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Kamis, 22 Juni 2023

Dasar Dan Alasan Hukum Mengajukan Kasasi Perdata


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform www.hukumindo.com telah membahas mengenai "Dasar Hukum Dan Alasan Mengajukan Banding Perkara Perdata", "Dasar Hukum Gugatan Perdata Wanprestasi Dan PMH" dan "Contoh Memori Kasasi Perdata", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Dasar Dan Alasan Hukum Mengajukan Kasasi Perdata'.

Sejarah Dan Pengertian Kasasi 

Upaya hukum kasasi awalnya ada di Perancis. Setelah Belanda dijajah oleh Perancis, upaya hukum kasasi kemudian diterapkan di Netherland dan selanjutnya dilakukan oleh pemerintah Belanda dan dibawa ke Indonesia.[1]

Upaya hukum kasasi berasal dari kata kerja casser yang memiliki pengertian “membatalkan atau memecahkan” yang merupakan salah satu dari tindakan Mahkamah Agung RI sebagai pengawas tertinggi atas putusan-putusan pengadilan-pengadilan lain. Hal demikian disebabkan dalam tingkat kasasi yang tidak melakukan suatu pemeriksaan kembali dalam perkara tersebut.[2]

Pengertian kasasi menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) dan Ahli. Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Kasasi adalah sebagai berikut:[3]
"Kasasi adalah pembatalan atau pernyataan tidak sah oleh Mahkamah Agung terhadap putusan hakim karena putusan tersebut menyalahi ataupun tidak sesuai dengan undang-undang".

Sedangkan menurut salah satu ahli, yaitu Tritaamidjaja, Kasasi diartikan sebagai berikut:[4]
"Pengertian kasasi ialah suatu jalan hukum yang gunanya untuk melawan keputusan-keputusan yang dijatuhkan dalam tingkat tertinggi yakni keputusan yang tak dapat dilawan atapun tidak dapat dimohon bandingan, baik karena kedua jalan hukum yang tidak diperbolehkan oleh undang-undang, maupun didasarkan karena telah dipergunakan".

Bagi penulis, pengertian kasasi harus dikembalikan ke dalam tempatnya di dalam hukum acara, baik pidana, perdata, tata usaha negara dan lain-lainnya, yaitu sebagai upaya hukum terhadap putusan pada tingkat banding yang memeriksa kembali perkara dari aspek penerapan hukumnya (judex juris). 

Dasar Hukum Kasasi 

Ketentuan mengenai kasasi ini diatur dalam Pasal 20 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor: 48 Tahun 2009 tentang Kekuasaan Kehakiman dan diatur pula dalam Pasal 28 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor: 14 Tahun 1985 yang telah beberapa kali dirubah dan terakhir Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor: 3 Tahun 2009 tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 1985 tentang Mahkamah Agung.[5]

Tenggang waktu untuk mengajukan kasasi adalah 14 hari sejak putusan atau penetapan Pengadilan Tinggi disampaikan kepada yang bersangkutan, serta 14 hari terhitung sejak menyatakan kasasi, pemohon wajib menyerahkan memori kasasi.[6]

Alasan Mengajukan Kasasi Dalam Perkara Perdata

Secara umum alasan dari seorang pihak mengajukan upaya hukum kasasi adalah adanya ketidakpuasan terhadap putusan pada tingkat Banding. Dengan kata lain, upaya hukum Kasasi merupakan upaya hukum yang dilakukan oleh pihak yang merasa dirugikan dan juga merasa kurang puas terhadap suatu putusan Judex facti, agar hakim Mahkamah Agung dapat memeriksa kembali perihal penerapan hukum dalam putusan dimaksud.[7]

Berbeda dengan banding, memori banding bukanlah menjadi kewajiban bagi pemohon banding, akan tetapi dalam kasasi, memori kasasi adalah kewajiban bagi pemohon kasasi untuk diserahkan. Artinya, apabila memori kasasi itu tidak dibuat, permohonan kasasi akan ditolak.[8]

Selain alasan umum dari seorang pihak mengajukan upaya hukum kasasi di atas, juga terdapat alasan-alasan yang sifatnya teknis hukum. Untuk melakukan kasasi, harus ada alasan-alasan yang digunakan sebagai dasar kasasi yaitu putusan atau penetapan pengadilan:[9]
  1. Tidak berwenang atau melampaui batas wewenang;
  2. Salah menerapkan atau melanggar hukum yang berlaku; dan
  3. Lalai memenuhi syarat-syarat yang diwajibkan oleh peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengancam kelalaian itu dengan batalnya putusan yang bersangkutan.

Berdasarkan dari Undang-undang No.: 5 Tahun 2004, Pasal 30 ayat (1) yang menyebutkan bahwa secara limitatif alasan-alasan dalam Permohanan Kasasi yakni:[10]

a. Tidak Berwenang ataupun Melampaui Batas Wewenang

Hakikatnya, pengertian tidak berwenang dalam ini bertendensi kepada suatu kompetensi relatif (relatieve competentie) dan kompetensi absolut (absolute competentie). Contoh konkretnya, Judex facti in casu suatu pengadilan Niaga telah mengadili perkara kepailitan dan PKPU yang seolah-olah merupakan kewenangannya, padahal sebenarnya mengenai judex facti tidak berwenang atau bukan merupakan kewenangannya. Sedangkan dalam alasan kasasi disebabkan judex facti yang melampui batas wewenang adalah bahwa judex facti telah mengadili tidak sesuai atau melebihi kewenangan yang ditentukan dalam Undang-Undang. Adapun perihal melampaui batas wewenang dapat diartikan sebagai Judex facti dalam putusannya telah mengabulkan lebih dari pada yang telah diminta Penggugat dalam surat gugatannya.[11]

b. Salah Menerapkan atau Melanggar Hukum yang Berlaku

Hakikat salah menerapkan hukum diartikan secara sederhana sebagai keliru memilah mana yang merupakan ketentuan hukum formal maupun hukum materiilnya. Kesalahan demikian dilihat dari penerapan hukum yang seharusnya diberlakukan. Sedangkan melanggar hukum bertendensi pada salah dan juga tidak sesuai serta bertentangan dari ketentuan yang seharusnya telah digariskan oleh Undang-Undang.[12]

c. Lalai Memenuhi Syarat-syarat yang Diwajibkan oleh Peraturan Perundang-undangan yang Mengancam Kelalaian Itu dengan Batalnya Putusan yang Bersangkutan

Menurut hemat penulis, hal ini berarti ada kewajiban dari Judex Facti agar terpenuhinya syarat-syarat yang ditentukan oleh undang-undang. Tidak terpenuhinya syarat-syarat hukum ini oleh Judex Facti  dikualifikasi sebagai kelalaian yang kemudian harus dikoreksi oleh Judex Juris. Dalam hal kewajiban pemenuhan syarat-syarat ini tidak dipenuhi, maka Mahkamah Agung sebagai Judex Juris mempunyai kewenangan untuk membatalkan putusan pada tingkat dibawahnya. 


1. "Pengertian Kasasi, Alasan, Proses & Fungsi Kasasi Bag I", tribratanews.kepri.polri.go.id., Diakses pada tanggal 22 Juni 2023, Link: https://tribratanews.kepri.polri.go.id/2021/06/02/pengertian-kasasi-alasan-proses-fungsi-kasasi-bag-i/
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. "Upaya Hukum Perdata", pn-karanganyar.go.id., Diakses pada tanggal 22 Juni 2023, Link: https://pn-karanganyar.go.id/main/index.php/tentang-pengadilan/kepaniteraan/kepaniteraan-perdata/719-upaya-hukum-perdata
6. "Catat! Ini 2 Macam Upaya Hukum Perdata", www.hukumonline.com., Diakses pada tanggal 22 Juni 2023, Link: https://www.hukumonline.com/klinik/a/catat-ini-2-macam-upaya-hukum-perdata-lt63f6adcfdd1bf/
7. tribratanews.kepri.polri.go.id., Op. Cit.
8. www.hukumonline.com., Op. Cit.
9. www.hukumonline.com., Op. Cit.
10. tribratanews.kepri.polri.go.id., Op. Cit.
11. tribratanews.kepri.polri.go.id., Op. Cit.
12. tribratanews.kepri.polri.go.id., Op. Cit.

