jejaka dan perawan/ duda dan janda;
6. Bahwa kedatangan perempuan/laki-laki tersebut dengan menunjukkan surat nikah yang dikeluarkan oleh Kantor Urusan Agama Kecamatan ..... Kabupaten ........, dengan nomor surat nikah ....... tanggal .........;
7. Bahwa setelah Pemohon berusaha mencari keterangan terhadap pernikahan kembali Termohon I dengan Termohon II, Pemohon akhirnya memastikan memang benar antara Termohon I dengan Termohon II telah menikah;
8. Bahwa pernikahan antara Termohon I dengan Termohon II telah melanggar ketentuan Undang-Undang Perkawinan Nomor 1 Tahun 1974, karena Termohon I masih terikat perkawinan yang sah dengan ........ dan memalsukan identitas diri dengan mengaku berstatus jejaka dan perawan/duda dan janda;
9. Bahwa atas sikap dan perbuatan Termohon I tersebut Pemohon sebagai isteri/suami yang sah merasa tidak rela;
10. Bahwa para Pemohon sanggup membayar seluruh biaya yang timbul dalam perkara ini.

Berdasarkan alasan/dalil-dalil di atas, Pemohon mohon agar Ketua Pengadilan Agama Ampana c.q. Majelis Hakim segera memeriksa dan mengadili perkara ini, selanjutnya menjatuhkan putusan yang amarnya berbunyi :


1. Mengabulkan permohonan Pemohon;
2. Membatalkan perkawinan antara Termohon I (....bin ......) dengan Termohon II (.....binti........) yang dilangsungkan di Kantor Urusan Agama Kecamatan ..... pada tanggal ..............;
3. Menyatakan Akta Nikah dan Kutipan Akta Nikah Nomor ...... tanggal ......., yang dikeluarkan oleh Kantor Urusan Agama Kecamatan ....... tidak berkekuatan hukum/batal demi hukum;
4. Membebankan biaya perkara kepada Pemohon;


Apabila pengadilan berpendapat lain, mohon penetapan yang seadil-adilnya (Ex aequo et bono);

Demikian atas terkabulnya permohonan ini, Pemohon menyampaikan terima kasih.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Hormat Pemohon,


Nama lengkap


1. "Permohonan Pembatalan Nikah", www.pa-ampana.go.id., Diakses pada tanggal 20 Mei 2023, Link: https://www.pa-ampana.go.id/syarat-dan-form-perkara/263-format-surat-gugatan-permohonan/650-30-format-permohonan-pembatalan-nikah

Jumat, 26 Mei 2023

Jeanne Mandagi, Jenderal Polisi Wanita Pertama

(Tribun Jateng)

Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform www.hukumindo.com telah membahas mengenai "Chronology of Indosurya Fraud Cases, The Largest Losses in Indonesia!", "Sekilas Kisah Irjen Polisi Bibit Samad Riyanto & KPK" dan "Tito Karnavian, Mendagri Pertama dari Kepolisian", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Jeanne Mandagi, Jenderal Polisi Wanita Pertama'.

Brigjen Pol. (Purn.) Jeanne Mandagi, itulah sosok polisi wanita pertama dengan pangkat Jenderal Polisi, kelahiran Manado, 2 April 1937. Dia menempuh pendidikan dasar dan menengah pertama Manado sebelum melanjutkan ke SMA Santa Ursula, Jakarta.[1]

Sejak lulus dari bangku SMA, Jeanne melanjutkan pendidikannya di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia. Semasa kuliah, Jeanne mengasah keterampilan berorganisasi dengan menjadi anggota aktif Persatuan Mahasiswa Katolik Republik Indonesia (PMKRI). Gelar sarjana hukum diperolehnya tahun 1963.[2]

Berbekal gelar sarjana itu, Jeanne meniti karier. Berdasarkan catatan dari sejumlah sumber, Jeanne Mandagi pertama kali diangkat sebagai anggota polwan pada 1 Desember 1965. Setahun kemudian kariernya langsung menanjak dan dipercaya menjabat sebagai Kasi Hukum Polda Maluku.[3]

Sekitar tiga tahun bertugas di Maluku, Jeanne pindah tugas ke Jakarta. Pada tahun 1970, Jeanne diberi amanah sebagai Kepala Seksi Pembinaan Anak-anak, Pemuda, dan Wanita (Kasi Binapta) Polda Metro Jaya sekaligus Hakim Mahkamah Militer untuk wilayah Jakarta-Banten.[4]

