Senin, 06 Maret 2023

10 Tax Mafia Personnel in Indonesia, Gayus Tambunan the Most Phenomenal Case


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the platform has talk about "What is a Contract Marriage and How its Legality According to Islam?", "10 Mega-Corruption Cases with the Largest Losses in Indonesia", you may read also "Recognizing Gratification According to the Corruption Crime Act" and on this occasion we will discuss about '10 Tax Mafia Personnel in Indonesia, Gayus Tambunan the Most Phenomenal Case'.

Like a parasite that eats away from within, corrupt practices often involve unscrupulous tax officials at the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) of the Ministry of Finance. This tax mafia seems not to have disappeared. When these institutions are aggressively increasing tax revenues and socializing the importance of the role of tax money in development, these elements actually tarnish it. State losses that arise are also quite large. Many officials within DGT have been caught in red-handed operations (OTT) due to allegations of bribery and corruption. It's an irony, they still accept bribes even though they already receive high salaries. Civil servants at the Directorate General of Taxes or tax officials are known to receive the highest allowances compared to other government agencies throughout Indonesia. The following is a list of 10 Indonesian tax mafia members:[1]
  1. Denok Taviperiana, the name Denok Taviperiana shocked the public in 2013 because of the alleged ownership of a fat account. He was arrested by Bareskrim (Criminal Investigation Agency) Indonesia Police at his luxury home on Jalan Rawamangun III Number 15, the PJKAI (Indonesian Railway Bureau Company) Complex, Rawamangun, East Jakarta. The arrest was related to a corruption case which cost tens of billions of rupiah in state finances. The case started with a bribery case to smooth tax refunds of IDR 21 billion. Because he was also involved in a money laundering case, houses and cars owned by tax civil servant Denok Taviperiana were also confiscated, one of which was a villa in Cipanas.
  2. Gayus Tambunan, the most phenomenal case of bribery of tax officials was carried out by Gayus Tambunan. Gayus Tambunan was punished for a case that was carried out in layers. From manipulating taxes, bribing judges, bribing correctional officers to making fake passports. While in jail, he was also known to have traveled to Macau and Singapore. This tax official who graduated from STAN (State Accounting College) was also caught watching a tennis match in Bali. Gayus Tambunan, who was free to go in and out of prison by bribing the warden, at the same time exposed how dilapidated law enforcement in Indonesia was. Gayus was sentenced to 7 years in prison for bribing investigators, judges and tax manipulation. This decision was then aggravated by the Supreme Court to 12 years in prison. In the tax manipulation case of PT. Megah Citra Raya, Gayus was sentenced to 8 years in prison. Forging passports, Gayus Tambunan was sentenced to 2 years in prison. For money laundering and bribery cases while in prison, Gayus was sentenced to 8 years in prison.
  3. Tommy Hindratno, former tax civil servant from echelon IV, was also implicated in a bribery case. He was legally and convincingly proven to have received IDR 280 million in cash, related to the processing of claims for PT. Bhakti Investama's tax refund of IDR 3.4 billion. Tommy Hindratno Tomy has received money from a businessman at a Padang restaurant in Tebet Jakarta, in return or a fee for providing data or information related to PT. BI's tax overpayment claim.
  4. Totok Hendriyatno, Totok Hendriyatno's name is also included in the list of tax officials with fat accounts released by the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK). The case was actually the same with other tax civil servants, namely Denok Tapiviera regarding gratuities for manipulating tax refunds from PT. Surabaya Agung Industry and Paper. In December 2012, the Tax Directorate of the Ministry of Finance officially dishonorably dismissed Totok Hendriyatno and Denok Tapiviera.
  5. Handang Soekarno, he is a former investigator of the Directorate General of Taxes (PNS Tax), he was sentenced to 10 years in prison and a fine of IDR 500 million, a subsidiary of 4 months in prison. The sentence was lighter than the demands of the KPK prosecutor, namely 15 years in prison. Handang Soekarno was found guilty of accepting IDR 1.9 billion in bribes from the Director of PT. EK Prima Ekspor Indonesia (EKP) Ramapanicker Rajamohanan Nair. Handang Soekarno accepted bribes so he could help expedite the settlement of tax problems faced by PT. EKP. Among them are returns for tax overpayments as well as tax and value added invoices.