Rabu, 21 Juni 2023

Dasar Hukum Dan Alasan Mengajukan Banding Perkara Perdata


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform www.hukumindo.com telah membahas mengenai "Dasar Hukum Gugatan Perdata Wanprestasi Dan PMH", "Tanggung Jawab Hukum Pemegang Saham" dan "Hukum Jual-Beli Tanah Kavling", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Dasar Hukum Dan Alasan  Mengajukan Banding Perkara Perdata'.

Pengertian Banding

Banding (appeal) merupakan lembaga yang tersedia bagi para pihak yang tidak menerima atau menolak putusan pengadilan pada tingkat pertama.[1] Dengan kata lain, yang dimaksud upaya hukum banding adalah suatu lembaga Yudikatif yang disediakan oleh Negara kepada para pihak yang menolak (atau tidak setuju) putusan sengketa pada tingkat Pengadilan Negeri. Dalam konteks ini, upaya hukum Banding hanya dapat diajukan apabila terlebih dahulu telah ada putusan Pengadilan Negeri terkait.

Dasar Hukum Banding Perkara Perdata

Dasar hukum banding diatur dalam Pasal 188 sampai dengan Pasal 194 Herziene Inlandsche Reglement atau HIR (untuk Jawa dan Madura) kemudian Pasal 199 sampai dengan Pasal 205 Rechtsglement Buitengewesten atau Rbg (untuk luar Jawa dan Madura), serta Pasal 3 Jo. Pasal 5 Undang-Undang No. 1 Tahun 1951 (UU Darurat No. 1 Tahun 1951). Pasal 188 sampai dengan Pasal 194 HIR dinyatakan tidak berlaku lagi dan diganti dengan Undang-Undang No. 20 Tahun 1947 tentang Peraturan Peradilan Ulangan di Jawa dan Madura.[2] 

Pengajuan banding dapat dilakukan dalam rentang waktu selama 14 (empat belas) hari kalender, terhitung keesokkan hari dari hari dan tanggal putusan dijatuhkan dan apabila hari ke 14 (empat belas) tersebut jatuh pada hari libur maka dihitung pada hari kerja selanjutnya.[3]

Alasan Mengajukan Banding Perdata

Alasan hukumnya secara sederhana adalah dikarenakan adanya penolakan atau ketidaksetujuan dari Pembanding atas putusan pada tingkatan pertama/Pengadilan Negeri. Atas alasan tersebut, Pengadilan Tinggi pada tingkat Banding ini berkewajiban untuk memeriksa ulang perkara Putusan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pengadilan Negeri yang dimintakan banding dimaksud.

Pada prinsipnya, Pengadilan Tinggi pada tingkat Banding adalah Judex Factie, hal ini berarti hakim-hakim ini merupakan hakim yang memeriksa fakta persidangan, apakah dari fakta itu terbukti atau tidak perkara tersebut. Pengadilan Tinggi ialah pengadilan banding terhadap perkara yang diputus Pengadilan Negeri untuk memeriksa ulang bukti-bukti dan fakta hukum yang terjadi. Pengadilan Negeri dan Pengadilan Tinggi disebut juga sebagai pengadilan judex factie.[4] 

1. "Upaya Hukum Perkara Perdata", pn-tabanan.go.id., Diakses pada tanggal 21 Juni 2023, Link: https://pn-tabanan.go.id/upaya-hukum-perkara-perdata/ 
2. "Upaya Hukum Banding Kasasi Dan Verzet", www.hukumonline.com., Diakses pada tanggal 21 Juni 2023, Link: https://www.hukumonline.com/berita/a/upaya-hukum-banding--kasasi--dan-verzet-lt63286dfddf934/
3. Ibid.
4. "Mengenal Judex Factie Dan Judex Jurist Dalam Praktik Peradilan", www.hukumonline.com., Diakses pada tanggal 21 Juni 2023, Link: https://www.hukumonline.com/berita/a/mengenal-judex-factie-dan-judex-jurist-dalam-praktik-peradilan-lt61f193261cc1a/

Selasa, 20 Juni 2023

Dasar Hukum Gugatan Perdata Wanprestasi Dan PMH


Tim Hukumindo

Pada kesempatan yang lalu platform www.hukumindo.com telah membahas mengenai "7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Dukun AS", "Direksi Sebagai Agen Perusahaan" dan "Hukum Jual-Beli Tanah Garapan", pada kesempatan ini akan dibahas mengenai 'Alasan-alasan Hukum Mengajukan Gugatan Perdata'.

Pengertian Gugatan

Yang dimaksud dengan gugatan adalah suatu tuntutan hak yang diajukan oleh penggugat kepada tergugat melalui pengadilan. Gugatan dalam hukum acara perdata umumnya terdapat 2 (dua) pihak atau lebih, yaitu antara pihak penggugat dan tergugat, yang mana terjadinya gugatan umumnya pihak tergugat telah melakukan pelanggaran terhadap hak dan kewajiban yang merugikan pihak penggugat. Terjadinya gugatan umumnya setelah pihak tergugat melakukan pelanggaran hak dan kewajiban yang merugikan pihak penggugat tidak mau secara sukarela memenuhi hak dan kewajiban yang diminta oleh pihak penggugat, sehingga akan timbul sengketa antara penggugat dan tergugat. Sengketa yang dihadapi oleh pihak apabila tidak bisa diselesaikan secara damai di luar persidangan umumnya perkaranya diselesaikan oleh para pihak melalui persidangan pengadilan untuk mendapatkan keadilan.[1]

Gugatan dapat disimpulkan sebagai suatu tuntutan hak dari setiap orang atau pihak (kelompok) atau badan hukum yang merasa hak dan kepentingannya dirugikan dan menimbulkan perselisihan, yang ditujukan kepada orang lain atau pihak lain yang menimbulkan kerugian itu melalui pengadilan, yang dalam objek pembahasan ini adalah pengadilan negeri. Oleh karena itu, syarat mutlak untuk dapat menggugat ke pengadilan haruslah atas dasar adanya perselisihan atau sengketa.[2] Kata kunci dari sebuah gugatan adalah adanya 'sengketa', sehingga harus diputus oleh Pengadilan setelah upaya hukum musyawarah-mufakat tidak tercapai.

Dasar Hukum Gugatan Perdata Wanprestasi Dan Perbuatan Melawan Hukum

Contoh gugatan di dalam dunia praktisi hukum banyak sekali. Diantaranya adalah gugatan sengketa waris, gugatan sengketa jual beli tanah, gugatan sengketa sewa menyewa rumah, dan sebagainya dan sebagainya. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas dua dasar hukum gugatan perdata yang banyak ditemui dalam tataran riil praktik hukum, yaitu Gugatan Wanprestasi (Cidera Janji) dan gugatan Perbuatan Melawan Hukum atau sering disingkat PMH.

Dasar Hukum Gugatan Perdata Wanprestasi (Cidera Janji)

Dasar hukum wanprestasi dapat ditemukan dalam Pasal 1243 KUH Perdata yang berbunyi sebagai berikut:[3]
"Penggantian biaya, kerugian dan bunga karena tak dipenuhinya suatu perikatan mulai diwajibkan, bila debitur, walaupun telah dinyatakan lalai, tetap lalai untuk memenuhi perikatan itu, atau jika sesuatu yang harus diberikan atau dilakukannya hanya dapat diberikan atau dilakukannya dalam waktu yang melampaui waktu yang telah ditentukan."

Jika kita cermati dari dasar hukum Pasal 1243 KUH Perdata di atas, maka setidaknya terdapat tiga unsur pasal yang mendasarinya, yaitu:[4]
  1. Adanya perjanjian;
  2. Terdapat pihak yang ingkar janji atau melanggar perjanjian; dan
  3. Telah dinyatakan lalai, namun tetap tidak melaksanakan isi perjanjian.