Pada 1989, Jeanne dipercaya menjabat sebagai Kepala Divisi Penerangan Polri yang kini bernama Divisi Humas Polri. Dia adalah pejabat keenam sejak divisi tersebut dibentuk. Dua tahun menjabat sebagai kadiv Penerangan, pada 1991 Jeanne akhirnya pecah bintang. Dia mendapatkakan kenaikan pangkat perwira tinggi yaitu Brigadir Jenderal (Brigjen) dengan satu bintang di pundak. Pangkat baru itu mengukuhkan Jeanne sebagai jenderal polisi wanita pertama di Indonesia.[5]

Di luar struktur kepolisian, Jeanne banyak berkecimpung di urusan kampanye anti-narkoba. Dia dikenal sebagai perintis pemberantasan narkoba dan mendirikan Yayasan Permadi Siwi, sebuah pusat rehabilitasi untuk para pecandu narkotika. Jeanne Mandagi wafat di usianya yang ke 80 tahun pada 7 April 2017 dan dimakamkan di tempat pemakaman umum (TPU) Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan.[6]


1. "Mengenal Jeanne Mandagi, Sosok Polisi Wanita Pertama di Indonesia", nasional.okezone.com., Diakses pada tanggal 20 Mei 2023, Link: https://nasional.okezone.com/read/2023/01/11/337/2744253/mengenal-jeanne-mandagi-sosok-polisi-wanita-pertama-di-indonesia
2. Ibid.

Kamis, 25 Mei 2023

Chronology of Indosurya Fraud Cases, The Largest Losses in Indonesia!


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Sisi Lain Komjen Pol. Mohammad Jasin", "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia", you may read also "How to Open a Police Report in Indonesia?" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Chronology of Indosurya Fraud Cases, The Largest Losses in Indonesia!'.

How did this case start? This case has been in the public's attention for the past few years. It all started in mid-2020. On February 24, to be precise, several customers started receiving letters from the Indosurya cooperative that money in deposits or savings could not be disbursed. The money can only be taken 6 months to 4 years depending on the nominal asset under management (AUM).[1]

Then on March 7, customers claimed to receive notifications via WA that customers could withdraw their savings starting March 9, 2020 with a withdrawal limit of IDR 1 million per customer. After that, on March 12, 2020, the customer received an invitation to meet with the ISP. At the meeting each customer was asked to choose the desired payment option, the option depends on the AUM of each customer with payment terms ranging from 3 years to 10 years.[2]

Then the issue of KSP Indosurya decreased, but only for a moment. Around June 2021, the issue of KSP Indosurya has surfaced again. The DPR-RI even summoned the Ministry of Cooperatives regarding this issue. From this it was revealed, apparently KSP Indosurya had failed to make it into the Debt Payment Obligation Suspension (PKPU) process. The first decision fell on July 17 2020. Then there was an appeals process and PKPU was decided at the end of December 2020. The Indosurya KSP default case led to detention three suspects. The three of them are the Head of KSP Indosurya Cipta, Henry Surya and the Head of Indosurya Admin, June Indri are free. However, all three were released from detention in the middle of this year. The reason is because the detention period of 120 days has expired. Even so, Henry and June are still suspects. The case that ensnare him also continues.[3]

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD opened his voice regarding the release of two suspects KSP Indosurya from the Criminal Investigation Police Detention Center. He has communicated with the Police Headquarters, the Attorney General's Office, PPATK, and the Menkop UKM that this case is a new mode of crime that has never been and will not be stopped. "Responding to the public's reaction to the sense of justice in the KSP Indosurya case where two suspects were released, I have communicated with the National Police Headquarters, the Attorney General's Office, PPATK, and the Coordinating Minister for UKM. In conclusion, this case is a new mode of crime that has never been and will not be stopped," Mahfud said.[4]

Mahfud explained that the two suspects were released from the detention center because their detention period had expired. He said the Attorney General's Office was making sure that the evidence in court would run smoothly. Mahfud continued, he supported Bareskrim Polri in re-arresting two suspects who had been released from detention centers with different locus and offenses. He said the case must go on.[5]