  6. Dadan Ramdani, is a tax official suspected of bribery in accepting gifts or promises related to tax audits in 2016 and 2017 at the DGT. In the period from 2017 to 2019, Dadan Ramdani as the Head of Sub-Directorate for Cooperation and Audit Support at the Directorate General of Taxes proposed a tax audit of three taxpayers. The proposal was sent to Angin Prayitno Aji, who at that time was the Director of Audit and Collection. The wind immediately agreed to Dadan's proposal. The three taxpayers examined were PT. Gunung Madu Plantations (GMP) for the 2016 tax year, PT. Bank Pan Indonesia (BPI) Tbk. which was also the 2016 tax year, and PT. Jhonlin Baratama (JB) for the 2016 and 2017 tax years. However, the process the audit on the tax calculations of the three taxpayers was not carried out according to procedures and regulations. The deviation was allegedly based on the orders and agreements of Angin and Dadan. Based on the agreement to determine the amount of tax liability for PT. GMP, PT. BPI Tbk and PT. JB, Dadan Ramdani and Angin Prayitno Aji are suspected of receiving an amount of around IDR 7.5 billion and 2 million Singapore dollars.
  7. Angin Prayitno Aji, the case that ensnared the tax official, Angin Prayitno Aji, is the same case as Dadan Ramdani. Even though he already received an exorbitant salary and benefits. Angin Prayitno Aji, who is an echelon II, is entitled to a performance allowance of IDR 81,940,000 per month. In addition to tukin (performance allowance), civil servants at the Directorate General of Taxes also still receive other income such as a basic salary and various embedded allowances. Angin Prayitno Aji was appointed Director of Extensification and Assessment of DGT since January 23, 2019. His profile appeared in the profiles of high-ranking officials at the Ministry of Finance, before being deleted so that his name could no longer be found. Apart from Dadan Ramdani, other subordinates of Angin Prayitno Aji were also examined. They are Alfred Simanjuntak, Yulmanizar, and Febrian.
  8. Ramli Anawar, the name of the tax official Ramli Anwar was once famous because of his viral video when he ran screaming through the streets while being chased by officers from the Bangka Balitung Regional Police. During the OTT (red-handed operation) in April 2018, Ramli was caught trying to put money extorted from tax payer victims into his car. From his hands, officers managed to confiscate IDR 50 million in IDR 50,000 denominations.
  9. Pargono Pariadi, suspected of being involved in a case of alleged extortion by taxpayers and handling taxes from Asep Hendro. Pargono was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison by a panel of judges at the Jakarta Corruption Court. Pargono Riyadi was arrested by the KPK after having a transaction with a man suspected of being a bribe courier named Rukimin. He became a tax employee who was picked up by the KPK at the age of 59 or was approaching retirement. The KPK arrested Pargono and Rukimin Tjahjanto after handing over the money in the hallway at Gambir Station. Money is given in a unique way. At that time Rukimin and Pargono walked from the opposite direction. Of course, in Rukimin's hands, money was ready containing IDR 100,000 in denominations, which are estimated to be IDR 125 million. At one point, they then cross paths. The bag containing the money immediately changed hands. Without speaking, the two immediately separated. It was then that the KPK immediately arrested both of them.
  10. Dhana Widyatmika, Born in Malang, East Java, the figure of Dhana Widyatmika Merthana is an employee of the Indonesian Directorate General of Taxes who graduated from STAN (State Accounting College). On November 9, 2012, Dhana was sentenced to 7 years in prison by the Jakarta Tipikor Court. The sentence was increased on appeal to 10 years in early 2013. Dhana was found guilty of committing a criminal act of corruption by accepting gifts of money related to his position as an employee of the Directorate General of Taxes, committing extortion, and committing money laundering crimes. Dhana is considered proven guilty of committing the crime of extortion against PT. Kornet Trans Utama. As the head of the special team of examiners for PT. Kornet's taxpayers, Dhana and his colleague Salman Magfiron asked PT. Kornet Trans Utama to provide IDR 1 billion to help reduce PT. Kornet's underpayment of IDR 3.2 billion in taxes.

And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.


1. "10 Kasus Mafia Pajak di Indonesia, Gayus Paling Fenomenal",, Diakses pada tanggal 5 Maret 2023, Link:

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