Sehingga, hal yang menyebabkan timbulnya wanprestasi adalah karena adanya cidera janji terhadap perjanjian yang telah disepakati sebelumnya yang menyebabkan salah satu pihak ingkar akan janjinya atau melanggar janji. Maka, pihak yang cidera janji harus bertanggung jawab terhadap pihak yang dirugikan.[5]

Dasar Hukum Gugatan Perdata Perbuatan Melawan Hukum (PMH)

Dasar hukum Perbuatan Melawan Hukum (PMH) dapat ditemukan dalam Pasal 1365 KUH Perdata yang berbunyi sebagai berikut:[6]
"Tiap perbuatan yang melanggar hukum dan membawa kerugian kepada orang lain, mewajibkan orang yang menimbulkan kerugian itu karena kesalahannya untuk menggantikan kerugian tersebut."

Jika kita cermati dari dasar hukum Pasal 1365 KUH Perdata di atas, maka menurut hemat penulis setidaknya terdapat tiga unsur pasal yang mendasarinya, yaitu:
  1. Terdapat/adanya perbuatan yang bertentangan dengan hukum;
  2. Perbuatan yang bertentangan tersebut mengakibatkan kerugian kepada orang lain;
  3. Orang yang mengakibatkan kerugian diwajibkan untuk mengganti kerugian tersebut. 

Perlu dipahami, bahwa konteks perbuatan melawan hukum ini pengertiannya sangat luas. Mariam Darus Badrulzaman sebagaimana dikutip oleh Rosa Agustina memberi penjelasan bahwa Perbuatan Melawan Hukum bisa diartikan sebagai perbuatan yang bertentangan dengan kewajiban hukum si pelaku, bisa juga diartikan sebagai perbuatan yang bertentangan dengan hak subjektif orang lain, bisa juga diartikan bertentangan dengan kesusilaan, bisa juga diartikan perbuatan yang bertentangan dengan kepatutan, ketelitian dan kehati-hatian.[7] Perbuatan-perbuatan ini, jika dilakukan penyederhanaan pengertian secara hukum, maka disebut sebagai segala perbuatan yang bertentangan dimata hukum. 


2. Ibid. Hal.: 2.
3. "Perbedaan Wanprestasi Dan Perbuatan Melawan Hukum", www.hukumonline.com., Diakses pada tanggal 20 Juni 2023, Link: https://www.hukumonline.com/klinik/a/perbedaan-wanprestasi-dan-perbuatan-melawan-hukum-cl2719/
4. Ibid. 
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid.

Senin, 19 Juni 2023

7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Dukun AS


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Rio Martil", "How to Open a Police Report in Indonesia?", you may read also "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia" and on this last occasion we will discuss about '7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Dukun AS'.

Profile of Ahmad Suradji

Ahmad Suradji, popularly known as Dukun AS (Shaman AS), also known as Nasib Kelewang, 'Datuk'; (January 10 1949 – July 10 2008) was the perpetrator of the murder of 42 women whose bodies were buried in a sugar cane plantation in Sei Semayang Village, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra from 1986 to 1997.[1]

Ahmad Suradji was born January 10, 1949, his real name is 'Nasib' (Fate). Because he often uses a kelewang when he steals oxen in the Stabat area, his friends call him "Fate of the Kelewang".[4] He took the name "Ahmad Suradji" after he got out of prison because he stumbled on a case of ox theft, while his friends gave him the name 'Datuk' because he married three siblings and lived in the same house. Suradji works as a farmer everyday. He only graduated from elementary school and has three wives and nine children.[2]

Motives and Patterns of Murder

From the results of Police investigations, all the victims were patients who came to Suradji's house in Aman Damai Village. All of these women wanted to get compassionate knowledge from Suradji. He asks each of his clients who come to bring telon flowers, white incense, arabic incense (buhur), and a pair of kaffir limes. Another requirement, must be willing to be bound and buried half the body in a quiet place at night. Another condition, the patient may not tell the ritual to other people. Suradji's first victim was a woman named Tukiyem alias Iyem. The victim came to Suradji's house in December 1986 at 18.00 WIB.[3]

Iyem wants to get success in life from Suradji. After Iyem made her point, the shaman took her to the Sei Semayang sugarcane plantation area, which is about 1 kilometer from her house. When he left, Suradji brought a hoe, rope and sack. While Iyem followed behind. Their steps stopped after finding a suitable location for the compassion ritual. Suradji asked Iyem to hold a flashlight to illuminate the ground he was about to dig. Suradji dug a hole 1 meter deep. The hole is about 1 meter long and 70 cm wide. Because he used to dig, it didn't take long for Suradji to make a hole that size.[4]

Suradji then asked Iyem to enter the hole. Iyem's hands and feet were bound by rope while standing. After that, Suradji climbed up, then filled the hole again with soil. Iyem's body was buried from her feet to her chest. A moment later, Suradji squatted in front of Iyem. Suradji leaned Tukiyem's head on the thigh of his leg. Suddenly, Suradji's left hand covered the woman's mouth and nose. While his right hand strangled Iyem's neck. Practically, the victim could not rebel because almost all of his body was buried in the ground. In a matter of minutes, Iyem's life was gone, he died instantly on the spot.[5]

Suradji performs another ritual with the saliva of the victim who can't move anymore. After that, the victim's body was raised again. He untied the ropes on Iyem's legs and arms, took off all her clothes until they were naked. Then Suradji reburied his victim in that place too. The next morning, Suradji is active as usual, farming. As if nothing had happened. He hangs out as usual with his neighbours.[6]

Suradji used the same motive and pattern of killing for the next victims. Suradji's second victim was named Yusniar alias Niar, who was killed around March 1987. The third victim was a woman named Tomblok around 1988. Then the other victims included Rusmina alias Popi (August 1989), Diduk and Rusmiani alias Anis victims (June 1992), Sulianti alias Yanti (June 1992), Irdayanti (October 28, 1992), Sadiem (December 17, 1992), and Kunyil (January 1993). In all it is known that there were 42 women who had been viciously killed by Suradji.[7]

Uncovered Case

Suradji's last victim was named Sri Kemala Dewi, who was killed on April 23 1997. It was from this case that his savagery was exposed. Four days after the murder, the residents of Aman Damai Village were shocked when a young man found a naked body in a sugarcane field. They were surprised to find that the corpse was Dewi, who had reportedly disappeared three days earlier. The Sunggal Police also sent a team to investigate. At first the Police suspected Tumin, Dewi's ex-husband, because the two of them often fought. But the Police don't have enough evidence. On one occasion, the Police got a new glimmer of a lead. A resident named Andreas admitted that he had taken Dewi to Suradji's house to consult before it was reported that she was missing.[8]

The Police then went to Suradji's house. The man admitted that Dewi had indeed come to his house. However, after sunset, Dewi returned to her own house. Due to insufficient evidence, the Police stopped the investigation. Police are investigating a number of missing person reports in recent years. Apparently, of the many people who were reported missing, there was one common thread. Most of them are Suradji's patients. The Police then searched Suradji's house. There were found a number of women's clothes and jewelry, one of which belonged to Dewi. Suradji and his three wives were also arrested, namely Tumini, Tuminah and Ngatiyah.[9]

After a long interrogation process, Suradji finally confessed. He admits to killing Dewi. The police didn't stop there. Suradji is kept under pressure. From initially only admitting to killing Dewi, Suradji finally confessed to having killed 16 women. Until then he confessed again to have killed 42 women. It made the Police flabbergasted. This act was done under the pretext of gaining supernatural powers. This serial killing was carried out from 1986 to 1997. In fact, Suradji admitted that he received a supernatural whisper to kill 72 women.[10]

Death Penalty and Execution

Suradji was trialed at the Lubuk Pakam District Court, North Sumatra, on December 22, 1997. The public flocked to watch the proceedings. The trial was tough and carried out a marathon. The judge chaired by Haogoaro Harefa handed down a decision on April 27 1998 and sentenced Suradji to death. The judge's decision at the appellate and cassation levels did not change the shaman Suradji's death sentence.[11]

On July 10, 2008, about 15 years ago, three bullets from the Mobile Brigade (Brimob) of the North Sumatra Police penetrated his chest. The US shaman died on the spot. At the request of the family, his body was immediately buried the next day.[12] 