"We support Bareskrim in arresting 2 more suspects in related cases whose locus and tempus delicti are different. PPATK has been following this for a long time, this case must go on," he said. In this case, the suspects were charged with Article 46 of the Banking Law, which carries a cumulative 15-year prison sentence under the Money Laundering Prevention Act (TPPU), which carries a 20-year sentence. One other suspect, namely Suwito Ayub, is still a fugitive.[6] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Kronologi Kasus Penipuan Indosurya Rp 106 T, Terbesar di RI!", www.cnbcindonesia.com., Diakses pada tanggal 20 Mei 2023, Link: https://www.cnbcindonesia.com/market/20221226081011-17-399991/kronologi-kasus-penipuan-indosurya-rp-106-t-terbesar-di-ri
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.

Selasa, 23 Mei 2023

Tanggung Jawab Hukum Pemegang Saham


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform www.hukumindo.com telah membahas mengenai "Mengenal Sumy Hastry, Polwan Pertama yang Jadi Dokter Forensik", "Contoh Akta Gadai Saham" dan "Contoh Akta Pendirian Perseroan Terbatas (PT)", pada perkuliahan kali ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Tanggung Jawab Hukum Pemegang Saham'.

Mengapa masyarakat lebih memilih bentuk badan usaha perseroan terbatas dalam menjalankan kegiatan usahanya? Perseroan Terbatas merupakan satu-satunya bentuk badan usaha yang memungkinkan pendirinya HANYA bertanggung jawab sebesar nilai saham yang disetornya, tanpa melibatkan harta kekayaan pribadi yang lainnya.[1]

Undang-undang Nomor: 40 Tahun 2007 menegaskan prinsip tanggung jawab terbatas terseebut dengan menetapkan bahwa pemegang saham tidak bertanggung jawab secara pribadi atas perikatan yang dibuat atas nama perseroan dan tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian perseroan melebihi nilai saham yang disetor.[2]

Dalam sistem hukum common law, prinsip tanggung jawab terbatas dalam perseroan terbatas dikenal dengan adanya selubung korporasi (corporate veil), yang memiliki arti pemisahan hak dan kewajiban perseroan dari pemilik/pemegang sahamnya dan khususnya pendiri/pemegang saham perseroan secara umum tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap utang dan kewajiban perseroan.[3]

Namun, prinsip tanggung jawab terbatas dari pendiri atau pemegang saham tersebut tidaklah berlaku mutlak. Masih terdapat kemungkinan bagi pendiri atau pemegang saham perseroan untuk dibebaskan dari tanggung jawab terbatas sehingga harus bertanggung jawab sampai kekayaan pribadinya jika melakukan hal-hal sebagai berikut:[4]
  1. Persyaratan perseroan sebagai badan hukum belum atau tidak terpenuhi;
  2. Pemegang saham yang bersangkutan, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung dengan itikad buruk memanfaatkan perseroan semata-mata untuk kepentingan pribadi;
  3. Pemegang saham yang bersangkutan terlibat dalam perbuatan melawan hukum yang dilakukan oleh perseroan;
  4. Pemegang saham yang bersangkutan, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung secara melawan hukum menggunakan kekayaan perseroan, yang mengakibatkan kekayaan perseroan menjadi tidak cukup untuk melunasi utang perseroan.

Yurisprudensi dari sistem hukum common law menyampaikan adanya doktrin umum bagi kemungkinan dapat dilanggarnya prinsip tanggung jawab terbatas atau dimungkinkannya penerobosan selubung korporasi (piercing corporate veil), sebagai berikut:[5]
  1. Doktrin Instrumentality, yaitu menjadikan perseroan sebagai instrumen atau alat yang mengacu pada tiga unsur, yaitu: kontrol, melalaikan kewajiban, dan menimbulkan kerugian.
  2. Doktrin alter ego, yaitu menjadikan perseroan layaknya dirinya sendiri. Contoh, kepentingan pemegang saham mengalahkan kepentingan perseroan.
  3. Doktrin identity, yaitu ajaran yang menyerahkan permasalahan adanya kesatuan atau pemisahan kekayaan antara harta kekayaan pemegang saham dan perseroan, yang akan ditentukan dalam pembuktian di Pengadilan secara per kasus.  

1. "Tanggung Jawab Pemegang Saham, Direksi & Komisaris Perseroan Terbatas (PT)", Frans Satrio Wicaksono, S.H., Visimedia, Jakarta, 2009, Hal.: 111-114. 
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.