Even though they had been executed, the rejection of the Shaman AS was still strong. Residents of Sei Semayang Village, where the Shaman AS lives, do not accept that the Shaman AS is buried in their village. One of them was stated by Ana, the mother of Suradji's victim named Dewi. Ana emphasized that her family would not be willing to see the AS Shaman's grave next to her daughter's grave. “If it must be buried in the village, don't bury it in the TPU (Public Cemetary). Just bury it in front of his house, not in a public cemetery," he said. “Too much suffering for us due to the actions of the Shaman AS. We do not accept that he is buried in this village.” AS shamans once said, “Dark magic comes from God. I don't have it anymore, I have repented. I hope I have a chance to live.” However, the bullet overboard penetrated his body.[13] Sadistic. And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Dukun AS", www.wikipedia.org, Diakses pada tanggal 19 Juni 2023, Link: https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dukun_AS
2. Ibid.
3. "Kisah Pembunuh Berantai Dukun Suradji", www.detik.com., Diakses pada tanggal 19 Juni 2023, Link: https://news.detik.com/x/detail/crimestory/20211118/Kisah-Pembunuh-Berantai-Dukun-Suradji/
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid.
9. Ibid.
10. Ibid.
11. Ibid.
12. Ibid.
13. "Sejarah Kekejian Dukun AS Membantai 42 Perempuan Demi Kesaktian", www.tirto.id., Diakses pada tanggal 19 Juni 2023, Link: https://tirto.id/sejarah-kekejian-dukun-as-membantai-42-perempuan-demi-kesaktian-c7Ec

Sabtu, 17 Juni 2023

7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Rio Martil


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Dukun Usep", "How to Open a Police Report in Indonesia?", you may read also "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia" and on this occasion we will discuss about '7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Rio Martil'.

Known As Bad Boy

Antonius Rio Alex Bulo, better known as Rio Martil (2 May 1975 – 8 August 2008) was a serial killer who killed his victims using a "hammer". He was sentenced to death by the Purwokerto District Court on 14 May 2001.[1]

Not much is known about Rio's childhood. However, a number of sources say that from a young age he was known to be naughty. His behavior made his parents move Rio from Sleman to Jakarta to be raised by his eldest brother who is 12 years old. But in Jakarta, Rio even more out of control. Especially after his father no longer wanted to admit him as a child because Rio refused to change religions to follow his father. Rio then associates a lot with Senen's thugs. From here he began to often skip school, then became acquainted with alcohol and marijuana. Violence and crime became his intimates.[2]

At Pasar Senen, Rio was raised by a foster mother who sells vegetables. He helps sell vegetables every day. He also worked as a taxi driver and worked in a printing press. But his association with the thugs made him go the wrong way. At the printer he was involved in making fake vehicle documents, such as STNK and BPKB. Rio is involved in a network of vehicle registration counterfeiters. One day, the printer where Rio works is raided by the Police. Rio became instantly unemployed. Taking advantage of a network of vehicle registration counterfeiters, Rio steps up his act to become a master car thief. He always managed to thwart cars in a number of places in Jakarta, starting at Cengkareng, Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Daan Mogot, to Senayan.[3]

The money he stole was used for spree. After a few years, Rio ran into a problem. The boss of the stolen car dealer reported him to the Police for taking away the car he had deposited. That was the first time Rio felt the cold iron bars at the Cipinang Penitentiary, East Jakarta. He spent more than a year in the prison. After leaving the prison, instead of giving up, Rio stole another car because he had already received an advance from his previous theft. Because in Jakarta his name was already known by the Police, Rio launched his actions in other areas.[4]

Cases of Car Theft and Hammer Murder

During 1997-2000, Rio changed his mode of theft by targeting rental cars. He always disguised himself as a hotel guest. He also always pocketed a hammer that was used to kill the owner of the car he was after. Rio's first action was recorded in Bandung, West Java. Rio's next action was carried out while staying at the Marimar Hotel, Surabaya, East Java. In Semarang, Central Java, Rio took away a gray Isuzu Panther and the driver was killed in the same way.[5]

His crimes only really stopped when he tried to steal a car in Baturaden, Banyumas, on Friday, January 21, 2001. After killing the owner of the rental car, Rio was caught by a hotel security guard and police. At that time he was staying in room 135 at the Rosenda Hotel in the Baturaden area, 20 kilometers from Purwokerto City. While staying at the hotel, Rio introduced himself as a property entrepreneur to Jeje Suraji, 40 years old, the owner of a Toyota Kijang LGX rental car with police number R-7078-EA. Jeje actually works as a lawyer, but in his spare time he often rents out his car, and he becomes the driver. Jeje is not suspicious of Rio's appearance, who claims to be a businessman even though he is still relatively young.[6]

Jeje even took Rio to tour the Baturaden area to see suitable land for housing. After returning from traveling around town, Rio invited Jeje to chat in his room. It was then, when Jeje was watching television, Rio slammed a hammer into Jeje's head. Jeje slumped in a pool of blood in the chair of the hotel room. Rio wiped the blood spilled and covered the victim's body. Then he rushed out of the room, not forgetting to bring his car keys, valuables, and Jeje's watch. In the hotel lobby, Rio was noticed by the hotel security guard. He suspects that Rio is not going with Jeje, who is known to rent cars. When he was called, Rio ran a bit in panic towards Jeje's car in the parking lot. His behavior aroused the suspicion of the security guard, which led to a fight. The commotion invited people who were around the hotel. Needless to say, Rio, who was suspected of being a car thief, was beaten up.[7]

They immediately contacted the Baturaden Police. Not long after, a number of police came to arrest Rio and see the crime scene. The police also just found out that Rio alias Toni is the most wanted fugitive by the West Java Regional Police, East Java Regional Police, and DIY Regional Police. Seeing that the case was very serious, theft and serial killings, the investigation of the case was delegated to the Banyumas Police.[8]

Death Penalty

After conducting an investigation, the Police immediately handed over the case to the Purwokerto District Court. According to a number of mass media reports, since his arrest, Rio has been nicknamed Rio 'Hammer'. On May 14, 2001, the panel of judges sentenced Rio, who at that time was still 23 years old, to death.[9]

He was thrown into Kedungpane Prison, Semarang. Through his attorney, Rio had submitted an appeal to the Central Java High Court and an appeal to the Supreme Court but failed. Then he tried to get a pardon by applying for clemency. But failing, President Megawati Soekarnoputri rejected his request for clemency through Presidential Decree No. 16/G/2004 dated 29 July 2004. After that, Rio was transferred to the Permisan Penitentiary on Nusakambangan Island, Cilacap, Central Java, to await execution.[10]

The Last Murder

Since his request for clemency was rejected by President Megawati Soekarnoputri in 2004, Rio 'Martil' Alex Bulo (26 years) was moved to the Permisan Penitentiary, Nusakambangan Island, Cilacap, Central Java, from the Kedungpane Penitentiary, Semarang. Rio lives in this tight-security prison with other heavyweight convicts. At the Permisan Prison, Rio was close to an inmate named Iwan Zulkarnaen (34).[11]

The fire of familiarity only lasted nine months. Forgetting his confession of repentance, the ferocity of the petite man and the cold look on his face reappeared. On his 27th birthday, Rio again killed people on May 2, 2015 at 10.30 WIB. The person he killed was Iwan, a fellow prisoner and his Koran teacher. Iwan's murder in the Permisan prison cell brings the number of Rio's murder victims to five. The murder was even carried out by Rio while waiting for his execution. Three years later, Rio filed a judicial review with the Supreme Court. However, the PK was rejected by the Supreme Court and the documents were received by the Purwokerto District Attorney on April 1, 2008.[12] Early morning on Friday, August 8 2008, the day of the 2008 Summer Olympics opening ceremony, Rio Martil was sentenced to death in Karangtengah, Cilongok, Banyumas. His body was buried at the Sipoh TPU in Kejawar, Banyumas.[13] Barbarian. And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Rio Martil", www.wikipedia.org., Diakses pada tanggal 17 Juni 2023, Link: https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rio_Martil
2. Ibid.
3. "Jalan Kriminal Rio Si Anak Nakal", www.detik.com., Diakses pada tanggal 17 Juni 2023, Link: https://news.detik.com/x/detail/crimestory/20220616/Jalan-Kriminal-Rio-Si-Anak-Nakal/
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid.
9. Ibid.
10. Ibid.
11. "Pembunuhan Terakhir Rio Martil", www.detik.com, Diakses pada tanggal 17 Juni 2023, Link: https://news.detik.com/x/detail/crimestory/20220617/Pembunuhan-Terakhir-Rio-Martil/
12. Ibid.
13. "Rio Martil", www.wikipedia.org., Op.Cit.

Jumat, 16 Juni 2023

7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Dukun Usep


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Babe Baekuni", "How to Open a Police Report in Indonesia?", you may read also "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia" and on this occasion we will discuss about '7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Dukun Usep'. The case of the shaman Usep occurred in Lebak Regency, Banten province.

Money Multiplier Shaman Mode

Usep becomes a money multiplier fake shaman (dukun). Tempted by his patients' money, Usep killed eight people. For the victim's family, especially the people of Banten, Usep's actions cannot be forgiven. All of this was because of his actions that had the heart to kill eight residents of Lebak and Tangerang just for money. The eight people he killed were Oon, Salikun, Imik Zamzani, Yudi and Umron on May 17 2007. The five died after drinking rat poison and were buried in a hole in the forest of Kampung Cipajar, Cileles. The next three victims were Tangerang residents, namely Anto, Samali and Nasrun. They also died after drinking poison and were buried in the forest of Kampung Ciburuy, Cileles, on 19 July 2007.[1]

Usep's behavior became known by the Police after the Lebak Police received a report from a woman who was none other than the wife of the victim Anto, Dewi (30), Monday, July 23 2007. Dewi, who was accompanied by her child, came to complain about her husband's fate, who had not been home for three days. Anto went with two of his friends, Samali and Nasrun, since July 20 2007. Dewi told the Police that Anto went to see a shaman who could multiply money in Cikareo Village, Cileles. At that time, Anto was said to be of doubling IDR. 200 million to IDR. 2 billion by Shaman Usep. And his business had been carried out in several stages, until all of his possessions were sold out.[2]

That same day, the Lebak Police team visited the residence as well as the place for Usep's shamanistic practices. At that time, the Police immediately arrested Usep who was receiving patients. The Police suspected that Usep was carrying out a shamanic practice of duplicating money magically. On the same day, the police also arrested Oyon, a friend of Usep at the Pasar Saketi motorcycle rent base, Pandeglang. In the investigation room, Usep and Oyon are interrogated in a marathon manner. The Police suspect that these two people really know the whereabouts of Anto, Samali and Nasrun who were reported missing. Through special interrogation techniques, Police investigators finally found a correlation between witness statements and the two's confessions that Anto, Samali and Nasrun had disappeared and had been killed.[3]

Usep is actually not a smart or powerful person. Usep only pretends to be a shaman who can multiply money. He works with Oyon, whose role is to search for patients. Both received patients from Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi. All of them are usually asked for a dowry as a condition of their ritual. The same thing was done to Anto, Samali and Nasrun. The initial motive, Usep and Oyon to cheat about doubling money, but ends up with murder action. Their lives were annihilated, IDR. 36 million in cash, their wallets and cell phones were both confiscated.[4]

That same evening, Usep and Oyon were taken away by the Police to go to a forest in the Ciburuy Village area, Cikareo Village, Cileles. They were asked by the Police to show them burying the three. After finding the grave, Usep and Oyon were asked to dig it. Not long after, the bodies of the three victims were found in the same hole. Average, their bodies have started to rot. From the confessions of the two suspects, the Police finally got new facts. It turned out that Usep and Oyon had previously done the same thing to Oon, Salikun, Imik Zamzani, Yudi, and Umron on May 17 2007. The next day, Tuesday morning, July 24 2007, Usep and Oyon were again asked to show the locations of the five victims' graves. As it turned out, the location of the first murder was about 1.5 kilometers away. The five victims were buried in a hole measuring 2 x 2 meters in the middle of the forest in Cipajar Village, Cikareo Village, Cileles. It was Usep and Oyon who searched for and dug up the grave, witnessed by a number of Police. The Police were shocked by what they found. The bodies of the five victims found were almost unrecognizable.[5]

It was Oyon who introduced Anto, Samali and Nasrun to Usep. Before being killed, each of them handed over IDR. 14 million to Usep. The three of them were also asked by Usep to dig a 2 x 2 meter deep hole in the ground. The reason is that the hole is a magical gateway to attract money. They all just believe. After the hole had been dug, Usep asked his three patients to drink the concoction that looked black in color. It turned out that the water contained potash, aka "rat poison". Of course, after they got tired of digging holes, after drinking the liquid Abah Usep's concoction, as Usep called them, they immediately swayed and fainted. It was then that Usep and Oyon even reached into all the pockets of their pants and shirts when they found the victim. They took their wallets, cell phones and the rest of the money. After that, they dragged the bodies of their three patients and dumped them in a hole they had dug themselves. The next day Usep and Oyon continued to commit fraud against other people until they were finally arrested.[6]

The Usep Shaman Has Been Executed

Usep was sentenced to death by the Rangkasbitung District Court on March 10, 2008 because he was found guilty of premeditated murder of eight people who wanted to double their money through an invisible bank.[7] Usep refused to take legal action on appeal and cassation, he didn't even ask for clemency from the President for his crimes.

Tubagus Yusuf Maulana or better known as Dukun Usep, a death convict in a premeditated murder case, was finally executed by a firing squad from the Mobile Brigade (Brimob), Friday (18/7/2008) at around 22.30 WIB.[8]

The execution was carried out in a forest in the Cimarga area, Lebak Regency, Banten. According to Banten High Prosecutor's Office Chief Lari Gau Samad, Usep died 10 minutes after being shot with three bullets in his body. After being declared dead, Usep's body was autopsied at the Cimarga Health Center, then taken to his family's house in Cikareo, Cileles District, Lebak, Banten, for burial.[9] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Dukun Usep, Bank Gaib, dan Hilangnya Delapan Nyawa", detik.com., Diakses pada tanggal 16 Juni 2023, Link: https://news.detik.com/x/detail/crimestory/20220324/Dukun-Usep,-Bank-Gaib,-dan-Hilangnya-Delapan-Nyawa/
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. "Dukun Usep Telah Dieksekusi", kompas.com., Diakses pada tanggal 16 Juni 2023, Link: https://news.kompas.com/read/2008/07/19/00363446/dukun.usep.telah.dieksekusi
8. Ibid.
9. Ibid.

Kamis, 15 Juni 2023

7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Babe Baekuni


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Ryan Jombang", "How to Open a Police Report in Indonesia?", you may read also "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia" and on this occasion we will discuss about '7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Babe Baekuni'. This article still discusses the most sadistic murder cases in Indonesia.

Personal Life

Baekuni (born September 6, 1961) or better known as "Babe" is a suspect in serial killings accompanied by mutilation and sexual abuse of several boys.[1]

Baekuni when he was a child was often reviled as “the fool” because he often missed classes. Unable to bear the humiliation, he, who is the son of a poor farmer in Magelang, Central Java, left school and fled to Jakarta.[2]

Baekuni lives as a vagabond in the Banteng Square until one day he is forcibly sodomized by a thug. These bitter memories made this homosexual man suffer from pedophilia as well as situational necrophilia.[3]

Predator and Serial Killer

A is a busker who usually works on city transportation around Pulo Gadung, A is one of the victims of Baekuni. A apparently isn't Babe's only victim. Supreme Court Decision No. 493 K/PID/2011 even noted that Babe had carried out similar actions since 1993. However, there were also those who said Babe's first victim was a boy named ARS who died in 1998.[4]

ARS is a boy that Babe knows at the Kampung Melayu Terminal. There, Babe invited ARS to come with him to Babe's second wife's hometown in Kuningan, West Java. Arriving at Kuningan, Babe did not immediately take the boy to his wife's house. He invited ARS to play until night at Pasar Kuningan (Kuningan Market). Babe then instead took ARS to the river in Ciwaru. In that place suddenly ARS was drowned in the river to death. After he stopped moving, ARS' body was lifted to be raped, then left just like that on the bank of the river.[5]

In the January 30 2010 edition of Tempo.com, as quoted by Kumparan.com noted that at least 14 children aged six to twelve were killed and had sex with Babe. Four of them were recorded in the Supreme Court decision as victims who were killed and mutilated: A, AD, R, and AAR.[6]

AD is a busking boy who was found by Babe in the Pulogadung Industrial Area in mid-2007. He was invited to play at Babe's rented house, then killed and mutilated because he refused to have sex with him.[7]