Senin, 22 Mei 2023

Mengenal Sumy Hastry, Polwan Pertama yang Jadi Dokter Forensik

(Tribun Jateng)

Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform www.hukumindo.com telah membahas mengenai "Contoh Surat Permohonan Penetapan Ahli Waris", "Soekanto Tjokrodiatmodjo, Kapolri Pertama" dan "Listiyo Sigit Prabowo, Kapolri Pengungkap Kasus-Kasus Populer", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Mengenal Sumy Hastry, Polwan Pertama yang Jadi Dokter Forensik'.

Awal Menekuni Forensik

Diketahui, Hastry mulai fokus menekuni bidang forensik saat ia terlibat dalam sebuah operasi di suatu TKP pembunuhan pada tahun 2000 lalu. Saat itu Hastry mendapatkan saran dari Kepala Satuan Reserse Kriminal Poltabes Semarang Ajun Komisaris Purwo Lelono, untuk menekuni bidang forensik. Saran itu akhirnya membuat Hastry termotivasi, karena saat itu keahlian forensik masih belum dimiliku oleh polwan lain.[1]

Bahkan Hastry merupakan polwan pertama yang menjadi seorang dokter forensik. ”Ketika mendapat saran itu, saya termotivasi karena keahlian forensik ketika itu belum dimiliki polwan lain. Saya adalah polwan pertama yang menjadi dokter forensik,” kata Hastry.[2]

Wanita kelahiran 23 Agustus 1970 ini kemudian bergabung dalam berbagai operasi tim Identifikasi Korban Bencana atau Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) Polri. Tugas pertama Hastry dalam tim forensik adalah mengidentifikasi korban bom Bali I pada 2002 silam. Sejak saat itu Hastri pun memiliki tekad untuk mendalami bidang forensik.[3]

Hastri kemudian menekuni studi kedokteran forensik di Universitas Diponegoro, pada 2002-2005. Di tengah proses studinya pun Hastry masih mendapat tugas untuk mengidentifikasi korban bom Kedutaan Besar Australia di Jakarta (2004), kecelakaan pesawat Mandala di Medan (2005), dan bom Bali II (2005). Tak hanya itu, Hastry juga terus menekuni pendidikan spesialisnya, di antaranya mengikuti kursus DVI di Singapura pada 2006, kursus DNA di Malaysia (2007) dan kursus identifikasi luka ledakan di Perth, Australia (2011).[4]

Perlu Ketelitian dan Kesabaran untuk Identifikasi Jenazah

Hastry menuturkan, dalam mengidentifikasi jenazah diperlukan ketelitian dan kesabaran yang tinggi. Agar nantinya hasil identifikasi jenazah bisa didapatkan dengan akurat. Bahkan Hastry mengaku lebih memilih tidak melakukan identifikasi jenazah dibandingkan ia harus melakukan identifikasi yang salah. ”Saya lebih memilih tidak mengidentifikasi jenazah dibandingkan melakukan identifikasi yang salah,” ungkap Hastry.[5]

Menurut Hastry, di Indonesia sendiri yang menjadi kendala Tim DVI adalah keinginan pihak keluarga atau pemerintah itu sendiri. Pasalnya, baik pihak keluarga atau pemerintah biasanya selalu ingin segera mengetahui hasil identifikasi dalam waktu singkat. Padahal proses identifikasi ini membutuhkan proses dan waktu yang tidak sebentar, agar hasil identifikasi bisa dipertanggungjawabkan. "Ada dugaan, kami mempersulitlah. Padahal, semua membutuhkan proses agar hasil identifikasi kami dapat dipertanggungjawabkan," ujarnya.[6]

Catatan penulis, sebuah profesi yang jarang ditekuni, apalagi oleh seorang wanita. Layak diberikan apresiasi atas dedikasinya.

1. "PROFIL Sumy Hastry, Polwan Pertama yang Jadi Dokter Forensik, Kini Tangani Kasus Pembunuhan Subang", www.tribunnews.com., Senin, 4 Oktober 2021, Diakses pada tanggal 20 Mei 2023, Link: https://www.tribunnews.com/regional/2021/10/04/profil-sumy-hastry-polwan-pertama-yang-jadi-dokter-forensik-kini-tangani-kasus-pembunuhan-subang
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.

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