The next victim was R, a busker at Jatinegara Station, who was killed and mutilated in January 2008. Five months later, Babe was back in action. This time the victim was AAR, a busker in Pulogadung who often came to stay at Babe's house.[8]

Death Penalty

As a result of his actions, initially Baekuni was given a life sentence on October 6, 2010 by the East Jakarta District Court. He then filed an appeal at the Jakarta High Court and was instead given the death penalty on January 18, 2011. Baekuni's lawyer, Rangga Rikuser, immediately registered a cassation memo with the Supreme Court. However, the Supreme Court rejected Baekuni's appeal because he was found guilty of killing 14 children and mutilating four of them.[9]

Even though the death penalty decision was final since April 2011, until December 2021 Baekuni's execution had not yet been carried out. According to the family's statement, Baekuni is currently still in Cipinang Penitentiary.[10] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Baekuni", www.wikipedia.org., Diakses pada tanggal 15 Juni 2023, Link: https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baekuni
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. "Babe Baekuni, Si Predator Serial Anak Jalanan (1)", kumparan.com., Diakses pada tanggal 15 Juni 2023, Link: https://kumparan.com/kumparannews/babe-baekuni-si-predator-serial-anak-jalanan-1-1x2R5h3dvFO/full
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid.
9. Ibid.
10. Ibid.

Rabu, 14 Juni 2023

7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Ryan Jombang


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Rian Bogor", "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia", you may read also "How to Open a Police Report in Indonesia?" and on this occasion we will discuss about '7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Ryan Jombang'. Still in the serial killer article, on this occasion we will discuss the Ryan Jombang case. It should be noted, Ryan Jombang is different from Rian Bogor which was discussed in the previous article.

The public still remembers the serial murder case that was carried out by Very Idham Henyansyah or better known as Ryan Jombang. Ryan Jombang was recorded as having killed 11 people in Jakarta and Jombang, his hometown between 2006 and 2008. Most of the killings committed by Ryan were carried out for economic reasons.[1]

Early Cases Revealed

The Ryan's case revealed began with the discovery of a body near the Ragunan Zoo, South Jakarta on July 12 2008. It is known that the corpse belongs to Heri Santoso (40), a manager at a private company in Jakarta. The murder was motivated by jealousy when Heri was attracted to Noval, Ryan's boyfriend and teased him so that he would agree if his lover slept with him. Heri was killed in Ryan's apartment. Then the man from Jombang used Heri's ATM for a spree. His face was caught on camera when he took Heri's ATM money.[2]

After the case emerged, reports appeared of residents who had lost family members close to Ryan. He also admitted to having killed 10 people in Jombang. Police then found four skeletons in a former fish pond behind Ryan's parents' house in Jombang. While the other six victims were planted in the backyard.[3]

During Junior High School, Ryan Was Going to Kill His Mother

While still in Grade III, Junior High School Tembelang, Jombang, around 1995, Ryan was about to kill his mother, Kasiatun. At that time Kasiatun had just brought Ryan home from Gatoel Hospital, Mojokerto. Ryan, who was under severe stress, underwent treatment for 2 weeks at the hospital. This was disclosed by Kasiatun during an examination at the Jombang Police on Sunday (27/7/2008). "I regret and apologize to the victim's family and the community," he said.[4]

Kasitun came to the Police Headquarters with her husband, Akhmad (62), and Mulyo Wasis (42), Ryan's brother from another father. Kasitun admitted that she and her husband did not know about the murder that took place in their house. "If I had known, of course I would not have dared to enter the house," he said. She suspected that if it was true that Ryan often brought guests to the house, it must have been done when he and his husband were away. "Usually on Sundays my husband and I go to Sidoarjo," he said. Regarding Ryan's sexual orientation, Kasiatun said that Ryan started to change in the 1990s when he was in grade III of Junior High School.[5]

Ryan's story was brought up in a documentary film on October 17, 2010 on a television network owned by Astro All Asia Networks, Crime & Investigation Network. The documentary is titled Ryan: The Smiling Serial Killer. The documentary contains interviews with Ryan and is said to be exclusive by the television network about his personal life and crimes.[6]

Victim List & Case Handling

From the mutilation case of victim Heri, the Police revealed that there were 10 other bodies of Ryan's murder that he planted behind his house in Jombang, East Java. Ryan killed 11 people in total. The victims planted behind Ryan's house were:[7]
  1. Grady;
  2. Vincentius Yudhy Priyono alias Vincent (30);
  3. Grendy;
  4. Guruh Setyo Pramono alias Guntur;
  5. Agustinus F Setiawan alias Wawan (28);
  6. Nanik Hidayati (31);
  7. Sylvia Ramadani Putri (daughter of Nanik Hidayati,  3 years old.);
  8. Aril Somba Sitanggang (34);
  9. Muhammad Akhsoni alias Soni (29);
  10. Zaenal Abidin alias Zeki (21);
  11. Heri Santoso.

The perpetrator of the serial killer Ryan Jombang was trialed at the Depok District Court, West Java,  with the death penalty on April 6, 2009. Ryan had submitted an Appeal and Cassation, but the panel of judges insisted that Ryan should be punished with death penalty. Then Ryan used an extraordinary PK (Judicial Review) remedy and was still rejected according to the case number: 25 PK/PID/2012 which was decided on July 5 2012.[8]

Head of Public Relations and Publications Division of the Directorate General of PAS (Correctional) Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Rika Aprianti, raised her voice regarding the execution of Ryan Jombang which was still not carried out. Rika said that executing Ryan was the authority of the Attorney General's Office. Rika said Ryan still had the right to apply for clemency to President Joko Widodo.[9] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Kilas Balik Kasus Ryan Jombang, Pembunuhan Berantai dengan 11 Korban", regional.kompas.com., Diakses pada tanggal 13 Juni 2023, Link: https://regional.kompas.com/read/2021/06/05/103000178/kilas-balik-kasus-ryan-jombang-pembunuhan-berantai-dengan-11-korban?page=all
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. "Siapa Itu Ryan Jombang? Ini Jejaknya di Pembunuhan Berantai", detik.com, Jumat, 20 Agu 2021 13:45 WIB, Diakses pada tanggal 13 Juni 2023, Link: https://news.detik.com/berita/d-5689522/siapa-itu-ryan-jombang-ini-jejaknya-di-pembunuhan-berantai
8. Ibid.
9. Ibid.

Selasa, 13 Juni 2023

7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Rian Bogor

(Tribun Bogor)

Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Wowon Cs.", "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia", you may read also "How to Open a Police Report in Indonesia?" and on this occasion we will discuss about '7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Rian Bogor'. This article still discusses cases of serial killer that have ever existed in Indonesia. 

The Beginning of the Case

The serial murder case that was carried out by Rian shocked the public in March 2021. The disclosure of the serial murder case began when the bodies of two women were found in Bogor City at different times. One body was found bound in a plastic bag in the Tanah Sareal area, on the edge of Jalan Raya Cilebut, Bogor City on February 25, 2021. Based on the results of the Bogor Police autopsy, a blunt force wound was found on the woman's neck which was later found to have the initials DP (18) . Two weeks after the discovery of DP's body, the Police arrested Rian who was suspected of killing DP.[1]

"We found out about this case after we conducted a long investigation for about two weeks. Collecting witnesses of up to 15 people, both relatives and colleagues, including key witnesses who pointed to the perpetrators," said Bogor Police Chief Kombes Pol Susatyo Purnomo Condro in a press conference, 11 March 2021.[2]

The Police found other facts during Rian's investigation. About two weeks after killing DP, Rian is also known to have killed a woman with the initials EL (23). EL's body was found on the side of the road in Pasir Angin Village, Megamendung, Bogor Regency on March 10 2021. Based on the autopsy results, blood spots were found in the mouth of a resident of Caringin District, Bogor.[3]

Murder Mode And Pattern

Rian uses the same modes and patterns when carrying out his actions. He chose his victims at random by getting to know them on Facebook social media. Then, Rian took his victim on a date in Puncak, Bogor Regency, with the lure of IDR. 1 million. After having a date at the hotel, Rian would kill the victim by strangling her and taking her property.[4]

Not only were the modes and patterns of the killings similar, Rian also chose the same hotel when killing the two victims. After killing, Rian put the victim's body in a large backpack to be disposed of. Susatyo said Rian was conscious when he killed the two victims. Based on other findings, there is a possibility that Rian will date other women and kill in the same way.[5]

"Based on the results of interrogation, the suspect may not be deterred from committing the first murder and the suspect enjoys the second murder. Currently we are still developing, including tracing the digital footprint of the suspect," said Susatyo. Therefore, during a psychiatric examination, the Police concluded that Rian was behaving like a psychopath or serial killer in a serial killer film.[6]

Sentenced to 13 Years in Prison

Muhamad Rian bin Mamad (21), the perpetrator of the serial killings of 2 women from Bogor was found guilty and sentenced to 13 years in prison by the Cibinong District Court. This sentence is 1 year lighter than the prosecutor's demand, which is 14 years in prison. "Muhamad Rian has been sentenced to 13 years in prison, because he was proven guilty of committing the crime of murder as stated in Article 338 of the Criminal Code," said Public Relations of Cibinong District Court Amran S Herman, Tuesday (23/11/2021).[7]

Quoted from the website of the Cibinong District Court (PN), Bogor Regency, the verdict against Rian was decided on Tuesday (5/10/2021). The decision was knocked out by a judge chaired by Christina Manulang along with 2 member judges Yulinda Trimurti Asih Muryati and Siti Suryani Hasanah.[8]

In addition, the panel of judges also decided to seize evidence related to Rian's case to be destroyed. The evidence is in the form of 9 pieces of IDR. 100 thousand & 1 IDR 50 thousand cash, 5 black polybags, 1 blue skirt with blood stains, pink bra with cut straps, 1 white shirt, 1 jeans, 1 blue shirt with white stripes and 1 mountain bag.[9] Creepy. And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Kilas Balik Kasus Rian Bogor, Pembunuh Berantai yang Divonis 13 Tahun Penjara", megapolitan.kompas.com., 24/11/2021, 05:11 WIB, Link: https://megapolitan.kompas.com/read/2021/11/24/05114931/kilas-balik-kasus-rian-bogor-pembunuh-berantai-yang-divonis-13-tahun?page=all
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. "Bunuh 2 Wanita Bogor, Rian 'Serial Killer' Divonis 13 Tahun Penjara", news.detik.com., M Solihin, Selasa, 23 Nov 2021 10:20 WIB, Diakses pada tanggal 13 Juni 2023, Link: https://news.detik.com/berita-jawa-barat/d-5823156/bunuh-2-wanita-bogor-rian-serial-killer-divonis-13-tahun-penjara
8. Ibid.
9. Ibid.

Senin, 12 Juni 2023

7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Wowon Cs.

(Tribun Jabar)

Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Allegedly a Victim of Investment Fraud PT. Rifan, Customers Lose Nearly IDR. 2 Billion", you may read also "The Police Succeeded in Uncovering The Mode of the Wowon Cs. Murder Case Which Ended up Being a Serial Killer", as with an article that discusses crime series, the following article and the next 6 articles will discuss the most sadistic serial killer cases that have ever happened in Indonesia, and on this first occasion we will discuss about '7 Most Sadistic Serial Killer Cases in Indonesia: Wowon Cs.'. This case is still relatively new, and has not yet reached the relevant court.

The Police arrested three serial killers, namely Wowon Erawan alias Aki (60), Solihin alias Duloh (63), and Dede Solehudin (35). The actions of Wowon cs. were uncovered after five people were found lying foaming at the mouth in a rented house, in West Ciketing Village, RT 02 RW 03, Ciketing Udik Village, Bantargebang District, Bekasi, Thursday, January 12 2023. The five victims were named Maemunah (40), Ridwan (20), Riswandi (16), Neng Ayu (5), and Solehudin alias Dede (35).[1]

Initially, the neighbors heard the victim's voice moaning. Residents then approached the victim's house and saw the victims lying on the floor foaming at the mouth. Of the five victims, there were two survivors namely Neng Ayu and Dede. Initial suspicions that the five victims were poisoned. Kapolda (Regional Police Chief) Metro Jaya, Inspector General of Police Fadil Imran stated that the five victims were deliberately poisoned. Fadil Imran also revealed that the case was a serial killer. "They committed a series of murders or serial killers," said Kapolda (Regional Police Chief) Metro Jaya, Inspector General of Police Fadil Imran at Polda Metro Jaya Headquarters, Thursday, January 19, 2023. Furthermore, Fadil revealed that so far, a total of nine victims were killed by Wowon. Duloh, and Dede. The police said Wowon and Duloh were close friends who were also partners in the murder or partners in crime. Meanwhile, Dede is still a relative of Wowon. According to the police, the modus operandi of the perpetrators in killing their victims was the same. They took the victim home and poisoned him. If still breathing, the victim would be strangled. The victim's body was then buried in the area around the house. Fadil said that this mode was similar to the murder case committed by Ryan Jombang.[2]

The following is a list of victims of the serial killer Wowon cs.:[3]
  1. The first victim: Siti, According to Police information, Wowon cs. is known as a powerful person who has supernatural powers. Wowon is also said to be able to double money. The target of this money doubling scam is female immigrant workers. The first victim was a TKW (immigrant worker) named Siti. He collects his money back after not believing Wowon's supernatural powers. Wowon agreed, but he reasoned that the money could only be taken by Siti in Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat province. Then, Siti was accompanied by Noneng, the in-laws of Wowon's wife named Wiwin, to go to Mataram. However, this was Wowon's plan to kill Siti. Wowon asked Noneng to push Siti into the sea on her way to Mataram. Noneng complied with Wowon's order and pushed Siti into the sea. Siti was swept away and her body which had disappeared was finally found by residents and buried in her hometown in Garut, West Java.
  2. Second victim: Farida, the next victim was another TKW (immigrant worker) named Farida. Like Siti, Farida also asked Wowon to return the money because there was no clarity. Farida was killed and her body was buried in a hole at the perpetrator's house in the Cianjur area, West Java.
  3. Third victim: Noneng (Wowon's mother-in-law), Noneng, who initially killed Siti, was finally killed by Wowon through Duloh's hands. Allegedly, Wowon was afraid that Noneng would report his crime to the authorities, so he decided to kill her. According to the Police, Noneng was escorted by Wowon to Duloh's house and killed there. Noneng was even reported missing to the Cimahi Police.
  4. Fourth victim: Wiwin (Wowon's wife), after Noneng was killed, the next victim was Wiwin, who is Wowon's wife and Noneng's daughter. The murder was carried out in the same way as when Duloh killed Noneng. Even the provisional suspicion stated that the murder was based on Wowon's panic when his crime was discovered. Wiwin's body was then buried in the same place as his mother's body in the Cianjur house area.
  5. Fifth victim: Halimah, it is known that Wowon had six wives, three of whom were victims of his murder. The fifth victim was Halimah, another Wowon's wife who was killed by Duloh. However, when Wowon and Duloh were interrogated by the Police, Wowon said that he did not know Halimah was killed by his own friend. What Wowon knows, Halimah died due to illness based on Duloh's confession. Halimah's body was then returned to her family in her hometown in Cililin, Bandung, West Java. Meanwhile, the police are still investigating Duloh's motive for killing Halimah.
  6. Sixth victim: Bayu (Wowon's Child from Maemunah), after Halimah's death, it is known that Wowon remarried to Maemunah, who is Halimah's daughter. Maemunah herself has two children with Didin, her ex-husband. Maemunah's two children are Ridwan (20) and Riswandi (16). Meanwhile, the children from Wowon's marriage to Maemunah are named Bayu (2) and Neng Ayu (5). The motive is not yet known, Bayu, who was still a toddler, was also killed by Duloh in Cianjur and his body was buried around the house.
  7. Seventh to Ninth victims: Maemunah, Ridwan, and Riswandi, after Bayu's murder, Wowon and Duloh returned to action to kill Maemunah, Ridwan and Riswandi. They were declared dead after drinking coffee containing rat poison and pesticides. The poison content was revealed after the Police examined coffee samples and samples of the victim's stomach contents at the National Police Forensic Laboratory. The Police also found a hole that would be used to bury the victims in a rented house in Bekasi. Luckily, local residents found the victim's body before Wowon and Duloh could bury it. The Police have also processed the crime scene at the Cianjur location on Friday, January 20, 2023. This was done to match the identity of the victim with the skeleton found.

Meanwhile, the Police said that a total of IDR. 1 billion was tricked from the migrant workers. The money was kept in the account belonging to the suspect Dede. However, the ATM card was held by Wowon. It is suspected that the money for these TKW (immigrant worker) has been collected since 2019.[4] It's Creepy-sadistic criminal action. And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Ngeri! Ini Kronologi Lengkap Aksi Pembunuhan Berantai Wowon Cs Hingga Renggut 9 Nyawa", www.suaramerdeka.com., Noor Atiyan Puji Lestari, Sabtu, 21 Januari 2023, 14:57 WIB, Diakses pada tanggal 10 Juni 2023, Link: https://www.suaramerdeka.com/nasional/pr-046961486/ngeri-ini-kronologi-lengkap-aksi-pembunuhan-berantai-wowon-cs-hingga-renggut-9-nyawa
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.

Sabtu, 10 Juni 2023

Allegedly a Victim of Investment Fraud PT. Rifan, Customers Lose Nearly IDR. 2 Billion


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "Banking Crime Mode Appears Again in Indonesia", "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia", you may read also "How to Open a Police Report in Indonesia?" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Allegedly a Victim of Investment Fraud PT. Rifan, Customers Lose Nearly IDR. 2 Billion'.

A person named Daniel claimed to be a victim of suspected commodity futures trading investment fraud. Daniel admitted that he suffered a loss of nearly IDR. 2 billion because of the investment. Daniel said he had opened several accounts at PT. Rifan Financindo Berjangka. On October 14 2021, he opened a RAPW 5913 account at Axa Tower and on October 18 2021 he opened a new RAPW 5921 account at the same place. Daniel is directed by the analyst every transaction. Previously, he received information that the price would definitely rise at the opening of the market.[1]

On October 29, 2021, he also contacted analysts, but received no response. "Finally I took the initiative to buy 3 lots," he told detikcom, Friday (2/6/2023). At noon, he was contacted by his superior analyst, to take another 2 lots again. In fact, he already took 3 lots. "I'm layman in futures trading, I took 2 lots," he said. However, he received information, prices fell because the United States (US) dollar strengthened. Finally, he was exposed to auto liquidation and he was asked to top up. However, because he didn't have the funds to top up, it was finally clear by the system. He said auto liquidation occurred because prices did not meet expectations. He said, if the price does not meet expectations then there are two choices, namely cut loss or holding it at the risk of hospitalization costs.[2]

"If we bear an overnight fee of US$ 5 per day per 1 lot. So if for example there are 10 lots held, there will be an overnight fee of US$ 5 per 1 lot per day. This will automatically eat into the resilience of existing funds. So, when Later there will be a minimum capital or fund resilience, so we have to add new funds to be able to make transactions again," he explained. "Yesterday my account was locked, I can't make transactions, I have to top up, I'm not always ready to top up, at least Rp. 100 million top up. If later the resistance of the funds runs out, it's automatically cleared by the system, it's gone," he continued. He suspected that there was an intention to trick customers into being subject to auto liquidation. "There is an allegation that marketing is rogue on purpose to trap customers so they get auto liquidation and do top-ups," he said.[3]

Next, on December 22, 2021, he met again with marketing PT Rifan Financindo Berjangka at the DBS Tower. The marketing said, it can recover customer accounts that have lost elsewhere. He also opened an RDNI 2814 account. On February 14, 2022 he opened me again RDNI 2863 plus the lure of a Toyota Fortuner car if the transaction reached 5,500 lots in 12 months. "You say there is a program to get a Fortuner car with a total lot of 5,500. Within 12 months I can get a Fortuner car plus transaction profits," he said. Long story short, the money he disbursed was fruitless. In fact, he also made several top ups and the money went nowhere.[4]

Previously reported, in 2022 the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (Bappebti) froze the business activities of PT. Rifan Financindo Futures Brokerage. This was stated in the Decree of the Head of CoFTRA Number 01 of 2022. In the official statement from CoFTRA, it was stated that the suspension of this activity was because PT. Rifan Financindo Berjangka was deemed not to have made improvements to the administrative sanctions given. CoFTRA has issued three written warnings. "Based on the results of Bappebti's examination, PT. Rifan Financindo Berjangka is in the process of accepting customers and the process of carrying out transactions that are not in accordance with procedures," wrote the statement quoted on Tuesday (8/3/2022).[5] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Diduga Jadi Korban Penipuan Investasi PT Rifan, Nasabah Rugi Hampir Rp 2 M", finance.detik.com., Diakses pada tanggal 4 Juni 2023, Link: https://finance.detik.com/berita-ekonomi-bisnis/d-6751917/diduga-jadi-korban-penipuan-investasi-pt-rifan-nasabah-rugi-hampir-rp-2-m
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.
5. Ibid.

Jumat, 09 Juni 2023

Banking Crime Mode Appears Again in Indonesia


Team of Hukumindo

Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about "This Rich Socialite Must Give IDR. 119 Billion in Benefits to Her Ex-Husband as a Consequences of Divorce", "5 Latest Online Fraud Modes and Their Characteristics", you may read also "How To Report Online Scammer Or Fraud To The Police In Indonesia" and on this occasion we will discuss about 'Banking Crime Mode Appears Again in Indonesia'.

The mode of banking crime continues to grow every day. As happened at PT. Bank Tabungan Negara Tbk. (BTN), the perpetrators have now been arrested and dismantled by the bank and Polda (Regional Police) Metro Jaya. Bank BTN Corporate Secretary Ramon Armando said the company had reported the case to Polda Metro Jaya since February 6, 2023. Apart from that, Bank BTN had also asked to block funds at 3 (three) banks suspected of being related to suspicious transactions. "We have zero tolerance for activities that are suspected of being suspicious transactions, even the insiders involved have been terminated," said Ramon in a statement written Friday (2/6/2023).[1]

According to Ramon, based on Bank BTN's report, Polda Metro Jaya moved quickly to investigate the case. On April 14, 2023, the Sub Directorate of Harda Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya has determined the status of the two individuals as suspects and after going through a search process, on Wednesday, May 31, 2023 the ASW suspect was arrested by investigators for further investigation and development. "Bank BTN would like to thank Polda Metro Jaya, Polda North Sulawesi and Polresta Manado for working hard in searching for and arresting the perpetrators. Hopefully this will be the start of successful disclosure of the banking crime mafia in Indonesia," said Ramon.[2]

It is known that the modus operandi of banking crimes involved a number of fund owners who cooperated with ASW to place funds in banks with the promise of getting an interest rate of 10% each month. This interest rate has never existed in banking, especially Bank BTN. The account opening process is also not in accordance with bank regulations. "The owners of the funds also never came to the bank to open an account and never had a passbook or ATM card. They have received interest payments from ASW several times, but then the payments were not smooth and stopped," explained Ramon. Ramon explained, Bank BTN guarantees the security of all customer transactions by implementing Prudential Banking and Good Corporate Governance in accordance with statutory regulations. "We are committed to taking firm action against any violation of the law and will not protect any party, including in this case bank employees who have been proven to have violated the law," he explained.[3]

Ramon further appealed to the public not to be tempted by high interest offers and not in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS). "The public must be aware that if there is an offer with high and out-of-the-ordinary interest, there must be something wrong with the offer. Don't because of the high interest, people become dark-eyed and irrational," he added.[4] And if you have any legal issue in Indonesia territory, contact us then, feel free in 24 hour, we will be happy to assist you. 

*) For further information please contact:
Mahmud Kusuma Advocate
Law Office
Jakarta - Indonesia.
E-mail: mahmudkusuma22@gmail.com


1. "Hati-hati! Modus Kejahatan Perbankan Muncul Lagi Nih", finance.detik.com., Diakses pada tanggal 4 Juni 2023, Link: https://finance.detik.com/moneter/d-6752123/hati-hati-modus-kejahatan-perbankan-muncul-lagi-nih
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Ibid.

Singapore Oil King Defrauds Giant Bank

   ( iStock ) By: Team of Hukumindo Previously, the www.hukumindo.com platform has talk about " Because of Criticizing Animal Care Cent...